Our Recommendation: Jillian Michaels’ “fat burner” isn’t really much more than a stimulant. It’s fine for a pick-me-up (although generic caffeine is much cheaper), but underwhelming otherwise.
Review: Jillian Michaels Extreme Maximum Strength Fat Burner
Here’s the “Quick and Dirty” Low Down on the Jillian Michael’s fat burner review (click each point for more details):
- Jillian Michaels’ fat burner product is an attempt to capitalize on her “Biggest Loser” reputation.
- Certain ingredients un-necessary; chosen to make the formula apear impressive.
- Bottom line? Jillian Michaels’ Extreme Maximum Fat Burner is little more than a glorified stimulant pill.
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Jillian Michaels’ Fat Burner Capitalizes on her “Biggest Loser” Reputation

Jillian Michaels
Yup, Jillian Michaels has her own fat burner, the “Jillian Michaels Extreme Maximum Strength Fat Burner.”
This is one of four Jillian Michaels brand products currently being aggressively promoted at GNC (the others include the “Triple Process Body Detox & Cleanse plus Probiotic Replenishment”, a “calorie control” product, and a 2-bottle “quick start” program).
You know Jillian, of course, from the NBC reality T.V. show series, “The Biggest Loser” where she put her abilities as a personal trainer to the test.
Jillian is in amazing shape, and she’s drop-dead gorgeous. But does that mean her promotion of this product is based on its amazing fat burning powers?
The short answer is “no.”
To see why, let’s take a closer look at the ingredients.
Certain ingredients duplicated or un-necssary; and were chosen to make the formula look impressive…

Let’s take a closer look at what’s in this product!
A daily, 4 capsule serving (delivered in twice daily, 2-capsule servings) delivers a hair over 1,700 mg of ingredients (1.7 grams), divided up like so…
Grapefruit extract: Because of the ambiguous nature of the way this ingredient is labeled, it’s difficult to assess its role here. Is it standardized for narinigin? After all, naringin is often included in products to enhance the bioavailability of ingested nutrients/nutraceuticals, although specific benefits have not been demonstrated.
It also has cholesterol-lowering effects, and can affect drug metabolism. Grapefruit seed extract, on the other hand, has anti-microbial properties; nothing wrong with that, of course, but not a valid reason for its inclusion in this product.
Bitter Orange extract: Standardized for synephrine, once thought to be a credible alternative to ephedra. Unfortunately, published evidence shows synephrine to have only the mildest of weight loss effects.
Blood Orange extract: Again, because of the “ambiguous labeling” issue, it’s difficult to determine why this ingredient is included. It is a source of potent antioxidant called anthocyanin, which may help slow age-related cognitive decline. Additionally, the terms “blood orange”, “bitter orange”, and the next ingredient on the list ( “sweet orange”) can all be used to describe the same thing, so perhaps this is an additional source of synephrine.
Sweet Orange extract: See “blood orange”, directly above.
So far, we have four citrus fruit extracts, three of which are probably sources of a disappointingly weak weight loss compound: synephrine.
What makes three sources better than one?
No idea.

Yes, there’s more. Hang in there!
To continue…
White Willow Bark powder: A standard ingredient in herbal versions of the old ephedra, caffeine, aspirin stack, white willow is standardized for salicin, a natural anti-inflammatory. It was thought to improve the efficiency of the E/C/A stack, although there is little evidence to support this claim. And there is no evidence it provides any benefit when included in an ephedra-free product.
Coffee bean extract: Likely standardized for caffeine. When we originally reviewed this product, the label details revealed this ingredient was indeed standardized for caffeine – which, of course, is a well known thermogenic with a proven track record of modest weight loss (see Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jan;49(1):44-50, Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 May;33(5):989-97). The newest variation does not do so, but given the 100 mg of caffeine included in every 2-cap dose, this makes the most sense.
Guarana seed extract (12% caffeine): Guarana, the wild-growing shrub common to Brazil, has been a standard in weight loss products for years, largely due to its caffeine content. Beyond that, there’s no evidence to suggest it has additional fat burning characteristics.
Cocoa seed extract (4% theobromine): Theobromine is a “xanthine” like caffeine, and a stimulant, although not as potent as its cousin. And while there have been studies validating caffeine’s thermogenic effects (see Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jan;49(1):44-50, Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 May;33(5):989-97) no such evidence exists to suggest theobromine offers similar benefits.
Kola seed extract (12% caffeine): Riddle me this… what’s the point of using 3 different sources of “natural” caffeine when the sources it is drawn from offers no additional benefits to the consumer? The answer is… none. But it looks a heck of a lot more impressive on the label.
To add to the redundancy, there are 4 sources of caffeine/related xanthines.
Ingredients new to this version…
An earlier version of this product contained an undetermined amount of CLA, tribulus and forskolin. Those have disappeared and have been replaced with…
Cayenne pepper powder: Its main constituent capsaicin has thermogenic effects (i.e., the ability to boost the metabolism) when included in a potent enough dosage. For the record, that’s not happening in this product.
Alpha lipoic acid: A potent antioxidant with blood-sugar moderating properties. Animal studies show a weight loss effect, but this has yet to be replicated in humans.
Now that we’ve had a look, what’s the verdict?
Review Indicates Jillian Michaels’ Extreme Maximum Fat Burner Review Conclusion
Despite the impressive number of ingredients, this is a very simple stimulant product.
That will have you jittering merrily through your day.
You may like that.
You may not.
Other ingredients demonstrated to be moderately useful (i.e. alpha lipoic acid and cayenne) are likely present in doses too low to offer much in the way of benefits, while ingredients like white willow powder offer no additional value at all.
At the end of the day, the Jillian Michaels Extreme Maximum Strength Fat Burner is a very simple product disguised—by tossing in middling amounts of impressive sounding ingredients—as something much more complex.
Don’t get me wrong—many people enjoy basic stimulant based fat burners because they provide the “ooomph” to get up and going, to eat properly and make it to the gym.
But there’s nothing really special here.
One bit of good news at least; this product is now much more affordable; a 2-week supply clocks in just below $15.
At least now the price is a little more in line with the value it offers (personally, I think you’d get 80% of the benefits from a $5 dollar investment in caffeine pills).
As an alternative, check our Curvelle for Women review here, or read about other popular women’s fat burners here!
September 9, 2009
Trying to research and see if this product actually works.
Editor’s comments: Jenn, the full review of the Jillian Michaels fat burner is here!
September 21, 2009
Too soon to see results yet but hoping for the best.
September 22, 2009
I’ve been using it for a month now and it works. Along with exercise, I’ve lost 20 pounds in 1 month!
September 24, 2009
I just got the pills today. i took one instead of two because it was close to night time. But it gave me alot of energy and put me in a good mood. I feel like working out. It’s real strong.
September 24, 2009
May be coincidental…but I had one of my BEST days in like 3 years on day 1 of taking this (yesterday)…I’m on day 2 and so far so good, hopefully I will see some results
April 14, 2016
You will I lost 47 lbs I’m 6 months on these pills now I can’t find them anymore
September 25, 2009
Now she’s pushing diet pills. She’s such a hypocrite. On Biggest Loser she promotes weight loss the healthy way and now she’s endorsing diet pills. I just lost all respect for her.
September 26, 2009
Ive been using the pill for 3 days now, and I’ve lot 4 lbs!
I take the pill as directed, but unfortunately, Jillian is not too specific on how long you should wait till you exercise. I take mine when I wake up, wait 15 minutes work out for 30 minutes and continue with my normal morning routine. When I get home from work I have my large meal (as early as possible) and work out for another 30 minutes. Its fantastic!
September 26, 2009
I have been on the extreme fat burner for one week and have gained 2 pounds. I have been consistently losing 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week so guess what? I am cashing in on the money back guarantee. At this rate I will become a contender for “The Biggest Loser”!
September 27, 2009
I weighed 160lbs when I started Jillians Fat Burner. As directed I took 2 capsules in the am and 2 at dinner with a glass of water. I now weigh 162lbs. Do the math. I have gained 2 lbs. Plus I increased my exercise. What a waste of money.
September 28, 2009
Do you take the fatburner pill and calorie control pill together? I’ve been just taking the fat burner pill and I have also gainied two pounds???
October 1, 2009
Could the reported 2-lb weight gain be muscle gain?
October 5, 2009
Ive been taking both the fat burner and calorie control product and I’m very happy with it so far. I’ve lost seven pounds in just one week with diet and exercise. Super excited to see what total loss is at the end of the month.
October 9, 2009
I’ve been taking these for about 1 week and 1/2 now. I notice that it does put me in the mood to exercise more. I’ve gone from 221 to 215 so I’m fairly happy. I’ve also been eating about 1500 calories per day.
I haven’t felt deprived like I did when I dieted before so perhaps there is something about them that works. I’ll give them a 4/5 for getting me off of my lazy arse.
October 10, 2009
I just recently bought the Jillian Michaels’ weight loss pills. I didn’t know if you can take the calorie control with the fat burner? I wonder which will help the best. I don’t feel like it helps me with not eating, but it makes me think more carefully about what I want to eat if that makes since. Wish me luck…
Just wanted to add that I don’t feel like shes a hypocrite in any way. If you read any of her books she explains and it makes sence that when you so over weight, you have no energy and your body and mind is depressed. She teaches how to eat healthy with exercise, but sometimes you need that extra boost. Her products contain caffeine, but no more than some people consume daily at starbucks. Mostly everything is a natural herb or vitamin that gives you the results. If something can give me energy to want to work out….thank you Jill for the help. I don’t think she would sell something that is bad for you, in the end it’s up to the individual to make the results.
Editor’s comments: Lynn, you make a good point; oftentimes the greatest value people get from products like these is that extra boost of energy needed to get to the gym and exercise.
October 14, 2009
I just bought the pills today and im excited to see what happens! For all of you who have been gaining weight, have you been working out? If you have and your building muscle you might see that you gained a pound or 2! Muscle weighs more then fat!
October 17, 2009
How old must you be to take these pills? 19 and up? Or could you be younger?
Editor’s comments: Audrey, these products are normally not recommended for individuals under 18 years of age.
October 17, 2009
Do you have to take the calorie pill along with the fat burner in order for it to be effective?
Editor’s comments: We’d guess it would be pretty difficult to argue you had an effective product if you had to recommend purchasing an additional product to take along with it in order to make it effective.
October 19, 2009
I just started the fat burner and calorie pills from Jillian Michaels two days ago. I am seeing that my desire to eat has gone way down. I am concerned that I have a lot of nausea. Let me know if this could be normal since my body is not used to these pills yet?
Editor’s comments: Crystal, it’s hard to say. The nausea may or may not go away. Some herbal/nutritional supplements affect people this way. Because this product contains a blend of ingredients, it’s impossible to say whether you’re sensitive to a single ingredient, or any combination of them. Try taking a lower dose on a full stomach.
October 20, 2009
I must say I do like these pills. I have been on the pills for only 3 days and already I have lost 2 lbs. I am also working out about 1.5 hours a day (portioned throughout the day) eating better and drinking a lot of water. This pill is not a miracle as if you can just take it and then expect to lose weight. You have to have play a part in it too.
That is exactly what Jillian Michael’s point is with this pill. She still wants you to exercise and practice a healthy lifestyle but some people just need a extra boost. You have to exercise and eat right, I am not saying you have eat fruits all day and salads all day because that is sure not what I am doing! But limiting your meals into small portions throughout the day. I can’t wait to see how much I have lost at the end of the week! Good luck with your losing!
October 23, 2009
I have been taking just the fat burner at half dose (just the 2 in the am) for 3 days and have lost 5 pounds! I have a foot injury so I haven’t done much exercising though I am on my feet 9 hours a day for work. I have been meticulous with my food though, about 1300 cal, low fat and lots of fiber with veggies and fruit and low proteins. I feel great! I’m feeling more positive about things and even with my injury have more energy than I’ve had in a long time!
I also googled everything in the nutrition facts and ingredients to see what it all was and have seen nothing that could cause major problems. It hasn’t been long but I would definitely recommend this product (combined with a HEALTHY diet!) and look forward to my future results!
Editor’s comments: Jami, for a complete overview on the ingredient profile please see the full review here!
October 27, 2009
For those of you who gained weight, so have I but I’ve noticed a huge difference in my body, it’s tighter and I don’t feel as sluggish. Success isn’t what the scale tells you but more of what you feel and how you feel about yourself. So don’t give up and stick to the basics of eating right and exercising. Whoever said losing weight was easy?
Editor’s comments: Actually, it’s your body fat percentage that is the most accurate measure of success or failure. Read more about why you should never use the scale as an “indicator of success” here!
October 27, 2009
Is it possible to lose 5 pounds in 2 days? Well I started taking the pills yesterday and I haven’t had anything to eat and I feel fine but is it bad for my health to take the pills and not eat? Will i lose too much weight? I just need to lose 25 pounds. I used to weigh 160 lbs. Now I weigh 155 and my goal is 130.
Editor’s comments: Yaya, it is possible to weight 5 lbs. less in two days, but it will have been mostly water weight you lost, not fat. Fat is a stored energy source and must be burned off for fuel. Please see this article for more details on properly assessing your results on any diet program or with any fat burner.
November 1, 2009
Why are people giving these great reviews with energy, fat loss etc. and then ONE star? If I had based just on star rating I would not have purchased. Glad I actually read reviews. If you’re going to write a comment, please rate correctly.
Editor’s comments: It appears some of our visitors are missing the “rating” option; we’re looking to implement some changes to see if we can eliminate this issue.
November 2, 2009
I noticed reading the reviews that everyone has only been taking the product for about a week or less. Has anyone taken it longer? I’m thinking about trying out the fat burner pills, but I want to know about the long term results, not just the first 2 or 3 days.
Editor’s comments: Amber, you make a good point. If you’re taking this product, please wait 3-4 weeks before posting your feedback. You’ll have a greater idea of how this product works for you, and will be able to provide more in depth feedback to other readers.
