SlimQuick Razor: The Claims
According to the advertising, SlimQuick Razor—apparently SlimQuick’s strongest female fat burner—torches fat, dramatically accelerates thermogenesis, and eliminates excess water retention. Apparently, you’ll burn up to 25 lbs too, although no timeline is provided in which you can expect to achieve this miracle.
Is this all advertising hype?
Or is there anything to this “competition strength specially formulated for women” formulation? Hopefully this review will answer those questions for you.
Problems, Problems!

We haven’t even starting dissecting the product’s formula, and already we’ve run into our first couple of problems…
First, Razor contains a proprietary formula, which means the dosage of each ingredient is not revealed. Just like prescription drugs, herbal compounds need to be present in a sufficient dosage to elicit any effect. When this information is not revealed, it’s impossible to determine which ingredients are included at helpful dosages and which serve only as label dressing (i.e., to make the label seem more impressive or scientifically advanced).
Second, the sheer number of ingredients included in this formula and the limited serving size (800 mg) virtually guarantees the majority of ingredients included here are not included at useful dosages, and instead are present only to impress customers.
Not good.
What’s In It?
Let’s take a close look at the product’s formula.
In addition to a smattering of niacin (to regulate blood sugar) and iodine (likely included for its role in thyroid function), the main complex (called SlimQuick Razor Ignite Tech) contains 808 mg of the following 16 ingredients…
1. Green Tea Extract:

Green tea… can help!
When standardized for the appropriate catechins, polyphenols and EGCG, there is some evidence green tea elevates the metabolism slightly. It may also inhibit several enzymes key to the metabolism of carbohydrates, thus exhibiting a “carb-blocking” effect. Although this element of green tea is properly standardized, it is doubtful there is enough of it to duplicate the results shown in positive studies like this one (which saw participants consuming 270 mg of EGCG per day).
Health Warning: The green tea extract in these products may be responsible for an increased risk of liver injury. A recent study looked at the risk of liver injury associated with the green tea extract found in SlimQuick products. The study aimed to describe the course and outcome of six patients who developed liver injury attributed to the use of SQ products. If you have liver disease or related health issues, you may want to consider avoiding this product.
2. Caffeine:
Probably the most common ingredient in over the counter weight loss pills, caffeine has a well established record as a mild thermogenic, and does deliver mild weight loss results (see Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jan;49(1):44-50, Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 May;33(5):989-97).
It also cheaply and effectively addresses the most common complaint of dieters; lack of energy.
Although the amount of caffeine this product contains is not revealed, the warning label reveals a clue; the equivalent of two and a half cups of coffee. That’s about 250 mg.
If you’re sensitive to stimulants, you’ll definitely want to start with a reduced dosage (a full dose is 3 caps). If you have high-blood pressure or any other related maladies, you’ll probably want to give this product a miss.
But at the full dose, Razor will provide plenty of “kick”.
3. Tea Extract/Phosphatidylcholine:
Presumably, this is the ingredient that the “clinical study” refers to, which was done on a commercial product comprised of “Green Select Phytosome” green tea extract.
That product was NOT SlimQuick Razor, by the way.
And the study wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, either.
While it was published in a peer-reviewed journal, it’s one that’s devoted to “Alternative Medicine” – a status that almost certainly has an influence on the rigor of the peer-review process. This more “relaxed” attitude can be seen in the paper itself… which reveals that no placebo was used for the control (diet alone) group – it was diet only, or diet plus MonCam (the name of the actual commercial product used).
This is a serious methodological issue, as it’s well-known that people respond strongly to pills, particularly those given in a clinical setting. And the study write up makes no mention of blinding, either – how the researchers interact with the subjects and set expectations is critical. That’s why placebo-controlled trials are also typically “double-blind” – that is, neither the subject nor the experimenter knows which treatments being dispensed are the “real” or “dummy” ones.
That way, the experimenter cannot subtly (or overtly) influence the subjects’ behavior.
Placebo-controlled, double-blind studies are the “gold standard.”
This one fell short, and inexplicably so, since it would not have been difficult to add this extra layer of care. Thus, this study is suggestive, but far from conclusive.
In the light of past research on green tea, it’s easy to believe that Green Select Phytosome had some positive effect on the subjects’ weight loss, but until a better-controlled study is done, it’s impossible to say if it really is a superior alternative to other standardized green tea extracts as a weight loss supplement ingredient.
