Lipo-6 Fat Burner Review: Does Lipo 6 Work? -

Lipo-6 Fat Burner Review: Does Lipo 6 Work?

Weight/fat loss supplements come and go – few stay on the market for a prolonged period of time, since reality rarely lives up to the hype. “Tried and true” formulations are rare, particularly in a market where novel ingredients and products are constantly being introduced.

One of the few stalwarts is Nutrex Research’s Lipo-6. Even though it started out as an ephedra-based supplement, it has survived and thrived in the post-ephedra market.

What gives Lipo-6 its staying power? Let’s take a closer look at the current Lipo 6 compilation and evaluate the ingredients…

1. Synephrine-HCl: Although common to many fat burners, there isn’t a heck of a lot of evidence that synephrine—a chemical “cousin” to ephedra—is particularly effective for weight loss. To emphasize this point, check this extract about Citrus Aurantium (synephrine) from this PubMed abstract…

“An extensive search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, and the Cochrane Collaboration Database identified only 1 eligible randomized placebo controlled trial, which followed 20 patients for 6 weeks, demonstrated no statistically significant benefit for weight loss, and provided limited information about the safety of the herb.”

This study (Obes Rev. 2006 Feb;7(1):79-88) concludes…

“While some evidence is promising, we conclude that larger and more rigorous clinical trials are necessary to draw adequate conclusions regarding the safety and efficacy of C. aurantium and synephrine alkaloids for promoting weight loss.”

For the most part, retailers exaggerate synephrine’s effects on diet and weight loss. That said, it is a stimulant and will provide a boost of energy (especially when it is combined with caffeine) and anecdotal reports suggest it may be helpful as an appetite suppressant.

2. Caffeine: a thermogenic with a proven track record for effectiveness (see Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Jan;49(1):44-50, Am J Clin Nutr. 1980 May;33(5):989-97).

Some data indicates it offers greater benefits to lean individuals that those who are overweight (see Am J Physiol. 1995 Oct;269(4 Pt 1):E671-8).

Caffeine on its own is helpful, but it works best when combined with ephedra or, as more recently shown, green tea.

Of course, there’s no ephedra or green tea in this version of Lipo-6.

3. Guggulsterones: the standardized extract of a resin of a tree native to India. This resin has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. A study published in The Journal of Associations of Physicians in India in 1989 showed this substance to have a powerful effect in decreasing blood fats (called triglycerides) AND LDL cholesterol (that’s the “bad” cholesterol), while elevating levels of the good cholesterol “HDL.”

Guggulsterones may also stimulate the thyroid gland. This may result in a positive effect upon the body’s main thyroid hormones, T3 and T4. Nonetheless, current evidence suggests guggulsterones are no weight loss miracle.

4. Yohimbine HCl: The active principle of the bark of the African Yohimbe tree, this compound is often used as a natural aphrodisiac.

It is also sold as a drug (in the U.S., a popular brand is Yohimex containing 5.4 milligram of yohimbine hydrochloride per tablet) and is used to treat impotency, dilate the pupil of the eye, and stimulate fat loss. Because it can cause unpredictable effects on blood pressure, yohimbine should be approached with caution.

According to the US Food and Drug administration

Yohimbe is a tree bark containing a variety of pharmacologically active chemicals. It is marketed in a number of products for body building and “enchanced male performance.” Serious adverse effects, including renal failure, seizures and death, have been reported to FDA with products containing yohimbe and are currently under investigation.

The major identified alkaloid in yohimbe is yohimbine, a chemical that causes vasodilation, thereby lowering blood pressure. Yohimbine is also a prescription drug in the United States. Side effects are well recognized and may include central nervous system stimulation that causes anxiety attacks.

At high doses, yohimbine is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. MAO inhibitors can cause serious adverse effects when taken concomitantly with tyramine-containing foods (e.g., liver, cheeses, red wine) or with over-the-counter (OTC) products containing phenylpropanolamine, such as nasal decongestants and diet aids. Individuals taking yohimbe should be warned to rigorously avoid these foods and OTC products because of the increased likelihood of adverse effects.

Yohimbe should also be avoided by individuals with hypotension (low blood pressure), diabetes, and heart, liver or kidney disease. Symptoms of overdosage include weakness and nervous stimulation followed by paralysis, fatigue, stomach disorders, and ultimately death.

There’s also the issue that the vast majority of commercial yohimbe products are largely devoid of effective levels of yohimbine. While a few studies bear out yohimbine’s positive effect on impotence, data proving its worth as a fat burner is not as impressive, althought there is some (Isr J Med Sci. 1991 Oct;27(10):550-6).

Evidence also validates its “lipid-mobilizing action.”

4. Bioperine: the patented extract of the black pepper and long pepper berries harvested in India. Bioperine’s value is that it has been established to enhance the bioavailibility of certain supplements through increased absorption.

In other words, when combined with Bioperine, numerous vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti oxidants are more efficiently absorbed and utilized in the body.

Bottom line on Lipo-6?

Even though I’m not a fan of yohimbine, Lipo-6 is probably on par with competitive fat burner products. It also has a short, tight list of ingredients, which is a refreshing change from the “kitchen sink” products I frequently see.

It would be nice, however, to see ingredients like synephrine (which has been largely discredited) replaced with something more useful; a green tea extract is an obvious choice.

On the other hand, Lipo-6 is a product that seems to be very popular with our visitors. Feedback and user reviews on the product are largely positive, with most people being satisfied with their purchase, and some even highly recommending it.

Of course, not all feedback is genuine, and all of it is anecdotal, but nonetheless, most genuine material seems to be complementary and most people think Lipo-6 works to some extent.

That certainly does not mean you’ll find the weight melting off you, should you decide to try this product. And it doesn’t mean it’s a winner. The end conclusion is almost always the same…

If you make the appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle, you may find Lipo-6 helpful. If you’re not willing to make those changes, this product will do little for you. If you think Lipo-6 sounds a little tame for you, check out the reviews of Lipo-6X and Lipo-6 Black—products that offer slightly more intense formulations.

Summary of Lipo-6
  • Contains some useful ingredients.
  • Short list of ingredients.
  • Popular formula that’s largely stood the test of time.
  • Certain ingredients speculative or weak.
  • Some caution should be observed with yohimbine.

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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