November 8, 2009
I was very disappointed to learn that this product is composed primarily of a number of xanthine-type stimulants (i.e., caffeine and theobromine); specifically: guarana, coffee, kola nut, and cocoa. Unsurprisingly, not long after I tried this product, I felt light-headed and experienced heart palpitations.
The only other components in this product besides stimulants are citrus products (orange and grapefruit extracts), cayenne pepper and willow bark extract. So save your money on this expensive product: Drink straight espresso and orange juice, eat a grapefruit and some spicy food, and take an aspirin! This was $40 bucks down the drain…
Editor’s comments: A complete review of this product, which contains an ingredient-by-ingredient breakdown, can be found here!
November 8, 2009
I have taken both products for over a month, as directed; and haven’t lost a pound! I work out five hours a week and eat a fairly good diet. I am still 166lbs at 5’4″. HELP!!
November 10, 2009
I figured out how they work…THEY MAKE YOU SO SICK THAT YOU JUST CAN’T EAT!!! I only took half the dose and cannot even function. Could not sleep at all last night after taking half a dose before dinner. They are going back for a refund. I would rather be up 7 lbs than feel sick all day and night. Good luck.
November 10, 2009
I am skinny but I have a problem… I have cellulite in my abdomen and I really want to burn that fat. That’s my only problem and I want to know if this pill is going to make me burn the fat from parts I need?
Editor’s comments: There is no such thing as spot reduction; either from exercise or a diet pill. In other words, the body accesses the fat stores it wants to; not necessarily your trouble spots.
November 11, 2009
Are Jillian’s pills bad for you (and if they are why?) if you’re 15 yrs old?
Editor’s comments: Products like this are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18, mostly because of the amount of stimulants they contain.
November 12, 2009
I bought a bottle of the maximum strength fat burner yesterday to help me speed up weight loss. I woke up today and took two as directed and so far I feel good. I was definitely more motivated to work out, and still am. Jillian says on the bottle that “it’s not for everybody” and if you’re gaining weight you should definitely invest in that 60 day money back guarantee the bottle states.
I spent about $40 on this bottle and I’m hoping it will be worth my money but things are good so far!
November 13, 2009
I have been taking the product for 3.5 weeks now. I eat a healthy diet and go to the gym 3 times a week. I have gained 2 lbs but my pants fit better and I seem to be firmer and toned with more energy.
I don’t think the scale has anything to do with it, I think its the end results. I would recommend this product.
Editor’s comments: Lea, you’re exactly right – the scale is not the best tool for assessing your success or failure (click here to read why!). Because muscle is more dense than fat, you may find that you may weigh the same or even more, while becoming leaner. If you’re going to the gym often, this is certainly a possibility, as resistance training builds lean muscle.
November 13, 2009
I love this stuff. I am usually against using anything unnatural to help lose weight, but since I loved her on the biggest loser I decided to give it a try. I totally disagree with this website’s review on this – it does not give a jittery effect at all. I am extremely sensitive to caffeinated stuff and it didn’t bother me at all. I have also started to notice a couple pounds gone.
Editor’s comments: Jennifer; everyone’s tolerance to stimulants is different. Just because it didn’t make you jittery doesn’t mean it won’t have that effect on some else.
November 17, 2009
Whenever I take the correct amount of pills, it feels like my stomach is on fire on the inside. But for only about 5 minutes or so. But its really uncomfortable and I feel sick. Is this normal??
Editor’s comments: When taken on an empty stomach, anything is possible. Try taking half doses split up throughout the day, and never take the product on an empty stomach.
November 18, 2009
Does these pills have caffeine in them? I have a heart that doesn’t like a lot of caffeine and I would love to be able to take them.
Editor’s comments: Yes, they contain a lot of caffeine. A full review – which includes a detail overview of the ingredients profile – can be found here!
November 20, 2009
I purchased the Cleanse & Detox at Walgreens. It helped the first 3 days and then no other results. I took it back to get a refund and they would not give me my money back. I went to 3 different stores. The box has no 100% guarantee or money back from place of purchase. I’m a big supporter of Jillian and have now bought her Fat Burner. How can I receive my money back from the Cleanse & Detox? I have the box and receipt dated Oct 2nd but tried to return it within the 30 days.
Editor’s comments: If Walgreens won’t give you your money back your only option is to try to contact the company directly, using whatever information is provided on the box.
November 20, 2009
I have not been the type to take diet pills in the past, but since hitting age 30 there have been some problems getting down to the size I desire. I have weighed about 165-170 for the last 2 years and before that I was anywhere from 130-145.
So what I really wanted was something to help with my energy so that I could maintain a steady work out routine. I was referred this Jillian extreme fat burner by the sales associate at GNC. I never watched this TV program she was on. But decided to give it a try since I can get my money back if it did not work for me.
Well its been two weeks. I have to tell you I did not expect it, but my results are wonderful – I have not lost any pounds at all, but my body is very different! I don’t have as much fat on my legs, thighs, arms and stomach, and my muscles are more defined.
What I am seeing is that the fat is simple melting away as I continue to work out. And this was not the case before. I don’t even look at the scale anymore, I just look in the mirror and see a lean and slimmer ME… I don’t feel jitters or sickness. My clothes fit better and I feel better before and after my work outs. I RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT. I will update again in 2 more weeks.
November 23, 2009
I am on my 2nd bottle. I lost like 7 lbs and my clothes are looser. These pills give you “pep”, jitters, and I have had pains in my chest off and on. I also feel nervous. I will finish the bottle then I am done. They are ok.
November 23, 2009
I like to consider a diet pill expert seeing as I have been taking and trying new ones for several years. I work out moderately and eat fairly well. I am 5’6 and I weigh 135. I use these pills to lose a few extra pounds here and there.
However, the Jillian Michaels pills had me gain 4 pounds in a week, I did not get an energy pick me up and I did not have a sense of euphoria. I think that for almost 40 bucks (we get a military discount) these were a rip off and Jillian Michaels has used her name to sell a lame product with no results for a quick buck.
Very disappointed and was unable to get my refund.
November 29, 2009
Diarrhea Cha Cha Cha!
November 30, 2009
I weigh over 250,5’9′, I’m 50yrs old FM w/ no real health problems, I started on Jillian fat burner pills on Nov 1 it is now Nov 30 and I have NOT noted any change in my body, with the exception of a few major headaches. I’m wondering if the pills work for people who only need to lose 5 – 10 lbs. I have suffered w/ being over weight since I was 12 yrs old, which in turn means this has been a life long battle for me going up/down the scales.
Needless to say I have tried probably 100’s of products only to be disappointed, Jillian pills are no different in my case. I gotta tell you until I saw Jillian product I had actually sworn off products like this, tired of wasting my money and maybe even putting my health at risk, but when I saw her name of this one I went against my better judgment in hopes of that it would work. I’m on my way to Wal Mart to get my refund. I’m done; one again I am truly “The Biggest Loser”
December 3, 2009
I’ve been taking these pills for 2 weeks now and I lost over 3 pounds, and no it’s not water wight. I am actually underage, and stuggling with anorexia, binge eating, and self body distortion disorder, so I’ve given up all hope and spent all my money on this crap.
I like the fact that it works but I don’t want to end up with heart problems, or anything of that sort. I also want to know, if I stop taking them, will I gain weight back? I’m so petrified it’s making me upset 24/7.
I’m 5’3, medium build, and weigh 147 lbs. I was originally 220 at the beginning of last summer.
Editor’s comments: Diet pills are not the answer you are looking for – we highly recommend you acquire professional help for your issues, as they can be very dangerous if not addressed.
December 13, 2009
To the guy that’s 250 pounds I don’t know if you’ll read this post, but coming from someone who once weighed 375 pounds and I’m only 26 you have to exercise a lot, and totally change your eating habits when you take the pills. The pills only give you in kick to curb your eating and the energy to workout. Right now I’m at 195 pounds and brought the Jillian Michaels diet pill yesterday just to give me that extra push to loose the rest of what I’ve lost so far. Trust me its very hard but I’m sure if I can go from 375 to 195 in 3 years u can work hard and loose the 250.
December 16, 2009
I recently purchased this medicine and already I feel results. I notice that my appetite is not as strong. I have a problem with snacking – just one snack here and there never hurt anyone.
But with this product, I notice that if I try to snack or eat anything fatty, my stomach starts to hurt and I get nauseated. I have not weighed myself yet so I can not say how much I have lost, but I’m sure there will be results in the long run.
I am only overweight by 5 pounds or less, but the whole reason that I got this medicine was to HOPEFULLY help with the belly fat left over from having my children.
December 21, 2009
I just purchased these pills but I am not expecting as much from them as some of you. I researched each of the ingredients before I purchased it. I am just trying it out to see how I like it; if I like it, I will buy the ingredients separately (only a couple bucks each) instead of paying these outrageous costs. This product uses ingredients that have been shown in research to be effective, unlike most diet pills. While that is good, you can’t expect too much from the pills – you still have to exercise and eat right. Each person’s reaction might be a little different and you can’t expect much more than a healthier caffeine boost and maybe some more efficient fat burning. If you don’t have unrealistic expectations you might not be so let down by this product. Also, while there is research backing these ingredients it is still not always full proof. But, Jillian seems to have at least gave it her best shot by using ingredients that are likely to help at least a little. These are the only diet pills I would trust enough to try.
Good luck to you all…
Editor’s comments: Dave, you’ve made some good points regarding the ratings systems, we’ll see what we can do. One thing though; in reality this product contains very few ingredients that have been proven effective for weight loss. Those that it does contain are present in doses far too low to be effective. Please see the full review for more details.
January 6, 2010
I’m going middle of the road with my rating today. I’m still within a healthy weight range, but want to get to the lower end of the range (need to drop between 10-12 pounds). Started this product on Sunday afternoon, 3 Jan 10. Stayed status quo with exercise and meals, but exchanged sweets for veggies as snacks. I have gained 2.5 lbs in 2.5 days. However, my husband says my body shape is looking different – so I won’t throw out the veggies & fat burner tabs just yet. I’ll post again down the road.
January 20, 2010
Well… I have done extensive research on Jillian’s Fat Burner, and Calorie Control before I caved in and made the purchase myself. I am 5’7 at 150lbs. I have been taking the Fat Burner, and the Calorie Control together for 3 days, and already results are coming in! I lost 3 lbs with out any additional exercise, and little alternations with diet. So now that I know they work, I will change my diet to a healthier one, and add a work out routine to my daily routine to boost results!
Editor’s comments: Kimberly, we’d be curious to know what “research” you performed. Most review sites praise these products to the skies so they either make a sale, or earn a referral commission. The fact is, there’s nothing special about the Jillian Michael’s fat burner – with the exception of caffeine, none of the ingredients are present at a useful dosage, or have evidence to support their “fat burning” effects. Check our review for the complete details.
January 23, 2010
I bought the fat burners 3 days ago and I have been taking them for two days.
Editor’s comments: Crystal, to provide the greatest value to our visitors and this web site, please use the product three to four weeks before sharing your comments here. Chances are you may feel differently about it after you’ve used it for a full cycle.
Because many fat burners contain diuretics, it’s not uncommon to experience some weight loss initially. This is water weight you are losing. By following up after a full cycle, you’ll be able to report whether
the results you attained initially continued on over the 3-4 week period of use.
January 25, 2010
I have been taking this product for a couple of weeks now, and they seem to help a little. I think a lot of whether or not they will work for people depends upon the person’s reaction to caffeine in general…if you already take in quite a bit of caffeine, I don’t think you are going to see the same results as those who do not. Also, it is normal to increase your weight initially when starting any new product or exercise routine, which is the main reason people give up quickly on products or exercise if they don’t see “immediate” results. We didn’t get fat overnight, so we can’t expect to lose it that fast, either!!
January 30, 2010
I have been taking the Green Tea fat burner pills and WAS having good results but there is so much caffeine in them my heart kinda goes crazy. So my friend Jessica told me to take these pills but after reading all your reviews I realize they have a lot of caffeine in them too. I don’t know if I should take these pills either but I’m 170 at 5’6 1/2.
I am getting back to going to the gym but I know by the way my body is built I need a little extra push (diet pills) to get the tiny body I have always wanted. I have cellulite and that has ALWAYS been my battle so honestly I really just want to know if this pill could be compatible with my body, or heart.
Editor’s comments: Nikki, if you found the green tea fat burner pills too strong, we suspect this is not the product for you. If your friend is experimenting with this product, maybe you could get her to give you a dose to try? Or, check with you local retailer to see if they have samples. That way, you can assess your tolerance to the product before making a purchase. But like we said already… this probably is not for you.
February 3, 2010
As of now, I will give the product a 4-5. So far I love the stuff, however, the price does suck ! Hell, adderall is cheaper and you get a appetite control with that LOL. TOTALLY joking with that one. She is a great person and she means well, but I really wish she would bring the price down.
February 7, 2010
Unlike some of the others who have left comments interested in losing 10-20 pounds, I am actually VERY big. I am 30 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall, and weigh 305 pounds. I have 150 pounds to lose to reach my goal, and so I would need to invest in something for the long haul. I have tried all kinds of pills in the past, and although I said I would not buy anymore, the fact that it was backed by Jillian Micheals interested me. I have tried the fat burner and calorie control pills for about a month in addition to diet and exercise. I have been inspired by Jillian via the biggest loser so I thought these pills may be different.
Sadly, they are not.
I feel like these types of pills are put out there to pray off of the desperation of big people or people with low self image who simply “think” they are fat. It is a shame! I believe Jillian has used her famous name to sell pills, (which by the way, are WAY over-priced) and lost sight of the real deal behind losing weight. I have lost some respect for her due to this. did see some results (about 10 pounds), however, I did not feel the results had anything to do with the product. They simply came from the diet and exercise alone, and I feel I would have lost that weight by doing what I did anyhow.
The truth is (and we ALL know it) the ONLY way to drop the pounds is to work hard and make good choices about our food intake. That combo has pretty much guarenteed results, and certainly no pill can make us take those steps unless we are truly dedicated. I did find that the pills increased my energy, but in all actuality, coffee does the same thing, is way cheaper, and has next to no calories in it. Plus, as big as I am, I feel that I can not experiment with anything that is could be potentially bad for my heart.