In fact, it almost seems redundant in this formula, which already contains a standardized green tea extract ingredient. This is almost enough to make me think it was included solely to give the makers of SlimQuick “bragging rights” – it’s the most impressive-looking green tea study out there, by far.
4. Capsicum Extract:

Red peppers. Really HOT red peppers.
Likely standardized for capsaicin, which is the active component of chili peppers, and the chemical that gives them their “heat.” There is some evidence capsaicin and other capsinoids do have positive effects on metabolism, satiety, and postprandial glucose levels, although those benefits are obtained at a much higher dosage than is likely to be present.
5. Chaste Tree Extract:
This herb is typically used to ease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, and best of all, there is evidence to support this claim.
Other evidence (J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug;15(8):853-62) indicates it may help with symptoms of menopause, too. Does SlimQuick Razor contain enough Chaste Tree Extract to be helpful? Who knows?
6. L-Tyrosine:
Because it’s a precursor to the thyroid hormone thyroxine (also called “T4”), supplement retailers will often add tyrosine to fat burners on the premise it enhances thyroid function by contributing to an elevated metabolic rate.
Unfortunately, this assumption is not borne out by any clinical data. Nonetheless, even if tyrosine did “work” it’s highly unlikely that the relatively insignificant amount included in this product would have any effect.
Human studies on l-tyrosine typically use multi-gram amounts.
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7. Bacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri):
This ingredient is commonly used to enhance focus and concentration.
8. Turmeric:
A strong, bitter-tasting spice that is very popular in India as a seasoning for cooking. Turmeric is commonly used in curries and is ground from the dried root of Curcumalonga, a plant in the ginger family that is native to Southeast Asia. Turmeric has shown hypoglycemic and anti-obesity effects in animal experiments.
9. Pomegranate:
In this product, pomegranate doesn’t seem to be standardized for punicic acid (also known as conjugated linolenic acid), a component of the seed oil. Most diet pills containing pomegranate are, on the basis of preliminary animal studies showing promising results for weight loss (see J Agric Food Chem. 2007 May 2;55(9):3741-8. Epub 2007 Mar 30, Nutrition. 2006 Jan;22(1):54-9. Epub 2005 Oct 12, Lipids Health Dis. 2004 Nov 9;3:24).
10. Grape Extract:
Appropriately standardized for proanthocyanidins, which are potent antioxidant compounds.
11. Cocoa:
Although cocoa extracts standardized for theobromine (a stimulant similar to caffeine but with less potent effects) are typically used in fat burners, this ingredient appears to simply be plain ol’ cocoa – like the stuff you can find in the baking aisle of the grocery store.
Cocoa is a great source of antioxidants, but there can’t be more than a pinch of the stuff in this formula – not enough to matter.
12. Brown Seaweed:
Fucoxanthin is a carotenoid included in fat burners for its supposed weight loss characteristics—this based entirely on animal studies (see Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jul 1;332(2):392-7, J Agric Food Chem. 2007 May 2;55(9):3741-8. Epub 2007 Mar 30, Nutrition. 2006 Jan;22(1):54-9. Epub 2005 Oct 12, Lipids Health Dis. 2004 Nov 9;3:24).
To date, there is no clinical evidence to indicate a similar effect in humans.
Additionally, study data shows this compound could have low bioavailability in humans.
To date, no published human-based weight loss data exists on fucoxanthin itself. On a related note, there is some newer study data that indicates the combination of fucoxcanthin and pomegranate oil does show positive weight loss effects. Once again, however, the serving size limitations of this product ensure that neither ingredient is present in the dosage corresponding to the aforementioned positive study.
13. Ginger:
It’s common to see ginger used in supplements for its anti-nausea properties, as well as its ability to aid in digestion. Additionally, ginger contains gingerols, which are chemically related to capsaicin—the active component of chili peppers we discussed just a moment ago. Considering these similarities, some people speculate ginger may also possess the ability to boost the metabolism, although there’s little data to support that theory at this time.
Some small animal studies performed on zingerone (a component of ginger) have been positive for weight loss (Yakugaku Zasshi. 2008 Aug;128(8):1195-201) albeit the dosage used (170 mg/kg) would mean any ginger-based supplement would need to include a lot of standardized ingredient to deliver a Human Equivalent Dose (HED). This product, for reasons already thoroughly covered, does not.