My weight, alone, puts me at risk for heart issues. I will not be buying these pills again.
February 8, 2010
I’ve been on these pills for 3 days now. I do have less junk food cravings which is great and also more motivation to workout which is also a plus. My only concern is that this pills seem to upset my stomach. I take them with food but I still makes me feel way bloated with “gas bubbles” in my belly. Is this normal or should I look for something else? Will this stop after a few more days?
Editor’s comments: People react differently to potent caffeine based products like this one. It’s hard to know therefore, whether your symptoms will disappear or not – one suggestion is to take the product with food instead of on any empty stomach. That should help reduce the severity of the symptoms somewhat.
February 9, 2010
First, things about me: I Do NOT leave feedback on things that I buy. I am extremely impatient, I have a very low tolerance for pills, especially ones with a bunch of crap in it that will make me shaky and give me headaches. I have absolutely NO will power, and I am a “see food” eater (if it is there, I’m eating it, hungry or not). Now I purchased and started these on January 28 (2010) because I am in a friends wedding in April. I know all of the crap about if you just eat right and exercise blah blah blah. I know. I just don’t have the determination or will power to do it.
Too lazy to work out every day and too greedy to eat “right”. Even if I do work out or try to eat right, if I don’t feel different or see results in the first few days, it’s “I give up.”
So I, like most people look for the easy way out. So I started taking the pills telling myself, “I’m sticking with it this time, no playing around!”
Almost immediately I noticed a difference in my eating habits. I don’t eat half of what used to (5 hot wings instead of 24) and I don’t want the sweets! And anyone who knows me knows that that is impossible. I can kill a whole pack of Oreos in one sitting. I don’t know if it is actually burning fat, but when I look in the mirror I don’t look as wide (I’m 5’9″ 190lbs). I can tell that I am not so tired through out the day, and NO JITTERS or HEADACHES!
That’s why I had to comment about this. I know everything does not work for everyone, but this worked for me, so I am going to keep up with it. It actually gave me motivation to workout! Hope this helps another “I don’t have time to workout and eat right” person to jump start their motivation.
February 12, 2010
I just recently started using the product, and like what it is doing. I do not feel jittery and it does help give me the kick in the butt to get to the gym!
February 14, 2010
I have recommended these pills to many of my friends. I have been on the pills (2 capsules twice a day) for 8 days and have lost 10 pounds. (158 down to 148)
February 14, 2010
Could someone post how many inches they lost?
February 22, 2010
Today is my first day taking the pills.
Editor’s comments: Kayla, please follow up with us once you have taken the product for a month. Our visitors will receive much more value from your comments.
February 22, 2010
I’m 17 years old, 5″7 or so, and probably around 132 lbs. I know that may not sound big to you, it doesn’t to me either when I type it out. However, the reason I purchased these pills is because although I exercise (running and ExerciseTV cardio/abs work, mostly) 5-6 days a week and I have a healthy diet, my midsection still contains cellulite. I feel flabby and unattractive because of that, despite the fact that my arms and legs are very lean and toned. I’m hoping that a few weeks on this pill will get rid of the excess fat like it advertises to do. This is a reasonable thing to hope for, right?
Editor’s comments: Probably not. First, you can’t spot reduce – or specifically target fat burning to a certain troublesome area. This is a myth – whether you are taking diet products (even prescription) or exercising. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things, you just need to be a bit more patient. Regardless, you might find this product helps generate more intense workouts, which may help you attain your goal, in a “roundabout” way.
February 23, 2010
I am starting the fat burner today.
Editor’s comments: Mandi, please follow up with us once you have taken the product for a month. Our visitors will receive much more value from your comments.
February 27, 2010
I started taking the pills last Sunday. I noticed that my legs seemed thinner Thursday afternoon. That same evening my husband noticed that I looked thinner. I then told him that I’d been taking the pills.
March 3, 2010
I have been using the supplement (not a weight loss pill) Extreme Fat burner for one week and have found that I am not sensitive to the caffeine at all and that I am naturally eating less. I am down 4 and a half pounds in one week.
If you are on Facebook, I highly recommend becoming a Jillian Michaels fan because I felt the same way about her supplements…but she is very honest and goes into complete detail of why she supports diet supplements.
I do think these fat burners are VERY expensive and I would not use them as long term supplements. My goal is to break through my two year brick wall of 200 and then stop the supplement.
Editor’s comments: Jen, the Extreme Fat Burner is very definitely a weight loss pill, as long as your definition of such is not limited to only prescription drugs.
March 3, 2010
I love these pills. I don’t even need anything else to help curb my appetite. I have so much energy, being productive distracts me from wanting to just sit and eat. Also, with nausea, I have found that drinking water, and staying hydrated helps reduce that symptom. I love it and give my 5 stars!
March 4, 2010
I just bought a bottle of the fat burners. I have not opened the box yet because I am scared to take them cause of all the caffeine in them. Can I just take 2 pill a day instead of the 4 that she recommends. I don’t take caffeine – coffee or anything that gives me the jitters – so I was wondering if the 1 pill with each meal would work as well.
Editor’s comments: Lakeisha, it’s a good idea to reduce the dosage to assess your tolerance to the product. As to whether or not it will work, we suggest reading the Extreme Maximum Strength fat burner review here!
March 6, 2010
So far I have only tried her Calorie Control pills 15 min before I eat and they have controlled my appetite immensely (4 days now and feeling good). For those of you that are disappointed from the couple pounds of weight you are gaining when first starting exercising, remember to measure your waist (inches lost instead of the scale) because you may be gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. Yet at the same time your waist may be getting smaller!
March 7, 2010
Do you take both the fat burner and calorie control pills at the same time? No where does it say they can be taken together, but they are sold as a “starter kit”.
Editor’s comments: Our suggestion would be not to take them at the same time, as both contain a ton of stimulants.
March 8, 2010
Does anyone know if this product effects you if you are on birth control?
Editor’s comments: Masiel, you need to chat with doctor about this.
March 9, 2010
I took Jillian’s extreme fat burner pills for 7 days. I lost 5 pounds. I wanted to lose 15 total. On the seventh day I started getting chest pains, feeling like I was going to pass out, and pain down my left arm. To me it felt like a heart attack but I am 27 years old. I ended up going to the doctor who was concerned enough to do an EKG and blood work. Luckly I am ok but am still having weird sensations in my chest and arm two days after I’ve been off the pills. The bottle says to limit caffeine intake during use. I only had one cup of coffee each morning. I have never been sensitive to caffeine before. I gave the pills to my doctor who threw them away for me. Do not buy these pills. Losing a few extra pounds isn’t worth risking your health.
March 11, 2010
I took my first two meta caps yesterday at 430 pm and at 730 I began having diarrhea and it has not stopped. It’s now 1 pm the following day and my stomach is in shambles.
March 13, 2010
I started using the “Fat Burner” on Feb 17th and I am also tracking what I eat through the Calorie Counter app on my cliq. I am consuming about 1600 calories each day and I am trying to squeeze in at least 3 2-hour gym sessions each week. I last weighed in on March 10 (after 3 weeks) and I have lost 8 lbs!!
Week 1- I lost 4lbs, Week 2- 0lbs, and week 3- 4 lbs…. I think I didn’t lose any lbs on my 2nd week because I hit the gym hard and may have gained muscle weight.
I am satisfied with the product. I used to be a daily coffee drinker but obviously when taking this supplement people must make changes and make sacrifices so I’ve given up on my coffee to avoid any side effects. Luckily I haven’t seen any side effects. I have also given up on meats and increased my intake of fruits and vegetables.
Last year I frequently attended the gym putting in the same effort and I toned my body slightly but in a 4 month period I only lost 9 lbs, so I am ecstatic that in 3 weeks I have already lost 8lbs…
The “fat burner” is not a magical pill but I feel that it has helped me a lot with my workouts and in my digestion. Losing weight doesn’t happen overnight while sitting in your couch in front of the tv and chowing down bags of chips & cookies and drinking soda. It takes discipline and self control. All my meals consist of plenty of veggies, grains, fruit, and I have yogurt everyday. Green tea and water are my best friends now.
I wish everyone who embarks on this journey much success and I hope everyone turns out to be “big losers” =)
March 15, 2010
I am skinny but just need some help getting rid of some body fat and give myself that extra boost to start working out. I just want to know if I am going to gain back weight fast after I stop taking these.
I know that with a lot of weight loss pills, once you stop taking them you just gain the weight right back and + some…
Editor’s comments: Imagine this; you take a weight loss supplement. It suppresses your appetite so you eat less and because it helps balances your blood sugar too, it eliminates your cravings for sweets. So you eat less junk food. Plus, since it gives you a bit of a boost you’re in the gym more often working out harder and longer.
When you stop taking the pill the weight does not “magically” return. With the beneficial effects of the product gone, you start missing workouts. When you do go, you’re not as focused and workouts aren’t nearly as good. Plus, now that your appetite is not suppressed, you’re eating more too. And you’re eating more junk again too.
So… what happened here?
You returned to your old habits of over-consuming calories. When that happens, you will gain weight, no question about it. You can’t take products like this forever, so when you stop, you have to carefully monitor your caloric intake and maintain your workouts.
March 16, 2010
I bought the product on Monday and took my first set of pills in the morning as directed then again at supper time. That night I started to feel light headed and just not right. Tuesday I again took the morning set and by noon ended up in the hospital.
The “light-headedness” was due to my blood pressure dropping severely. I felt dizzy week and just not like myself. My husband returned the pills to the store and since coming off the pills I feel much better.
March 17, 2010
I was wondering if it is ok to take all 3 together – the fat burner, the calorie counter and the cleanse?
Please let me know.
Editor’s comments: Definitely not – the Calorie Control and the Fat Burner product both contain a TON of stimulants. You can take one or the other, but not both.
March 17, 2010
I have been using this product for 3 weeks and have lost 10 pounds and went from 33% body fat to 30% body fat. I recomend when using any diet plan or pills to consult a physician.
I started these pills with a friend of mine, she didn’t see results the first 2 weeks, but she wasn’t tracking anything she ate. Over the last week I told her to be meticulous in writing down everything she ate and drank (tracking beverages alcoholic or not is very important people don’t realize how many calories are wasted here) after 2 days of hardcore tracking she came to the conclusion she wasn’t eating nearly as healthy as she thought. She made a few slight changes and lost 2 lbs. We are on week 4 together and going strong. Remember if your not tracking everything or think that bite here or there doesn’t matter it’ll add up and you won’t see results. Will report back after 6 weeks
March 24, 2010
I am starting the fat burner two days ago. I have energy to workout. After three hours in the gym I got a migraine. I always have a migraine after exercising for so long and I don’t know why. I was wondering for how many months I can take this supplement? and what are the side effects on long time? Thanks Editor for your speedy apply. Penny
Editor’s comments: Penny, it’s impossible for us to know the cause of your migraines. If we had to guess we’d question whether you are hydrated enough. 3 hours is a long time in the gym and headaches are a common side effect of dehydration. Are you drinking lots of water? If you are doing a lot of cardio are you supplementing with a electrolyte supplement?
March 25, 2010
I am in good shape and eat pretty healthy but I still have that stubborn 8 pounds that I want to lose. I got the fat burner to help me work harder during my workouts and hopefully get that boost to lose that few extra pounds. I have been taking it for a week now and although I do feel more energized on it I also think I have gained 1 pound and I feel like I am carrying extra water. I really want it to work! Is this normal? I don’t want to stop taking it yet could it just be my body adjusting? I don’t want to gain more weight though!
Editor’s comments: Using the scale to accurately track your progress can be difficult because your body weight can vary slightly during the course of a day for several reasons, including how hydrated you are, for instance. This is even more true for women, depending where they are in their monthly cycle. So it’s unlikely you gained a pound. If you are using the scale, weigh yourself every day, first thing in the morning at the same time every day, and track your results on a graph. You’ll get a more accurate idea of what your exact weight is…
March 25, 2010
I have been on JM fat burner just short of 2 months.
The first week I had energy (too much jittery energy) and noticed my appetite was a bit less, but it kinda wore off after week 2.
A bummer to say I lost no weight AND I even started running every morning AND doing her 30 min shred every other day when I first began taking the pills. I will return for refund… just another reminder that there are NO magic pills… they are just a gimmick! (I love JM too! Her books are awesome and I will just have to cut calories and keep working hard. It takes time, lots of time!
March 25, 2010
I understand that I should wait 3-4 weeks before posting. However, I felt it was necessary to post just after my 3rd dosage (1.5 days) of the J.M. fat burner pills. My diet, since January, has consisted of 6-8 glasses of water, 6 fruits and veggies, and lower cal/fat foods – as I am following a weight watchers program.
With weight watchers & excercise alone, I lost 12 pounds in 3 months – which is o.k.
I decided to try the pills to see what would happen as I just needed a boost. I got on the scale this morning and I had to do a double take. I lost 3 pounds in 1 day? I mean I was excited at first, but then scared – because this couldn’t be very healthy.
I did feel more enthused to go to the gym and my workout was quick, easy & painless (I dread working out, but i know & understand the benefits). So far I am finding, like most people that it’s not making me jittery – however I do have a feeling of the after effects of drinking a large can of redbull – I feel as if I can focus more clear-headedly and apply myself 3x as hard at the gym.
Because I am sort of alarmed that I lost so quick in a short time, I am going to keep an eye on my body, to see how I am physically responding (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) but I think I will continue to use this product for another few weeks at least to get a chance to see my true results – or until my funds run out… at 70 pounds to lose, and looking to commit to the ‘diet’ for a long term – its a very pricey product!
March 28, 2010
I’ve been using the fat burners for about 6 weeks and I have lost a total of 24 lbs! They give me more energy to work out more. They are well worth the money, And I truly would recommend this product to anyone looking for a little extra helps losing weight when combined with diet and exercise.