Ginger also seems to accelerate gastric emptying… the opposite of the sort of thing dieters want (Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 May;20(5):436-40).
14. Pepper Extract:
Although some retailers claim (without clinical support) that pepper extracts can elevate the metabolism, most of the time they are used to improve the formula’s bioavailability (i.e. the ease at which the body absorbs the product’s various ingredients). Normal dosage for pepper extracts is about 5 mg.
15.Guggulsterones (E & Z):
Plant sterols thought to be the active principle in guggul lipid – the resin of the medicinal plant, Commiphora mukul. Preliminary evidence suggests guggul has lipid-lowering and thyroid stimulating effects. It also shows some benefit for dieters, although the effects are subtle at best (in this study, participants received 1,500-3,000 mg per day and saw only the mildest of effects).
So there you have it; the entire SlimQuick Razor formula in a nutshell.
What’s The Bottom Line on SlimQuick Razor?

I can’t say I’m particularly impressed.
With their Razor offering, SlimQuick has made a conscious decision to opt for an impressive looking label and a very ordinary product, rather than to seriously attempt to deliver a product that actually provides real benefit to their customers. This is important to keep in mind, because SlimQuick is more expensive than it looks – one 60 capsule box provides only 20 servings.
At two servings a day (recommended), you’ll need 3 boxes per month – an investment of nearly $60 US if purchased from a discount retailer like Walmart.
As it stands now, this product contains a potent dosage of caffeine, and indeterminate (but very likely under dosed, given the logistics of serving size and effective dosage) amounts of everything else.
Yes, for many people, the caffeine content of the product will be enough to give them what they are looking for from a diet pill. But caffeine’s weight loss effects are not dramatic, and its inclusion in a product does not justify a premium price (you can buy 100 200 mg caffeine tabs for less than $5 at a reputable online retailer).
It didn’t have to be this way, however. By increasing the amount of ingredient delivered in a 3-capsule serving (easily doubled to 1600 mg) and focusing on a few core ingredients, SlimQuick could have made something of their Razor offering.
For instance, with 1600 mg of ingredient to play with, green tea extract could be standardized and included at an effective dosage, the caffeine content could be reduced to a more manageable level, pomegranate and brown seaweed could be appropriately standardized and included at the dose shown effective in the clinical study I referenced earlier, and, if cost allowed it, synthetic E & Z guggulsterones could be included at an effective dose too.
Sure, it wouldn’t have been a weight loss miracle, but at least they could make a case for genuinely trying to deliver a product capable of making a difference. For the price they’re being asked to pay, consumers should expect no less.
May 19, 2011
I am a 44 year old female which I have tried all the slim quick products over a period of time. The one that seems to work is the slim quick extreme due to the fact it suppresses my appetite and I loose weight although I do not have a constant exercise routine. I have been off the product for approximately 6 months and have since gain back a few pounds.
I visited my local GNC store on May 2nd 2011 to purchase my favorite SlimQuick when I was introduced to the SLIMQUICK RAZOR low and behold after a week my nightmare began as my body including my face started itching and breaking out into hives. There is some ingredients in this new Razor that has cause an allergic reaction.
P.S. I am not on any form of medication……..
October 20, 2011
I started using Slimquick razor one week ago, I have not weight myself yet. I make sure I drink at least 3 liters of water a day. It also curbs your appitette alot almost to much. Ive been forcing myself to eat for the past week because I have not had a appettie at ALL. The only bad thing that I could say is that I have no ENERGY AY ALL!
November 20, 2011
Slimquick Razor sucks!! It doesn’t really do much to suppress my appetite, and for some strange reason, it makes me sleepy!!
February 9, 2012
I also have no appetite. I usually over eat so this product helps to lower my calorie intake. In the long run, I don’t think this product will work. I liked slim quick extreme better.
May 9, 2012
I was excited to try Slimquick Razor; I was hoping to curb my apitite. It didn’t! If I took more than one twice a day it made me nauseous and I felt very sleepy as though I was drugged while taking it – very odd 🙁
June 2, 2012
i have started slimquick razor maximum strength for almost a week now and it seems to be working. i am also on a diet and run/jog about 2miles 3 times weekly as long as im not sore and i seem to be full of energy but i dont believe it curves my cravings. i’ve been eating meal replacement bars and those really give me the curb i was looking for. although this is a helpful product, it takes a combined effort. taking this alone wont help at all but with weight loss shakes,meal replacement bars, diet and exercise i lost 7 pounds in about 2wks.
June 20, 2012
I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks. Along with this and diet and starting exercise I’ve lost 3 lbs. It doesn’t curb my appetite or give me energy, so after this bottle I will not be using this product anymore.
June 27, 2012
I’ve been using Slimquick Razor for a few days now, and it’s fanastic. It gives me energy, curbs my appetite and i’ve lost more weight using it for three days, then i couldve in a week without it.
It different for everyone, some people aren’t accustom to the caffiene and some people have allergic reactions.
Note, ive been reducing my calorie intake and jogging daily. Slimquick is meant to be taken along with diet and exercise to enchance results. Taking it alone will not help you lose weight.
I would absolutely reccomend this product to a friend.
July 7, 2012
I am taking slimquick razor love it I hv soooooo much energy I hv lost about 7 lb in a week but I hv work out about 1:30 A day lik I did before taking this pills a miracle it’s not going to happen u can lose lb u don’t work out also if you don’t use ur energy ur going to get sleep work out u will see a change
July 11, 2012
Since I began taking it, I have rouble falling asleep at night. I take between 3-5 pills a day. I notice I get fuller faster also.
July 12, 2012
Third day taking slimquick razor. I have lots of energy and it helps with the appetite. I have had trouble falling to sleep I’m not used to the caffeine. I’m down 3.5 lbs I’ve also been working out and following low cal diet.
July 12, 2012
Third day taking slimquick razor. I have lots of energy and it helps with the appetite. I have had trouble falling to sleep I’m not used to the caffeine. I’m down 3.5 pounds I’ve also been working out and following low cal diet.
August 11, 2012
I’ve been taking Slimquick Razor for almost a week now, to help shed a few extra pounds to look stunning in my gown, along with a low calorie diet, plenty of fluids and exercise; however I can’t finish the bottle. I rarely have caffeine in my diet (no coffee minimum soda) and my body started freaking out on me. I have awful headaches and migraines and started getting intense stomach pains. Yesterday my body started twitching uncontrollably to the point I started vomiting and I almost blacked out in the shower. I’ve also started getting concentration problems as well as insomnia. The side effects are just not worth it.
September 4, 2012
I have been taking it for 3 weeks. I enjoy it. I think tha tif you are not used to caffeine then you will feel shaky. I have enjoyed it and I am starting week 2. With diet and subtle exercise I have gone form 163-160 in one week. I am combining diet and exercise WHICH it says to do.
September 24, 2012
Been on Slimquick Razor for a week and a half. It’s been fine. I am not a fan of caffiene but just wanted something for energy and appetite control. This is my first time being on any diet pill. Only adverse or negative reaction I’ve noticed is my forehead seems to be breaking out alittle bit since taking it. I’m slowly headed up to 2 pills a day. I’m doing 1 and a half pills for a week to see how it goes..then to 2. I’ve lost a few pounds and still feel good. I guess I’m more concerned when I stop taking it if I will have severe caffeine withdrawl or weight gain. Hoping for the best.
October 17, 2012
I love slimquick razor. I have been using it for about a month now and have lost 14 pounds. I have alot of energy on it. I have been following a low calorie diet. In another month I should reach my weight goal.
October 23, 2012
I tried Slim quick razor and I love it! I think with any diet or pill you have to put in a little work too, the pill can’t do it itself. I gave up sodas,snacks, and candy to name a few. I started walking twice a week,drink plenty of water, and eat special K everyday for breakfast. I weighed 295lbs when I started slim quick razor on September 1st. I now weigh 273 and my goal is 210. I believe everyone’s body is different. What may work for me may not for you and vice versa. I love slim quick.
November 4, 2012
read the facts on notice the cocoa….that is the plant pure cocaine is made from….either way love the product. I have 3 kids and i am on week two lost 5lbs already i have a back condition so exercise is limited but i walk a lot; at least 1 to 2 miles a day.
Editor’s comments: Raeann, that is incorrect. Pure cocaine comes from coca, chocolate comes from cocoa. Two completely different things.