March 29, 2010
I got the detox and cleanse and fat burner package to try. I was excited for it until I realized I couldn’t swallow the pills. I have a very hard time swallowing pills due to throat problems. Does anyone know if I can break these capsules open and pour them on my breakfast or lunch? Or just into a small amount of water followed by the recommended amount of water?
Editor’s comments: Sissy, if these are simple capsules (not a timed-release or enteric coated formula) you should be able to do so, yes.
April 2, 2010
I posted something 2 days ago & it’s not on here?
Editor’s comments: Suz, we don’t remember seeing your comments, perhaps you encountered a technical glitch? You can always resubmit them, or review our posting FAQ.
April 3, 2010
I have been taking this product for about 5 weeks. I started out with the Detox and at first I didn’t notice anything much. It did give me a nice pick-me up in the morning but I wasn’t jittery and I usually only intake small amounts of caffeine daily (no soda, coffee, etc) so I was pleased about that.
I started noticing a huge difference is when I started increasing my water intake. I could actually feel my muscles as I was working out. I never really have b4. I drink about 74 oz a day and the pills I feel work better because of that.
I have Decrums Disease so I lose about .5 lbs to an average persons 10 lbs and I have lost a total of 15 pounds in the 5-ish weeks I been doing this, which is almost unheard of for me.
I also like these pills because they are largely based on herbs and supplements so it is easier on my body and I don’t have to worry about any chemical imbalances many of the other OTC weight loss/ fat burning pills will give me.
People please! Throw out your scales!! Buy a tape measure instead. Good luck everybody!
Editor’s comments: Erin, just FYI: the ingredients in Jillian’s products are really no different that those found in every other over the counter diet product. See the full review for a complete description of each ingredient!
April 5, 2010
I just have one question. I plan on using the product for awhile. So far I have lost about 10 lbs without the product in 2 months. I started to notice I wasn’t going anywhere so I started using the product. I obviously don’t wanna be using this pill for the rest of my life so I’m afraid that once I stop using it my weight will slowly come back.
I have made a very good lifestyle change so once I stop taking the pills i know I will still hit the gym 3-4 times a week and eat healthy, so is that enough to maintain the weight loss that I accomplish once off the pills? Just a little skeptical.
Editor’s comments: As long as you do not over consume calories once you stop taking the pill, you should not gain the weight back.
April 7, 2010
I have been using the fat burner for one week now and I have lost 2 lbs. I feel great, I have energy, & I don’t feel jittery or anything. Haven’t measured myself though…
Will keep you posted!
April 10, 2010
I am 5″3, 124 lbs and 19 years old. I am not fat but have gained around 10lbs in the last 4 years and I want to loose the fat in my thighs and stomach/love handles.
I started the pills about a week ago and I haven’t really seen any results. I have combined the fat burner pills along with doing the special k diet. I am a dancer and danced 3 times this week plus went to the gym one day. I think i should have seen some sort of result in my body. Am I being impatient? Also I am considering combining the fat burner pills with the calorie counter.
Editor’s comments: Samantha, you are probably being impatient. Sometimes losing weight takes a bit of time. We recommend reading this article for more background on the realities of losing weight.
April 13, 2010
I am wondering if this product is safe to use if one is taking Wellbutrin XL? I tried to ask the CVS Pharmacist, but he said that since this product is not FDA approved, there is nothing in his system to tell him. I need to know whether or not this will interact negatively with Wellbutrin XL.
Editor’s comments: Colette, ask your pharmacist whether you can take Wellbutrin with a potent-caffeine based product. That should give him/her enough to provide you with an answer (you can always point him/her at our review, here!. If you can’t get an answer, please ask your doctor – this is a question that needs to be addressed by a qualified professional for your own safety.
April 14, 2010
Week 2 = lost no weight & no inches but my body fat % is down by 5%… My clothes ARE fitting better! I’m going to keep with it…
(I lost 2 lbs week 1)
April 15, 2010
I have so much energy so I can exercise every day and than take care of my daughter. It worked for me.
April 18, 2010
I am 17 years old, 5’6″ and 180 lbs. My 23 year old friend has taken these and seen decent results so far. I was wondering if it would be bad if I began to take them? I know the amount of stimulants are high and the pills should not be taken by people under the age of 18, but would it honestly be that bad for me?
Editor’s comments: Laurie, we certainly can’t recommend you take these, especially when the label instructions suggest against it. We’d recommend chatting with your doctor or pharmacist about it, and even read the review here, to get a better idea of what this product can actually do for you.
April 21, 2010
I think this is a pretty good product. I definitely had more energy and more of a drive to go work out. I don’t know about anyone else or if this is normal (I know its somewhat of a diuretic) but I had to pee like every 30 minutes! I had really bad gas the first few days – like there was so much pressure my stomach felt hard. Is that normal? My stomach also felt “rumbly” too….is that ok? Is that supposed to happen?
Editor’s comments: Many of these products contain many different ingredients some gastrointestinal duress is not uncommon.
April 21, 2010
Starting to give up! Week 3 and no weight loss, no inches lost….
April 22, 2010
I have lost 45 pound using the fat burners. They are soooooooooooo amazing.
I take 2 in the morning and 2 after a healthy lunch.
I exercise an hour a day on my treadmill and to walk 3 -4 miles 5 days a week. And drink lots of water, I started Nov 11 and have lost 45 pounds. I am in the journey to lose 30 more. I really recommend the fat burners – NO side effects and sooooooo much energy.
I am a 24 year old female that weighed 222 pounds and used a size 18 pants and now I weigh 177 and use a loose size 12.
Please give them a try – I guarantee if you exercise and eat healthy you will reach and maintain your ideal weight.
April 26, 2010
I’ve been taking 4 pills a days for about 3 days.
The first day was great, and in 2 days I went from 103 to 98 lbs. But the next day I’d gained 3 lbs!
That’s weird…but i guess it’s because my body is getting used to it. Now I’ve lost weight again, I’m down to 95 lbs now. But I’ve been eating about 500 calories a day, or less..and exercise not so much, just power walking for a few days. I guess it takes longer to lose weight when you don’t have a lot to lose. I want to get down to 90 lbs or 88 in a week, hopefully
I’m not sure if the pill really works or if it’s just in your head, but it does give me more energy and no jitters 
Editor’s comments: Your weight will vary greatly day to day simply on the basis of how hydrated you are. In other words, you didn’t lose 5 pounds of fat in 2 days and then gain 3 back in 24 hours. It’s ALL water weight you are measuring – remember that a pound of stored fat is equivalent to 3500 stored calories (to put that in perspective, you might burn 500-600 calories in an hour-long moderately intense session on a treadmill). Fat doesn’t just melt away – it has to be burned as a fuel source. That’s why you need to be more focused on tracking your body fat percentage and less on what the scale tells you. Please see this article for more information!
April 27, 2010
I’m thinking about trying this out. I only have about 5 more pounds to lose. Can I take it for a week or two then stop? Has anyone gained weight back after discontinuing taking this pill?
Editor’s comments: A lot of people find that supplements like these suppress their appetites. Now suppose you take the product, eat less than usual, eat better, exercise, and subsequently, lose weight. If you stop taking the product, start eating more, adopt your old bad habits the weight will definitely come back. If you stop taking the product and maintain a sensible level of calorie PLUS a healthy lifestyle and exercise program, there’s no reason for the weight to come back.
May 1, 2010
Just started today – it certainly does give you energy! Hopefully it works. Not overly overweight but can lose some fat that’s been on me. I reached a point where I’ll lose then gain what’s lost, lose, and really just stay in the same place. 140 lb now, and I’m 5’6, would like to be 120 lb. Let’s see what the fat burner can do!
It gives you a healthy amount of energy, nothing like bouncing off walls or anything, but enough to get rid of any tire or fatigue you might have been feeling before. good luck to everyone!! Remember to keep eating low-fat, high-fiber and enough water/fluids!!
May 2, 2010
My problem now it that the product has “a significantly potent xanthine” as read off the box label. And that xanthine prolongs cAMP half-life which affects the cAMP-dependent pathways and cAMP-pathways uncontrolled can lead to hyper-proliferation, which may contribute to development and/or progression of cancer. and, its not just this product, this would be for all or the majority of weight-loss products, as they are designed to mess with your signalling system so it can boost your fat burning time.
Editor’s comments: Annette, “xanthine” is simply caffeine. The same stuff in coffee, tea, chocolate, sodas, etc. While this product contains a LOT of it, it doesn’t act differently than the caffeine found naturally in many foods. Please read our review of Jillian’s fat burner for an accurate assessment of this product.
May 3, 2010
Two and half days into in now – still feel fat, but dropped two pounds of water weight I think. Cut my coffee and tea back by a lot. I’m eating healthy and calorie counting.
May 7, 2010
five days in now. dropped 5 lbs! don’t know if its my new diet or the product or the combo, but something is working.
May 7, 2010
I’m looking a littler trimmer, tummy is going down little by little! however, same body fat percentage. (checked measurements and used online calculator). I think it’s that I’m redistributing the fat over the areas, maybe. The places I measure are the same and the numbers the same, but my curves are running visibly smoother
May 10, 2010
I took the detox and cleanse pills last week and felt a bit lighter after the week was up. I started the fat burning/probiotics today. I am bit worried though, my heart is racing and had a hard time finishing my workout this morning because it felt like it was pounding through my chest, very jittery and restless. I have read a few people’s comments stating they just do a half dose every day. I am thinking about trying that the next couple days. I am at 130 and want to get back down to 115 within 2-3 months. Is that even possible? Any suggesstions would be great!
Editor’s comments: This product contains a LOT of caffeine (see the full review for more details) so it’s not surprising you feel like your heart is beating out of your chest. Reducing the dose is probably a good idea. Regarding your goals; they are reasonable and attainable. A smart program will see you losing 1-2 pounds per week. Losing 15 pounds in an 8-12 week period fits well within the realm of a “smart” goals.
May 11, 2010
I notice the Editor keeps remarking “Please check out our full review here”, but thats an extremely biased view…`not that its wrong, but I’d like to see reviews from other sources.
I just bought this product, and so far this site has been useless because it only sites one source, despite obviously having varied results.
Editor`s comments: Dustin, you are free to read reviews wherever you like. But this is not biased; our reviews are the only science-based reviews on the Net, where each ingredient is measured against the clinical data that exists, and then reported on. We gurantee you`ll read tons and tons of reviews of how great Jillian`s products are – these are usually written by people who earn a commission on the sale of the product, or the very people who ARE selling the product (with disguised identities, of course). None of these will reference existing clinical data, of course. You know why – because there isn`t any to support the clamins made by the retailer. If that`s the kind of review you`d like to read, by all means, help yourself.
May 12, 2010
I haven’t tried it yet, I’m still in the desicion process. I bought the detox and I am waiting for the week to finish before I add these pills to my routine. I tend to be slightly sensitive to caffeine pills. I read of people who only took half the dose. My question is, if i only take one pill in the morning and one at night will it have the same fat burning effect as two twice a day?
Editor`s comments: Generally you will not get the same effect from half a dose, no.
May 13, 2010
I think you can AS. I’ve been taking it and on a smart diet for 11 days now. I lost 8 lbs and look noticeably trimmer. I think I’ll be at 10 lbs near the 2 week mark. I have 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Didn’t have the problem with caffeine. I used to have a couple cups of coffee regularly before this. I stopped though since this had a lot of caffeine. I’ll buy another bottle in a couple of days when the two-week bottle finishes. I feel pretty good about the product.
May 18, 2010
So I’m kind of confused with the whole “lose body fat instead of weight” concept with the Jillian Fat Burner. I thought that if I lose body fat I would also lose weight. What I’m trying to accomplish with the Fat burner is to look slimmer, and smaller, not muscular.
I don’t want to gain muscles weight I just want to get rid of body fat.
Editor’s comments: The reason why smart folks emphasize the loss of body fat is because it’s important that you secure as much lean muscle as possible. Lean muscle contributes to an elevated metabolism, and if you lose it, your metabolic requirements decrease. Ultimately, you only want to lose fat, which is why resistance training is also encouraged on a smart program. And don’t worry, women don’t produce enough testosterone to build big, bulky muscles. You will still look feminine. If you want to see what women who train with weights (and don’t take steroids) look like, pick up an Oxygen magazine. Sexy, right?
May 21, 2010
I want to hear from someone who has taken these pill and has stopped. What were the results?! Did you regain the weight? How quickly did you regain the weight?!
I dont want to have to take them for the rest of my life, just want a head start.
May 23, 2010
A few months ago I took Jillian Michaels fat burner and was working out everyday – I dropped weight fast! What I noticed the most was the amount of sweat had doubled after each work-out (that was consistent with my workouts before the product- 30 minutes of cardio and weights everyday).
It pulled out a lot of my water weight and I looked less “jiggly”… lol. I recommend it if you stay on a strict diet and exercise plan… but then again who knows if it was just my diet and exercise helping me shed the “jiggle”??? I guess we will never know…
May 24, 2010
Been using it for the 14 day trial and with daily 1 hour workouts I have lost ZIP….zero…nothing. When I was working out w/o these pills I WAS losing weight. What gives???????????
May 26, 2010
Will it help with an underactive thyroid?
Editor’s comments: Mostly it contains a ton of caffeine, which might give you a boost of energy, but will not address your thyroid issues.
May 26, 2010
I almost have no tummy!! This is so cool. Love it!
I haven’t been through my first month of it yet. I think if I stop but keep my diet that it’ll work out fine. Sometimes though I really feel like it’s my diet that’s doing the most work, I’m pretty strict about it being low fat, low cal, small portions, balanced and everything plus have low cal and filling snacks at certain times. I don’t eat out. I only let myself go for starbucks or occasional restaurant chips and diet soda.
I kinda plateaued or am plateauing now too at 10 lb lighter. It’s still kinda working for me. I wanted to lose weight, I lost weight.
Going to add something: it looks like I lost a solid 5 lb and the other 5 fluctuate. I’m listening to the other posters and I’m thinking the same thing: I could have done this on my own and saved $28 a bottle for 14 days supply. That’s $56 for 5 pounds lost and 5 that fluctuate. I don’t know. I actually kinda think I could’ve done this without the fat burner! What do other people think? I’ve been serious strict with my diet and lost the 5 I think mostly with this.
May 26, 2010
I have read ALL the reviews!! I decided to try it and see for myself..I have been on the pills now for about a week and have lost 5lbs..some may say water weight some say not,with that being said I must tell you I have been dieting n exercising for a little over 7 months with a steady but SLOW weight loss!
I would think water weight was long gone being that is one of the first to go! I won’t say it a magic pill but the energy it gives you is outstanding, I have not stopped since I started these pills which is where I would say the weightloss has come from!! I’m going on vacation in 3 weeks and wanted to lose 10 more lbs and I’m more than half way there!
Plus, my house is spotless, my yard is landscaped, and my dining room and my living are finally painted! Now on to cleaning out the attic! So all in all I think they are worth every penny and then some!!
May 26, 2010
Are you supposed to take the calorie control and fat burner at the same time? I just bought both but I just didn’t know if it was safe to take them both at the same time?
Editor’s comments: Definitely not – the Calorie Control and the Fat Burner product both contain a TON of stimulants. You can take one or the other, but not both.
May 27, 2010
I am a big supporter of Jillian but am sad to see her supporting diet fat burning pills when in each of her books she talks about how bad they are. In her one book, “30 Day Shred” she gets into it very specifically…. it is disheartening.
May 29, 2010
I have been taking the pills for three weeks now. I run & walk on a regular basis and I still have not lost any weight. But I have gained a lot & I do mean a lot of gas & bloating that has become very painful and embrassing. I also have this extreme nervous feeling.
I feel like yet again I’ve wasted my money. I think I will just have to loose these extra 10 pounds the old fashion way.
June 2, 2010
I have been taking this for about a month now love it. I love the energy it gives me. I average about 2 pounds a week of weight loss and I am very happy with that. I am working out about 3 times a week and seeing results so its the combination.
1 other thing – I had changed the way I was eating before I started to take these pills and had lost no weight until I started. Thanks Jillian! I have a long way to go but will take my time getting there…
June 3, 2010
I started taking these pills yesterday, and I was curious to know if anyone else has experienced sleeplessness and/or weird stomach pains while taking this supplement.
Editor’s comments: This product contains a ton of caffeine, so sleeplessness is a common side effect. Stomach pains aren’t uncommon either – not everyone tolerates a wide array of herbal supplements easily.
June 4, 2010
I started taking these pills a few days ago and having horrible stomach pains and actually feel pudgy, almost like I’m gaining weight.. I work out 5 days a week an hour each day 3 of which are with a trainer, I started taking these to help with my energy and how much food I eat. It has helped with both energy and I actually feel sick if I eat “junk”. But the stomach pains are very uncomfortable and I’m considering to stop taking them.
June 9, 2010
I have been taking these pills now for a week and am very happy with the results. I have been controlling my diet and exercising actively at a gym for about 5 weeks now and had only lost about 3 pounds in that time, so was getting discouraged,although my body was re-shaping and becoming more firm and gaining more strength. I was very leery and disappointed that Jillian seemed to be veering off the diet and exercise route, but decided to give it a try.
I have tried these kinds of pills before and had too much gas, bloating, flatulence etc and never finished the pills. When I started taking these I was concerned that would happen too, but I am very pleasantly surprised and happy with the improvement in my digestion, elimination and alertness. There is caffeine in the pills, and you are told to limit or eliminate your caffeine intake which I did. The pills now serve as my twice daily coffee/tea intake with no side effects. I have lost an additional 7 pounds in the last week, and my daughter has lost 10 pounds. We plan to monitor the situation and take them as needed…..
June 10, 2010
Okay I wrote a review about 2 weeks ago.
The 10 pounds I wanted to lose are well gone a week earlier then I was shooting for!! I do gain and lose between 1-3 pounds depending on the day but that is water weight! I take these pills like clockwork..
I do not exercise per se, but like I said in my last post I’m always gardening,cleaning and so on!
I love these pills! I can’t say that the pills are what made the weight come off but they did get me in the correct mindset that I could do it. My mood was heightened greatly and finally I really felt like I could do it, instead of always feeling down about my weight!!
I am also a coffee drinker. I drink coffee throughout the day and took the pills with my normal coffee intake and had no ill side affects. But I know I am not sensitive to caffeine.
I have lost a total of 9 inches in 2 1/2..3 weeks. LOVE IT!!!!
June 10, 2010
Guys, scale weight is NOT ACCURATE AT ALL! You have to weigh your body fat percentage! I suggest buying a tape measure and measure yourself every two weeks at MOST. The best way to know if you’re losing weight is to check your clothing to see if it fits small or big. Those 2 lbs people are gaining could be WATER WEIGHT!
When you exercise you can lose a lb or 2 in just one workout because of all the sweat, but it comes right back. Don’t weigh yourselves everyday. I am going to buy the pill and see what happens.
Editor’s comments: Anabel, you’re correct – it’s your bodyfat percentage you should be concerned with, not your body weight. Please see this blog post for a full discussion on this matter.
June 15, 2010
So, do you all think you are seriously losing weight because you are taking a pill or because you are consiously watching what you are eating and exercising? 20/20 did a show on diet pills and all the experts agreed they are a waste of money. The only thing lighter is gonna be your pockets but if it is working for you its your choice to buy them.
June 16, 2010
I have been on them for 14 days!! Lost 5 lbs!! Oh ya.. I get on my tredmil for 35 min a day, do situp and push up every other day!! I have to say thought it wouldn’t work, but I’m very happy!! I want to lose 10 more and will be happy!!
June 30, 2010
I usually get SlimQuick, but the store didn’t have it, so I decided to try this and so far so good. I can run non-stop on the treadmill. I also notice my workouts being more intense. Oh, and I was reading some of these comments on how “diet pills are false” but I’m a firm believer on diet and exercise. But these pills are a boost to help you meet your goals.
July 5, 2010
Just starting this product. It’s the first diet pill I’ve ever tried and I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which basically means despite years of constant exercise and a good diet, my body holds on to carbs and fat as though the next great famine is around the corner. I’m 5’6.5″ and 191.
I swiped one of those body fat calculators that you hold straight out in front of you at the gym the other day and my body fat was 33%. it’s been two days, I exercise 4-7 times a week (3-5 miles of cardio on a treadmill or elliptical plus some weight training) and I didn’t weigh or measure myself on day one but I seem to have already shed some excess fat on my upper abdomen.
One unnerving thing is that the review says this product contains a possible androgen increasing ingredient and part of my health issue involves me having too many androgens in the first place. Anyways, going to keep at it with this product and I’ll be back in two weeks with an update or maybe sooner if this product works as fast as some people claim it to.
Editor’s comments: Lou, this product contains tribulus, which is often included in men’s products for it’s “supposed” ability to elevate testosterone. I wouldn’t be too worried though; research shows tribulus has NO effect on androgen production.
July 5, 2010
I have taken diet pills before and have gotten real jittery. And I have to eat more food to off set being so jittery. Will this pill upset me stomach and make me jittery?
Editor’s comments: Adrienne, this product contains a LOT of caffeine (see the full review for more information on the ingredients) and may not be ideal for you, especially if you’re sensitive to stimulants. Hard to say whether it will give you a stomach ache; some people get them, some do not.
July 7, 2010
I took the recommended dosage of the Fat Burner yesterday and have had the worst stomach cramps since. Anyone else have this happen and what can I do to help? Hope it doesn’t last too long. Won’t ever take another again.
Editor’s comments: If you’re taking it on an empty stomach, try it with food or water. Otherwise, it may be better to stop taking them altogether.
July 11, 2010
I started taking this fat burner Monday and so far I have lost 3 pounds. I think they are working.
They give me much more energy. I work out five days a week sometimes six in the morning. I work out for three hours and in the afternoon I run for an hour (4 to 5 miles) so hopefully I can lose the 12 pounds I want to come off.
I watch what I eat. I am really strict with my food so I hope they do help me. I do recomend them to any one!
July 12, 2010
I have been taking this diet pill for 7 days and have lost 3 pounds. This might not seem like a lot, but I have only been taking half of the required amount. Instead of 4 pills a day I take 2 because my stomach is sensitive.
I gave a rating of three for the fact that I have only been taking it for a week and have not been taking it in the right dosage.
The workouts that I have been doing are fairly simple; Monday through Friday I swim for about an hour. I have also not been changing my eating habbits. Hopefully in the next week I will lose and give out another positive review.
July 13, 2010
They said that this supplement isn’t for everybody, or doesn’t work for everybody. If you do exactly what it says – exercise and eat right (as in lower calorie intake) then you should see results. Gaining two pounds off of this? Obviously something’s not right.
July 17, 2010
My question is: can I buy this product since I’m 19?
Editor’s comments: Yes.
July 30, 2010
I’ve got a question for you I’m on medication and it’s Lexapro for depression; would with the fat burner hurt me? And what if you’re on this for a long time how hard or how easy is it to get off of it? And once you’re off of it will you regain the weight back?
Editor’s comments: Lori, this is a question for your doctor; tell him/her you’re considering a caffeine-based weight loss pill and point them at this review if more information is needed.
August 3, 2010
Hi, I was at Meijers today and wanted to buy this product, but which one would you guys say works better. The Fat Burner or the Calorie Reducer.
I was reading and it was saying that you can’t take both at the same time. I was on diet pills before. So, take the pills after I eat breakfast? I get up at like 1-2pm, is that going to be a problem? I’m still up right now and its 3am. Should I still take them at night?
I just want to know I’m 20 years old, about 5’6″ maybe 5’7″ and weighing about 160. I’m not fat, I’ve been very solid my whole life, but all the weight I’ve gained is well in my breasts and my thighs got a little bit bigger. Will this make my breasts get smaller. *that would be great*
and will it tighten my body? I have a gym membership so I just started going again on Friday. What exercise do you recommend with this product? THANK YOU 
Editor’s comments: The effects of both products are highly exaggerated by the retailers. They will provide you with an added boost of energy (due to the stimulants they contain) but their fat burning effects are minimal. These are not pills you take at night… unless you want to stay up.
August 15, 2010
I have been using this product for only 4 days, and have changed my diet, and work out. I feel great and I have lost 4lbs. I hope to lose a little bit more! But all around I’m very satisfied
August 17, 2010
I just bought the fat burner yesterday at lunch. I could definately felt more energetic after taking it. I have been watching what I eat and exercising from home and have toned up since then, but I wanted to get an extra boost to speed it up. Will this help burn fat or does it just give you extra energy? I’m a little confused.
Editor’s comments: Jenny, this product contains a ton of caffeine and although it has demonstrated thermogenic effects (mild as they are) the biggest benefit you are going to receive is “extra energy.” We’d recommend checking out the full review if you want to know more.
August 21, 2010
Ok so I did the 7 day detox and cleanse first and lost 1 pound (I didn’t really expect to lose anything since that is not the weight loss product, but it was a nice surprise). I am 22, about 5’5 and weigh 171. I started this product bc I really messed up my knee playing field hockey (3 surgeries) and after looking at my x-rays my doc said I need to weigh between 130-135 for my height…I am also not allowed to run at all till I lose a bit of weight.
So yesterday I did 20 min eliptical workout and did 2.1 miles (so about 10 min a mile)…today after taking the regular dosage of the fat burner I did 30 min on the eliptical and 4.1 miles! I am normally bored to death and always end early like yesterday but not today…I was energetic and motivated. My mile times actually decreased with each mile (8:00, 7:13, 7:07, and 6:30…cool down for the other 1:10). I was shocked…I haven’t been this motivated to workout since before my knee injury. I will post again after a few weeks and let you know if I’m still this satisfied and motivated!!!
August 26, 2010
I just finished the 7 day detox kit and have been taking 4 fat burning pills as directed for two days. Yes, there is alot of caffeine in these pills but I am still able to drink my 2 morning cups of coffee and not feel jittery. I always eat fairly healthy and maintain a weight of 120 lbs. I wanted a pill to help me lose some of that stubborn belly fat from having children. So far in 9 days I have seen a 4 pound weight loss and flatter tummy. I have not exercised at all, although I am a busy nurse and mom on my feet 12-13 hours a day. Thanks Jillian for giving me the boost I needed to lose some stubborn fat.
August 26, 2010
I have been using this product for 2+ months now. I LOVE IT! I will admit that the scale isn’t saying much, but I have gone down 2 pant sizes! I try to be careful what I eat and work out as much as I can (which isn’t much). I also do hair for a living and clients are commenting on a daily basis that I look smaller! I really only use the calorie control when I’m going out to dinner. I would really recomend this one
August 27, 2010
For those who have used the Fat Burner and have had success, what happened after you stopped?
Did all the weight come back? I’m afraid to try something, see great results, then stop and it all come back. And I don’t want to use this long term, only to I achieve my goal! Thanks for your feedback!
Editor’s comments: A lot of people find that supplements like these suppress their appetites. Now suppose you take the product, eat less than usual, eat better, exercise, and subsequently, lose weight. If you stop taking the product, start eating more, adopt your old bad habits the weight will definitely come back. If you stop taking the product and maintain a sensible level of calories PLUS a healthy lifestyle and exercise program, there’s no reason for the weight to come back.
August 28, 2010
I started taking these pills today, along with my 1 hour a day work out schedule. I have been vomiting ever since, no appetite, severe headache. I cant even keep water in my stomach, I do not recommend these pills at all. I think I’ll just stick to my diet and exercise.
September 1, 2010
I bought these pills today and am going to start them after the holiday. I was wondering if anyone has seen a weight gain after they stopped taking them? I’d like to take them to help kick start my weight loss, and with good diet and regular exercise I dont want to continue to use them. Thanks!
Editor’s comments: A lot of people find that supplements like these suppress their appetites. Now suppose you take the product, eat less than usual, eat better, exercise, and subsequently, lose weight. If you stop taking the product, start eating more, adopt your old bad habits the weight will definitely come back. If you stop taking the product and maintain a sensible level of calories PLUS a healthy lifestyle and exercise program, there’s no reason for the weight to come back.