December 1, 2012
This product ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT WORK! I have been using it for 2 1/2 months and followed their strict diet & exercise plan to a “t”. I even added in a 3 mile walk for rest days. NOTHING!! I weight exactly the same today as I did 2 1/2 months ago when I started the program. If there was a 0 rating that is what I would give. For those who claim losing 3-5 pounds, yoou should consider it water weight lost & nothing more! WORST PRODUCT EVER!!!!!
January 7, 2013
Iv been taking this for about a week now and all its done for me is make me feel sick and dizzy and shake really bad.
January 16, 2013
I can’t give 5 stars because I haven’t been on it for a long time, but in just a week I have lost some weight and have noticed a change in my body. The only thing that I don’t like about this product is that I makes me shaky, but other than that I think it’s great! It suppresses my appetite, and is seemingly working wonders. (I think the shaking is due to all the caffiene)
I am excited to see how the product continues to work! Good luck!
January 21, 2013
DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT, GET THE SLIMQUICK powered dietary supplemant product. the Razor made me feel squeezy and delirious. It also broke my face out and my stomach was bloated for 3 days.
February 10, 2013
I’m on my second week of this supplement and my fiance and I have definitely noticed my face and shape slimming down.
My goal is to slim down a bit and tighten up my body for my wedding in a few days. So far so good.
I work out about 5-7times a week, and have a very muscular body type which I often find to be a disadvantage with my weight because I tend to build muscle quickly. I dislike counting calories and only eat when hungry or necessary rather. If you count, I consume about 1400-1800 calories a day and do 20-30 minutes of cardio and 20-40 minutes of weights/muscle toning when I do work out.
If it makes you gittery or sleepless, I recommend keeping a small dose of it and working out about 20-30 minutes after taking it to get the best results from it. You just can’t assume taking the pills by themselves will help you burn fat.
February 23, 2013
March 27, 2013
So I’ve been taking this supplement for about a week now and it has produced a few unpleasant symptoms. Some nights it takes me up to two hours to fall asleep, even though I take lower than the recommended dosage, and only in the morning. Last night as I laid in bed I could not stop itching. It makes me nauseous, and the increased heart rate has triggered some anxiety. But, if you’re willing to get used to all that, I’d say its effective. I work out 5 days a week and it gives me the energy to go harder in that, and the nausea makes you want to eat less. I’ve lost 3 pounds, which is nice because I had plateaued before starting to take it. Use at your own discretion, but definitely don’t take it unless you plan on exercising at least 30 minutes a day.
January 17, 2016
Frm where cld I purchase this product
January 19, 2016
Sunita; I take it from your email address that you’re in India? I think your best bet is to do a search Google’s Indian search engine – – to see if you can local results. If not, might ship there. Not sure.
April 23, 2016
i am 15 years old was this banifit for it
April 27, 2016
Komal, these products should not be taken by anyone under the age of 18.
April 25, 2016
i am 46 years and weight 98 kg. Guide me for weight management.
April 27, 2016
Have a look at this post, it will help you with an idea of how many calories you should be consuming:
September 4, 2016
Hi I want to know that I have ordered slim Razer and want to have it …I am really wanting to loose wait and I am 16 years old and I have to loose 8 Kgs minimum for my sister’s wedding should if I take it will there be any side effects? please reply ASAP
September 5, 2016
Simran, if you check the product’s warning label you will see that this product is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. As for side effects, some people have experienced liver issues taking Slim Quick. That’s documented in the article. There’s also a fair bit of caffeine in the product which can cause issues for people who are sensitive to this stimulant.
November 2, 2016
I used Slimquick “Razor” for half a month cause that’s all I had, I purchased the product some time a go. I decided to take Slimquick “Razor” while I am very active with my kickboxing. In that month with only half a bottle of Slimquick “Razor” extreme strength, I lost 10 lbs. I couldn’t believe it, I was so happy. I still need to loose 15 lbs. I have looked everywhere and I can’t find the product. I even tried the Slimquick website and nothing. Now I can’t find anything on the market to loose weight like I did with Slimquick “Razor”. My weight is stable for now, I don’t want to gain the weight back. I tried the Slimquick extra strength nothing happens. I end up spending money on products that DONT work. I would like the product to come back it worked for me.