September 21, 2010
Hello, could you tell me if the “orange” ingredients are harmful to your health? I read somewhere that bitter orange is linked to heart problems? Any thoughts on this? I started taking it — and lost 8 lbs plus the lower part of my stomach is getting much smaller. Just would love to hear the editors thoughts on the orange ingredients Thanks!
Editor’s comments: Karen, bitter orange is standardized for synephrine, which is a stimulant, and as such has all the associated risks normally associated with them. There have been isolated incidents of serious adverse effects associated with bitter orange, but the truth is, no long term studies have been conducted on the safety of its use (see this study as an example).
As with most stimulants, safety is likely largely tied to dosage, with low dosages being relatively benign, and higher doses being less so. Of course, anyone with heart or blood pressure issues should stay away from any supplement that contains synephrine/bitter orange.
September 24, 2010
I just received these pills yesterday and it doesn’t really tell me anything but to take the pills 2 in the am and 2 in the pm. I’ve been so busy with school that I haven’t gotten to exercise… has anyone taken these pills and never exercised and still lost weight?
October 1, 2010
I’v been taking the Jillian Michaels Extreme Fat Burner for about a week now. Some days I forget to take the evening dose but I am still seeing results. I’m not losing weight which wasn’t my goal in the first place, I wanted to lose the excess fat and it seems to be working. My belly already looks smaller and feels tighter. My appetite has also felt more under control.
October 10, 2010
I have been taking these pills for about 2 weeks now along with diet and exercise and noticed results within the first couple of days. So far I have lost 11 lbs and see a very huge difference in my stomach.
Since I suffer from anxiety and depression I0 have to stop taking the pills because they have too much caffeine and makes me too hyper. If you want to tone your body I would highly recommend them.
I also stopped eating after 7 PM and that helped me lose a lot of weight.
October 24, 2010
I don’t know how to swallow pills but I noticed on the box they said metacaps? I’m not sure what those are, but I want to invest in this product as long as it doesn’t require swallowing anything. Are they like capsules where you open them up and dump stuff in your mouth or what?!?!
Editor’s comments: Sasha, we don’t know exactly what “metacaps” are either, but we suspect it’s just a marketing term to make ordinary capsules appear a little more exotic. We highly doubt you’d have to open these up – that would be plain nasty and most consumers would not do so.
October 25, 2010
Can you take the Fat burner with the detox pills? I have been taking the fat burners off and on and have just started them again (love them) but would also like to try the dextox and do not want to wait…. any one out there know?
Editor’s comments: Sarah, you could, but we don’t know why you would. There is no evidence that a blend of laxatives, fiber, and probiotics can do anything to remove toxins in your body. Detox products are some of the biggest scams on the market.
November 12, 2010
What exactly is bitter orange? Is it safe? I have read in several places that it can cause Angina… Hoping to start this Monday!
Have been working out 6 days/week for 2 hrs a day. Intense cardio, strength training, and pilates/yoga. Since I suffer from PCOS, the weight loss is not obvious/going too well… Hoping this will give me the extra boost I need! Looking forward to trying this!
Editor’s comments: Karen, bitter orange is standardized for synephrine, which is a stimulant, and as such has all the associated risks normally associated with them. There have been isolated incidents of serious adverse effects associated with bitter orange, but the truth is, no long term studies have been conducted on the safety of its use (see this study as an example).
As with most stimulants, safety is likely largely tied to dosage, with low dosages being relatively benign, and higher doses being less so. Of course, anyone with heart or blood pressure issues should stay away from any supplement that contains synephrine/bitter orange.
November 17, 2010
I just got the pills but I haven’t been taking them since I’m not sure if its OK to take it with other of my prescribed medication with happen to be for my high blood pressure and thyroid. I wish to know if it’s a harmless thing to combine them.
Editor’s comments: Valery, please review the product warning label; people with high blood pressure should NOT be taking this product.
November 18, 2010
I used to take ephedrine everyday.I was purchasing them online when they quit selling them in stores and when they got too expensive, I quit taking them.They first week I gained 10 lbs (did not eat differently and did the same exercise program I always did daily).
I decided to then try this product in June. Remember I never had problems from stimulants before.The first day I took them, I took one in the morning and one in the afternoon (no caffeine that day). By 5:30 that evening my husband had to call the ambulance because I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
I was hyperventilating from my heart rate being up to high.I usually have a perfect BP 100/70 and in the ambulance my BP would go up and down 150/90 was the highest. I had to be given Atavan through my IV in order to calm down and slow my breathing down and spent the night in the hospital.
I now have a leaking heart valve at the age of 32. I don’t know if it was from the years of taking ephedrine products or from this product but please, do not take this. Like my mom always says, the weight doesn’t go on overnight, it’s not gonna come off overnight either.
November 29, 2010
I have been taking the Max Strength Fat Burner on the days that I work out… about 3 – 4 days per week for the increased energy level. My work outs are always great, averaging about 1 1/2 hours. Once in a while I try not to take them, and in turn, my energy level is much lower and work outs not so great.
I don’t like the idea of taking these all the time. I guess my question is….how long is it safe to take these for? Right now it only 2 pills in the morning 3 – 4 times per week.
Editor’s comments: Staci, you should probably cycle off these every 4-6 weeks for a couple of weeks. On the plus side, you’re not taking these every day which will reduce the frequency at which you need to cycle off.
December 8, 2010
this is the best diet pill i have ever taken. It gives me energy without the shakey feeling and it gives me a good attitute about life . It is a feel good pill.
December 8, 2010
This is the best diet pill I have ever taken. It gives me energy without the shakey feeling and it gives me a good attitude about life.
It is a feel good pill.
I have noticed a change in my body. I exercise a lot but do not diet. The pill just makes me feel good all around.
December 9, 2010
I bought the extreme fat burner and the calorie control pills. I take 4 pills in total, in the morning and at noon. At night I cannot sleep. I have not weight myself so I can not say if had lost any pounds. However, I will start taking only the fat burner pills, and when I am done with them I am going to start with the calorie control pills. I hope that now I can sleep at night. I will update everyone in two weeks.
Editor’s comments: Neydi, both of these products contain a LOT of stimulants. You should be taking one or the other, but not both at once.
December 10, 2010
I have been taking these pills for 2 weeks now I have been going up and down 2 pounds and not really getting anywhere. What I would like to know is if anyone has had problems with their hair after taking these? Mine has gotten greasy at the crown. Would like to know if anyone else has had this problem and what to do…
December 24, 2010
I tried the fat burner before and liked it. Gained a little over the holidays so going back. This time I tried the calorie suppressant too. It works, I feel like eating less with the max calorie count product. They say that we can take the calorie control and the fat burner together, but it really does make you more irritable. four tablets of high caffeine product (2 calorie control and 2 fat burner at one time, they say 2x a day but I can’t do that). I can’t do that more than once a day and it keeps me irritable for about 4 hours till it wears off. I like both products I do, they’re fine standing alone, combined though I get the irritability people talk about. but, it’s working, hmm. I’m going to think this one through. maybe a couple days of the combo and then I’ll settle on one product. I never got irritable with the recommended dose for the individual products stand along, but I used to drink a lot of coffee/caffeine so it might not have the same effect on me as others in terms of caffeine tolerance. happy holidays. good products, I recommend them.
December 24, 2010
I get the positive boost of energy with the fat burner and the max calorie control stand alone, but in combo/taken together I think the high caffeine content turns toward irritability, but the couple times I’ve tried that I channeled the energy toward workout. Just letting you know in case you wanted to try the two products together. The max calorie control came with something in the box saying that it can be taken with the fat burner too.
Just sharing my experience with you. I only go to these products when I need that extra boost of energy and calorie control so I can get where I want to be.
I exercise and diet until I get to a plateau and need a little help. good luck on your weight loss.
Editor’s comments: Thanks for sharing that with us, Annette. Despite what the product label says, we’d caution visitors not to combine the two products; as you noted, there’s way too much caffeine!
January 10, 2011
Do I take the fat burner and the calorie intake pills together?
Editor`s comments: No, we would not recommend it as both contain a lot of stimulants.
January 19, 2011
I just started these pills yesterday, so i can not give any advice, but i have a question. Are you supposed to take 1 calorie control and 1 fat burner together or take 2 calorie controls then 2 fat burners together later in the day? The directions were not clear.
Editor’s comments: These products need to be taken independently – each by itself in its own cycle. If you take the two together at the recommended dosage, you are getting an outrageously high dose of stimulants, and if you take half a dose of each, there’s a good possibility you won’t get adequate doses of core ingredients of either product.
January 19, 2011
Just got our bottle today from Walmart. My husband and I are going to try it!! I hope I have as good of success as many of you. I will post our results as we experience them.
We recently turned 40 and in the past year we both put on about 5-10 pounds. We have maintained a healthy eating plan for at least 10 years, but all of a sudden started gaining weight and exercise hasn’t seemed to help us shed the extra pounds. So we are hopeful that this will be the boost that moves us in the right direction.
Day 1 – we took the suggested dosage. The first 2 pills, I felt maybe a tiny bit more energy. But then took the 2nd dose of 2 pills and I felt a little jittery. My husband felt really jittery/uncomfortable for about an hour. So tomorrow, we may back off a little and ramp up more slowly.
To be continued:
January 28, 2011
I’m wondering if anyone has experienced weight/body fat loss without making additional changes in diet/exercise? I’ve been a daily runner, avid fitness freak, and calorie-counter for 12 years, I’m just hoping to shed five stubborn pounds left over from having my girls. Today is my first day, and there is truly nothing else I can do on my own to lose the weight. It’s difficult to get a feel for whether they’ll work when so many other factors are at play with the reviewers here. Time will tell… I’ll post an update!
January 31, 2011
I bought the Jillian Michaels Rapid Weight Loss Introductory Starter Pack. It has the Fat Burner Pills and Calorie Control Pills. I take them both as directed. I went to the website and read that both pills can be taken together. So I take both , burner & calorie, as directed. I have lost 2lbs in 2 days. I also noticed that I don’t have the craving to snack and don’t eat so much at meal times. I get full fast. I do feel like a have more energy but not jittery. The last two days I was in a better mood to excerise and walk both days for 30mins. I hate to excerise. So far so good for me. Will see what happens in a month.
January 31, 2011
Ooops…so far I give this product a 3 1/2 stars because I’ve only been on it 2 days. I will update at the end of the month.
January 31, 2011
I just started the fat burner pills yesterday and I had a slight stomach ache but I only took one pill instead of the two. I took one in the morning and one at dinner time is it okay to take the half dosage a day? I will only be taking a total of 2 a day instead of 4. Hoping this will control my stomach pains. I really hope this pill is successful!
February 1, 2011
I have been taking these for 4 days now and I don’t know if it’s a medication interaction or what, but I feel awful. I’ve been nauseous and tired, but most of all extremely depressed. I have major depression but have been doing very well for the past few months. I’m taking Celexa and Trazadone. The day I started taking these I couldn’t stop crying. I have been very sad, food has no taste, and I had a mild panic attack last night. I finally made the connection that this episode started with these pills.
I can’t say for sure whether this is a direct causation – I’m going to stop taking them and can update after a few days if I see any change. I personally wouldn’t recommend these, at least to someone with a history of depression.
February 3, 2011
Has anyone noticed a bad/bitter taste in tge mouth while taking these? I’m still in my first week and haven’t had any of the jitters or heart problems but I’ve noticed that things are just tasting bitter to me. Even when I’m not eating there is a constant odd taste in my mouth. Just wondering if anyone else had the same thing.
February 21, 2011
I’ve been taking the fat burners for three days, it’s given me a very bad headache and I’m so dizzy. I’ve been sleeping for two days because the head pain is so extreme. Is this normal and will I get past this if I keep taking them?
February 23, 2011
I just took it for like a week. The first day gave me nausea but it went away on the second day. I feel a lot of energy and I am not that hungry or anxious about eating but I haven’t loose weight yet.
February 23, 2011
I just took it for like a week. The first day gave me nausea but it went away on the second day. I feel a lot of energy and I am not that hungry or anxious about eating but I haven’t loose weight yet. I am also taking her shakes and It really takes the hunger out of me but I am not sure if I loose pounds
March 6, 2011
Can we take the jillian michaels fat burner with an acai 14-day cleanse? Or the jillian michaels calorie control with an acai 14-day cleanse?
Editor’s comments: You could, but we don’t know why you’d want to; there’s no evidence acai has any “cleansing” action. If you’re interested, check out this article on the top acai scams.
March 8, 2011
I just completed day one of jillian michaels fat burner pills. It gave me a nice boost of energy today – but i am now paying the price. I Can’t Sleep!!! I should have known better than to ingest caffeine pills at dinner time. Plus I have a stomach ache. Any advice? Should I take the two doses in the morning and then maybe at lunchtime instead?
Editor’s comments: It’s probably a good idea to take with breakfast and lunch and skip any doses after that.
March 21, 2011
To begin with, I took 1/2 the dosage…1 in the morning and 1 before my big meal. I had read were people were getting sick and having problems, so I was a little nervous. I feel fine. No jitters, a lot of it I feel is mind over matter. Since I know this contains a lot of caffiene, I believe that cutting out sodas/other highly caffinated things will help you lose weight regardless. I do feel more alert…again, not jittery but I feel like I wanna go outside and run with my dog! I do feel that my body is tighter as well. I will keep ya’ll posted on how it goes in the future.
March 24, 2011
Thinking of taking it, but there’s so many mixed reviews about it. I know it effects people differently, but it seems there is no real answer whether it helps. Feeling quite indifferent as to whether I should try it, I am mainly just looking for a boost while working out, and eating healthier.
Are there more people out there who have taken this longer? What were the results like after a couple months? Or at least a few weeks?
March 26, 2011
I just purchased the quick start rapid weight loss system. Am I supposed to take the maximum strength calorie control the same time as the maximum strength fat burner? So then I would be taking 4 pills in the morning? And in the evening? Please, elaborate.
Editor’s comments: The instructions should be included on the packaging. However, since both of these products contain substantial amounts of caffeine, this not something we would recommend.
April 22, 2011
Today was my 1st day taking the Fat Burners and I ran the Treadmill like never before. I have never done Cardio for 1 1/2 hrs. I left the gym feeling like a champ!
May 6, 2011
I’ve been taking the Jillian Michael’s Max Strength Fat Burner for 5 days. I started off with 1 in the am and 2 in the pm (I wanted to start slow because I was afraid of upset stomach).
I haven’t lost or gained anything, and I’ve had to urinate much more. I’m thinking it’s part water pill too.
Working out is part of my lifestyle, I’m an aerobic instructor, cyclist, rock climber and I just want to lose a few more lbs to be lighter for racing season. I am not sure if this fat burner is for me?
I will say taking this along with my anti-depressant, I don’t feel life as daunting. I haven’t napped but once this week (late night, long story) My rating may change if I drop 4 lbs. but right now I hold at a 3.
May 7, 2011
I am 124lbs with 18% body fat. I have a one and a half year old and a six month old. I have lost four lbs on it along with healthy diet and excersise in a month. So if it will work for someone like me with not a lot of weight to lose then it should work for anyone as long as your not only relying on a pill to make you skinny.
May 16, 2011
I am 5’7 and weigh 170lbs. I want to get down to 140lbs. I will check back here weekly to give an update. I purchased the Pills yesterday. I started my diet and work out plan today. So far I will say that my hunger level has decreased and I have energy out of this world.
May 19, 2011
I started using these pills on 5/16/2011. I weighed 170lbs. I weighed in on 5/18/2011 and now I weigh 165lbs. I guess its safe to say that they are working. I will check back in on 5/23/2011
May 23, 2011
I started taking these pills about 2 weeks ago, and have been real happy with the results. The only odd thing I got was the first time I took them I felt really jumpy and sweaty. I found that was because I took it in the morning. Now I take it before lunch and dinner and it’s been working great. I have lost 6 lbs. so far, and had more energy to work out. I also take Alli, and found its helped too! I totally recommend it!
June 3, 2011
I have been taken Jillian Fat Burner for 2 month now and I love them I take 2 at 6am and 2 by 1pm, in the morning am able to workout for 2hr and a 1hr at night after work, I have lost almost 30 pounds, am running and am not that far from 300lb and am eating right to, I don’t feel jumpy and I get a good sleep at night I have so much energy now I just pick up box 3 today. I too totally recommend it.
June 4, 2011
Ive used the fat burner and lost a dress size in two weeks, I was able to fit into my college graduation dress! I went out and bought the Quickstart kit with the Calorie control and fat burner..How do I take them? Do i take them together??
Thank you
Editor’s comments: Definitely do not take them together – the Calorie Control and the Fat Burner product both contain a TON of stimulants. You can take one or the other, but not both.
June 4, 2011
Been on the pills for 2 days and I’ve already lost 2 pounds. I noticed my appetite is suppressed and I have more energy. The only downside Ive noticed so far is when I took the pill a little later than I should have it kept me up all night (literally 24 hours) because of all the caffeine.
I’m excited to see how much i can lose
June 11, 2011
I am going out to buy this pills later on in the day. I was wondering what you recommend my beginning dosage be? Should I follow the directions in the box? Or do you guys have other suggestions? Thank you
Editor’s comments: Yes, follow the retailer’s instructions on the packaging.
June 17, 2011
i bought the rapid weight loss system with the maximum fatburner and maximum calorie control. I took the fat burner today…this morning….with water…two capsules, and I have been peeing ever since. Now when am i suppose to take the calorie control? I work out 1 hour everd ay at the gym.. Please help anyone?? thanks…
Editor’s comments: Both of these products contain a LOT of stimulants. You should be taking one or the other, but not both at once.
June 27, 2011
It’s not working for me anymore, didn’t do anything. Switched the hydroxycut drink packets, amazing. Taste great, good energy, lost 7 in one week with smart eating and play a sport still. I think I’m going to toss the extra left over fat burner out, just wasn’t working. I don’t know, does the body get used to it or something and it becomes less effective?
No idea.
Elaborating: I’ll take a product until I reach my goal. It worked in the past, I took it in march. I don’t think I make smart choices when eating out, that’s when I’ll gain back. I tried it again later, didn’t work the same. I tried the hydroxycut berry packets and it totally works, got my metabolism going again so I can see the results I want. the fat burner just didn’t get my metabolism going like before and I do exercise and try to eat smart. I don’t know if I got used to the product but I like the other one better now.
Oh, and calorie control did nothing for me when I tried it long time ago. Waste of money, fat burner was a little better. I tried together (that seemed excessive) and tried separate (had more peace of mind that way).. I only have 10-15 that I try to lose at a time then I try to get off a product and maintain. – thought to give the back-story. take care, good luck
July 6, 2011
Whoah. I have taken these for a day and a half. Last night, I noticed I was getting itchy and didn’t think anything of it. Couldn’t sleep all night – jittery. Got up. Had a couple of the pills with breakfast (not seeing the connection with the sleeplessness)and now my face and eyes are extremely swollen, painful and itchy! My nose is running and eyes watery too. I have not eaten anything different than normal or used any other new products. I took some Benedryl and am hoping for the best. I am hoping to get my money back today. I feel like a fool – and one with a crazy swollen face! Never again will I take a pill for such a silly reason!
July 13, 2011
It’s been a while since someone posted is anyone who posted a year ago or so received great results as everyone who posted had only taken the pills in a week or two time frame…=(
July 16, 2011
Would the fat burners give you high blood pressure?
Editor’s comments: That’s a common side effect of stimulant based fat burners, yes. These products are not ideal for anyone with heart / high blood pressure.
July 21, 2011
I have had this for 1 week. Lost 1.4 lbs in the last week. Updating my progress on my blog as I go along!
July 29, 2011
So I purchased the Max Strength Fat Burner this week. I am a fit active person who was looking for that little “extra” in preparation for a trip. Upon reading the box in the store it told me to take 1 pill in the a.m and 1 with my big meal in the p.m (28 pills in the box) So, I did the math and thought I was purchasing a 2 week supply. Upon getting it home and reading the inside instructions, it read, take 2 pills in the a.m and 2 in the p.m. So, first of all my 2 week supply has become one AND I don’t know what instructions are right. Most importantly, I feel duped, like it’s not a “typo” but I just spent $40+ tax (13% for us Canadians)for a week worth of product When I was lead to believe that it was for a full 2 weeks…Not really impressed. So, I’ve spent the $ now…what are the right instructions?
Editor’s comments: That’s really a question for the manufacturers of this product. If the instructions on the outside are different tha those on the inside, you really were duped into believing you were getting twice the amount of product. We’d recommend returning it to where you bought and making your complaints known.
August 14, 2011
OMG the 1st week I took Fat Burner I WAS CONSTIPATED. So I took a laxative which worked wonders teehee
… I’ve dropped 6 lbs.
Anyway try it. If it works POST it.
August 16, 2011
At 211 after having a baby. I bought the cleanse and burn pack and back to clean eating and working out.
I did the cleansing as directed, no side effects, no results. I went on to the fat burner pills. After 5 days I was extremely bloated and had bad gas, which I’ve never had an issue with in my life. Day 6 I had horrible diarrhea so I stopped taking. I also somehow managed to gain 7 pounds and several inches with no change in my body fat percentage. My clothes were tighter, and I was more miserable than before. After being off the pills for 1 week, I tried the fat burners alone at a half dose on a full stomach, and this time, after 2 days I have severe diarrhea again with abdominal cramping. Originally, I admit, the pills gave me the alert feeling I needed to get up early and push through a morning workout. But at the cost of severe abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and needing medical treatment? Not worth it.
I tried taking the pills back to the store, who told me to contact the manufacturer for a refund. Waiting to hear from them. I also noticed, I have to drink more than an 8 oz glass of water with the pills, otherwise there is a severe burning feeling at the top of my stomach, which is pretty scary. Needless to say, if I could give this product 0 stars I would. Good luck every one! Like it says, these aren’t for everyone, and they aren’t for me! Also tried to give more details, but the website thinks I’m spammy.
September 2, 2011
Okay here goes my side on this product. Im first going to start off with my story of gaining alot of weight by: about 2 years ago i weighed 130 lbs now thats a good weight for me being that i am only 5″3. I got pregnent with my beautiful daughter and throughout my pregnancy i gained a huge amount of almost 60lbs. I know thats a massive amount that i put on. But thats mostly all my fault because i craved sooo much chocolate cake and mccdonalds cheeseburgers alot during my pregnancy. Now before i got pregnant i never really ate that type of food i always had a nice figure and worked hard to keep it that way. So long story short now that my daughter is almost 1 years old i am now finally trying to get my old figure back. This whole year i havent done anything to try and get my figure back until now. Exactly 3 weeks and 4 days ago i decided that i was going to change my eating habits and the way i took control of my food intake. So i decided to first try the jillian michaels cleanser kit which has the fat burner in the kit that you have to take for a week after you take the cleanser. I took the whole package in 2 weeks and i did notice a difference with that. So i decided to continue to take the fat burners that i bought off ebay and i can tell you from expeierence that it does work. I weighed myself 3 weeks ago and i weighed 179lbs, i weighed myself againg yesterday and i now weigh 167lbs so that means in 3 weeks i lost 12lbs. I can tell you that i feel super happy that i even lost that much weight. I no longer need to wear my maternity paints anymore thank goodness. I know that by me taking the fat burners it is helping me get to the weight that i want to be at. Now i do also eat about 1200 calories a day and i work out atleast 3-4 days a week for about 30 minutes. I have noticed that the fat burner does curb my appeitte alot so i dont feel as hungry as i used to. I also notice that i feel full alot more now even if i havent eaten in a while, and im okay with that. I know that everyone is different and it might not work for you, but i know from my expeirence that it is working for me. So by me taking it now for about 3 weeks i have lost 12 lbs and for me thats a big accomplishmint. I cant wait till the day that i can fit in my size 7 paints again lol. Right now im wearing a size 11 paints and they are already feeling loose. And 3 months ago i couldnt even button them up thats why i was still wearing my maternity paints wich is very deprressing. So all i can finish saying is DONT GIVE UP..stay motivated and positive and dont get discuriged if you dont see any weight loss in the first week but trut me if you keep up with it you’ll start seeing the weight come off you just have to be patient. I am giving myself 3 months to try and get back to where i was before. So now i am almost done with a whole month and i am seeing the results already. Just stay strong and if you really want to lose the weight you will do all you can to get their in a healthy way. And trust me i know what its like to crave all that junk food. Its espcially hard sometimes when you are married to someone who eats whatever they want whenever they want but i know and i tell myself whenever i want that chocolate cake or pizza that the minute that food hits my stomach its only going to make me stay fat and i will never lose the weight and cake and pizza is not worth me staying fat for. So good luck and enjoy your new body when you get their
September 5, 2011
Ok for those wanting a longer time frame….
I went to college last fall at 5′ 10 272 lbs, I decided enough was enough. I started working out and dropped down to the low 260’s and hit a rut. So I decided to pick up a little assistance in these pills. 5 months later I was sitting at 204 in the best shape of my life. Now know this: I worked out 2 hours a day was taking protein and eating extremely well, but these do in fact work if you’re willing to put the time in.
PS I’m sitting at 214 right now at 17% body fat. I have decided to get back on them and I’m going for broke on this next cycle. I’m hoping of hitting the 10-12% body fat range, wish me luck!
September 15, 2011
I have been taking these for 3 days now and the energy they give me to work out is awesome. I no longer get up and drink a starbucks which is also helpful since I am not taking in those empty caloties. I am also using the calorie counter app for android and that makes me really pay attention to what I am eating since I have to log everything. I am a mom and looking to lose my belly pooch, I hope this helps me get back my old body. I wish the pills were cheaper because a 6 day supply for $20 is still a bit steep for me.
September 29, 2011
I found a box of these on clearance at our local grocery store. I picked them up on a whim, then came over here and read the reviews before I started taking them. I opted to start a little slow to see how I reacted to the stimulants. I had no problem with them even when I had two cups of tea. They made me feel really great – I had steady energy and a positive outlook. The downside, as others mentioned, I wasn’t tired at bedtime. I opted to take only two a day in the later morning – any time between 9-11 (before any kind of workout). The energy lasted all day for me. I had no mid-afternoon slump. I was getting stuff done! I’m afraid I cannot speak to whether I lost weight. Honestly I don’t feel like I did. I didn’t change my diet much and I continued with my 3 cardio workouts a week. My husband and I have a pact not to weight until a week or so into Oct (I can’t recall the exact date). The pills made me feel so good, though, I think I will buy more because I found a good price on Ebay.
September 29, 2011
Oh – and I wanted to add – I am finding a reduction in my cravings and desire for snack & junk food.
October 3, 2011
I am 5’7″ and recently have gained 12 lbs going from 130 to 142. A week ago I purchased Jillian’s Fat Burner and started four days a week of 1 hour cardio sessions. I am a vegetarian so my diet has always been pretty healthy and I’ve really made no adjustments to my diet. In one week I have lost 4.2 lbs and am 137.8 lbs!! I’ve had no side effects, no jittery feelings, etc. I am amazed at the quick results b/c I usually have such a hard time losing weight. I’ll check in again next week but this may be the quickest/shortest diet I’ve ever had to do!
November 11, 2011
These aren’t your typical “diet pills”. They are natural substances combined by a dietician for aid in fat burning. You must exercise, consume 64oz of water a day, & eat under 1500 calories to lose weight. These give you energy and help to attack stubborn fat storage. I used these a year ago with little exercise and saw results. I’m eager to see what they do now that i’ve established a work out routine!
Editor’s comments: Actually, these very much are your typical diet pills; a ton of caffeine and very little else of substance. All the things you’re suggesting – exercise, diet and water consumption – are what are responsible for the weight loss. What this product will do is give you the artificial energy you need to get through the day, but as far as fat burning goes… not so much.
Read the review for a complete breakdown of the product profile.
November 21, 2011
will these pills work without exercise? I understand that exercise is helpful but is it the only way that it will work? I have completely taken soda out of my diet and I am eating way lighter foods. I just do not have time or money to go to the gym to exercise. I am on the right track with these? Please help.
Editor’s comments: Kris, the fat burning effects of this product is not great (see the complete review for details).
It contains a ton of caffeine that will provide you with the artificial energy needed to complete workouts, and perhaps suppress the appetite somewhat. The only way this pill will work without exercise – which burns calories, elevates the metabolism and builds lean muscle – is if you consume fewer calories than you expend. And in this case, it isn’t the pill – it’s your diet. For more information on how to lose weight, may we suggest this article on how to burn fat?
January 16, 2012
I have been using the fat burner in combination with the calorie control for a few weeks and I am pretty satisfied! The fat burner gives me a lot of energy, and the calorie control lessens my desire to eat (both in that it makes me eat smaller portions and lessens my appetite throughout the day.
They dont make me jittery, but, does anyone else have difficulty sleeping? Maybe I am taking them too late.
To those who have mentioned gaining a lb or two-could it be water weight? The directions tell you to drink the pills with a lot of water- if you are hopping on the scale immediately after taking the pills, maybe it just looks as though you are gaining those two pounds. i always try to weigh myself in the morning immediately after using the restroom. Just a thought! Good luck!
February 5, 2012
I just purchased Jillians Maximum strength fat burners pills. I am eager to start them tomorrow. I will give my opinion in a day or two.
February 6, 2012
muscle definitely weighs more than fat, so the two lb gain could be muscle. give it time, even if you are gaining weight, it’s not always a bad thing, especially when you’re working out. if you don’t want to gain muscle, than do light exercises that still improve weight loss such as walking or running, not lifting weights or resistance type exercises. i just bought these pills today but i also do exercises that inquire building muscle mass so if i don’t see weight loss, i won’t blame the pill for not working. the only way you’ll know it’s working is at the end of you taking them, examining your body and how it has changed!
March 6, 2012
I purchased one box of your “Detox and Cleanse” for myself and one box of “Jumpstart Kit” for my husband thinking it was a good idea to do a cleanse. On Thursday morning we started with the first 2 pills. Thursday evening we took 2 more as per the instructions. On Friday morning we took our morning dose. My husband (who left that morning on a flight) called to tell me he couldn’t get off the toilet and was having stomach craps. A couple hours later, I was having the same thing. It was like water running out of me every time I sat on the toilet. By Friday afternoon I was violently vomiting. Within a few hours, I was having dizzy spells and severe headaches (needless to say, neither of us took or nightly dose). By 1:00am (late Friday night/early Saturday morning) I was taken to the hospital where I was diagnosed with extreme dehydration.
I am SHOCKED that someone with the reputation of Jillian (which is why I bought the product) would indorse a product that could even potentially lead to this type of situation!
Editor’s comments: Just for the record, “Detox and Cleanse” is not “ours”. We have nothing to do with this product and its parent company.
March 10, 2012
All of you that are using this product and are gaining weight, remember, this is a FAT LOSS pill. You maybe losing fat and gaining muscle. This is a good thing since muscle weighs more than fat. If your love handle are going away and you seem a little more muscular then it’s working.Don’t judge before you get all the facts straight. I’m a Personal Trainer student and I can tell you… be patient.
March 15, 2012
I found that if you combined this product with Jillian’s calorie control, it works great. It gives you just enough energy to get you motivated to do your exercises without giving you the jitters. I love these products and would recommend them to anyone who is looking to lose weight but has difficulty finding the energy to exercise and has difficulty controlling their appetite.
April 18, 2012
I haven’t been taking these pills long, but they have had a positive effect on me so far.
I just wanted to say to all those people who haven’t lost weight and/or have gained weight, perhaps the problem isn’t the pill but rather your eating habits? I’ve heard and read before that it’s better to eat a large lunch and small dinner. Therefore, I take these pills with my breakfast and lunch (my biggest meal of the day). I diet and exercise regularly like I’m sure everyone else here does. I don’t have a scale, so I can’t measure how much weight I’ve lost. However, I’m starting to visually see a difference, so I’m perfectly pleased.
P.S. Another plus to taking it in the middle of the day with a bigger lunch is that it gives you that extra burst of energy to work out or just get through the day, and it leaves you sleeping better at night. Also, depending on your workout, you could in fact be gaining muscle which does weigh more than fat. Just sayin’ :]
May 1, 2012
I am currently on a weight loss goal. A tough one but i need answers. Well opinions. Can i lose 50 pounds in 2 months? If so will these pills aid me in it? I amon a healthy diet, and exercise twice a day (not including my walking) 6 days a week, 40mins each, and full cardio interval training.
Editor’s comments: A realistic weight loss goal is 1-2lbs of weight per week. Remember that a pound of stored fat is the equivalent to approximately 3500 calories and you have to burn off those calories to lose weight. To lose 6 plus pounds per week, you’d need to create a caloric deficit of about 21,000 calories, which is more calories than most people require in a week. So no, 50 lbs in two months is not realistic, sorry.
May 7, 2012
I have been taking this for 2 weeks which is a whole bottle now along with 45 minutes of cardio daily 1400 calorie diet along with my active lifestyle and I have not lost one lb. I would not recommend this product. IT SUCKS.
May 7, 2012
Been taking it for one week. I think 2 pills in the morning is a bit much, too jittery, but it’s got my brain on all cylinders too! Good for my job! I have a thyroid condition, so not taking it everyday or twice a day, just 1-2 times a week. Helps with my food cravings, mindless munching..lost 2.5lbs last week just due to eating habit improvment.
May 17, 2012
I have been using the product for about 2 weeks now and I’ve lost a little over 7 lbs. I am disabled and cannot exercise so I have just been watching what I eat. I still eat basically whatever I want just smaller portions. Before, I was only losing 1-2 lbs a week watching my food, but with the product I am losing twice that much. I hope this was helpful.
May 27, 2012
I have been using this product for over a month now. I walk a mile, and run 1-2 miles a day and have yet to lose more than 3 lbs. I don’t have any increase in energy what so ever, but my appetite is a lot smaller. I definitely wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone.
May 30, 2012
I just bought Jillian Michaels extreme fat burning pills and i haven’t started using them just yet but i wanted to say thank you for the reviews to everyone…..i was afraid to use them because my family always said that diet pills can be very dangerous…..however to those of you that said you gained two pounds…..it does say on the box and bottle itself that it doesn’t work for everyone because everyone is different…..i mean keep trying….i know i am but just keep in mind that they do say that and that anything is possible…..Good luck everyone! Wish me luck to hehe!
June 9, 2012
I am only 14, i am on a goal to lose 20 pounds this summer. I see that it says to not take unless you are 18 and above and this frighteness me. i was wondering if it would be a very big deal.. i dont want to put my health at risk so would i be able to tske them anyways or is it too risky???
Editor’s comments: Marina, you don’t need these pills, and at 14 you should not be taking them.
June 25, 2012
I am thinking of using this product. I do have a thyroid condition so I ma aware of the whole “be cautious of caffeine products and ephedra” ordeal. I had a baby 9 months ago and and have managed to shed 30 lbs on my own…its the other 27-30 that I can’t seem to shed with my diet and exercise routine. Feel like I need that addtl boost. Anyone else in the same situation? I ordered my product thru vitacost.com for 17.99 so the price didn’t seem that outrageous to me to give it a shot. Should arrive within a week. Will give product a try and see if I have any luck. I am so miserable with this extra weight and feel like I am at wits-end…
July 1, 2012
I use it for three month and didn’t see any results so I stop to use it.
Now I am doing the same exercise amount and the results is showing slowly the same way as with this Jillian Extreme Maximum Strenght Fat Burner.
So this product didn’t do anything and I decide to increase my workout, get a better diet control and voila!Back to the classical way to loose fat: eating right and working out hard.
July 2, 2012
hi i have used the jump start kit and common sense will tell you when you are getting dehydrated thats why you must drink lots of water and gator aid. i love the fat burner pills. i am slowly loosing weight you do not want to loose too fast one because it will come back and it will be harder to loose. Second if you weigh alot the first pounds you will loose will be water weight. jillian micheals ripped in thirty is a good workout video and the thighs and buns is also good to work out with i give her weightloss products a two thumbs up she kicks butt
July 2, 2012
hi i have used the jump start kit and common sense will tell you when you are getting dehydrated thats why you must drink lots of water and gator aid. i love the fat burner pills. i am slowly loosing weight you do not want to loose too fast one because it will come back and it will be harder to loose. Second if you weigh a lot the first pounds you will loose will be water weight. Jillian Micheals ripped in thirty is a good workout video and the thighs and buns is also good to work out with i give her weightloss products a two thumbs up she kicks butt
March 14, 2013
Editor’s comments: Shelia, Gatoraid is fine to drink if you are an athlete, otherwise, it contains WAY too much sugar to be consumed as part of any diet plan.
July 5, 2012
I was skeptical – I don’t even take Aspirin. I haven’t been to a doctor in years… I’m quite healthy, but my weight got away from me.
Well, I bought this product — and it DID work. I never took more than one twice a day – I said I am skeptical of any kinds of pills. But after 6 months – a goal of one pound a week – I lost 44 lbs.
NOW – they stopped working for me. I’ve hit a wall after 4-5 lbs lost every month. It seems my work out regimen doesn’t take the toll it used to.
I’ve been stuck at a 44-45 lb weight loss since April 30. I walk 2-3 miles on a treadmill with a 3-5% incline at least 3 times a week. I also swim a mile [one hour] 4 to five days a week. I gave up all soft drinks – drink only water and unsweetened iced tea.
My biggest challenge is giving up bread. I’m not a pasta fan, but I do like meat and potatoes.
Now that these pills are ineffective – I am not sure what to do next… but I have gone from a 22-24 to a 16-18 in all my clothes. they DID work.
July 5, 2012
The reason I know the pills were part of the weight loss – since I hit the 45 lb wall April 1 – I stopped taking them… OH boy… what a difference.
I didn’t have the energy to go to the gym… I retained more water.. felt sluggish… I missed the energy they gave me… and I do believe they were upping my metabolism even on those days I don’t go to the gym. I love my regimen at the gym.. the only reason I don’t go is when I push too hard on the equipment and have sore muscles for a day. I am dead in the water without these pills.
I walk at least 60 min – 5-6 times a week. 30 miles per hour with a 3-5% grade. I also use all the machines – on various muscle groups for at least 25 minutes — and then swim laps for 40 to 60 minutes…. almost every day. I live right down the street from my club – so it’s a part of my life now… but the pills? They stopped working… AND I notice the difference. I’m scared to try another brand or increase the dosage.
I am thinking I need to reset my metabolism.. what ever that means…
July 12, 2012
I am almost 19 years old and in a month and 1 week I will be going on a week long vacation with my boyfriend to a beach resort. Although we’ve been together for 4 years, I am unbelievably self conscious about my thighs, arms, and belly. My thighs especially would easily be considered “thunder thighs.” Going on this vacation and wearing a bikini will be awful for me and I am considering buying Jullian’s extreme fat burner when I get off work today. Do you think this product can slim me down to look better by a month from now? I really am desperate. I want to feel comfortable in a bikini in public. Opinions? Please
October 30, 2012
Editor’s comments: Steph, these products provide a “boost” only. Diet and exercise are the key, sorry.
July 25, 2012
I too have thyroid problem….and a very very very slow metabolism…but i decide to take the pill also after looking at the box for a month…:)
This is my first day and I am fine….but caffeine never had an effect on me i could drink a strong black coffee at night and still go right to sleep…go figure…
On this first day i am maybe a little more alert and determine…it seems to cut my appetite a little or i dont feel so hungry or shall i say “the urge to eat everything in my pass” hahaha…
well i have a good attitude about my new exercice eat less diet…it is giving me the mind peace i need….like i am doing something for myself so either way it is helping….
August 2, 2012
I started taking ths pills yesterday and exercised I’m not in any diet but I did exercise yesterday and today. Today I only took 1 pill in the morning because yesterday I felt my heart beat really fast. However I do feel energy but as soon as I’m done working out I feel tired. Also I’m only 16. I dnt know if they work because i still eat like usual and last nite felt rEally hungry. What should I do?
August 5, 2012
Editor`s comments: These products are not recommended for anyone under the age of 18. STOP taking the product… you don`t need it.
August 17, 2012
I took this for 6 months total and lost 25 pounds. There is no miracle drug. You cannot expect to take a pill and the weight drops off. You have to invest time and effort into your weight loss. I ate better and did two hours of exercise a day. A high intense aerobic in the morning and then I ran at night. I slimmed down and felt great. I would and have recommended this to my friends who ask what I did to jump start my weight loss and muscle build.
February 21, 2013
yes for all you newbies taking these yes they worked at first for me and i was following the directions on the bottle 2 in the morning and 2 with main meal great for awhile lost some weight has i got close to finishing the bottle i notcied i started having bad:( side effects feeling ,very tired, having headaches, fatigue, not so good after all will not be finishing the bottle
good luck to all you newbies who are just starting them maybe!!! they will work better for you then they did for me
August 19, 2013
All you are saying you lost respect for her and its a diet pill are confused. A diet pill is simply caffeine to boost your metabolism, and a combination of ingredients which can help reduce appetite. You can use this with a healthy diet and exercise regime. If you weigh 250 pounds, sit on the couch all day, and want to continue eating badly, you don’t need to be using the product. On the other hand, if you hit a plateau, are reducing to low bodyfat for some type of athletic competition, there is nothing unhealthy about it. You need to do it with the right nutritional and physical knowledge.
February 4, 2016
Let me start by saying I love Jillian Michaels. She has a perfect body and is so positive and motivating. I used her products however and I was not happy with the results. They have alot of caffeine in them and it made me jittery. I now use the Dr. Max Powers Burn and ive lost about 10 lbs in a week, and I do not feel the jitters like I did with Jillian’s product.