Thermocerin Fat Burner Review: Does Thermocerin Work? -

Thermocerin Fat Burner Review: Does Thermocerin Work?

It would appear that Thermocerin has been discontinued.

Thermocerin claims to be the “world’s most powerful fat burner now available without prescription.”

Big deal.

Just about every fat burner makes this claim. Heck, if I had a dollar for every time I either heard or read this, I’d be retired by now.

And Thermocerin is no different—as you’ll see, it’s not a bad formula, but it’s far from revolutionary, and it sure as heck ain’t “the world’s most powerful fat burner.” And it was never a prescription product, so the whole “now available without a prescription” claim rings a bit hollow.

Sure, the web site sounds and looks pretty official. There’s millions of testimonials, some very official sounding text on thermogenesis and metabolism, and even a section on “clinical proof.” Unfortunately, it all means very little…

Testimonials on their own mean very little. First of all, you can’t verify them, so you can’t be sure they aren’t completely fabricated (trust me, this happens all the time in the weight loss industry).

Next, you can’t tell how much diet and exercise contributed to weight loss success, and how much Thermocerin contributed. The only way to do so would be to run a double-blind, clinical study with numerous control groups — one group exercising and eating right, one group eating right and using Thermocerin but not exercising, one group doing whatever — you get the picture.

Next, remember that any personal testimonial is anecdotal. It doesn’t stand up as scientific proof – not in any professional’s standards. Every product needs to be tested against a placebo because for some people, there mere suggestion that they are taking the “world’s most powerful weight loss pill” will be enough to cause them to lose weight.

Notice too that Thermocerin is paying $250 for testimonials…

And what about the clinical proof?

Well, there is no clinical proof that the precise blend of ingredients in Thermocerin is helpful for weight loss. The clinical data refers to a study on green tea. Green tea does appear to be, as several studies have confirmed, helpful for weight loss (click here for the full review and accompanying clinical references).

A newer study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 81, No. 1, 122-129, January 2005), indicated the ingestion of a tea rich in catechins (catechins are a major component of green tea extract) leads to both a lowering of body fat AND of cholesterol levels. More so, the combination of green tea and caffeine may be even more beneficial for weight loss (Obes Res. 2005 Jul; 13(7): 1195-204).

Obviously then, Thermocerin contains green tea (as well as white tea).

It also contains caffeine, yohimbe, and capsaicin — although we don’t know the precise dosage — the blend is labeled as “proprietary.”

However, there are only 255 mg of ingredients per serving, so this is hardly a potent concoction (a decent tea-based fat burner like EAS’ Thermo Dynamx contains over 600 mg of active tea constituents per serving).

Additionally, the amount of green tea found in a serving of Thermocerin is nowhere near the amount used to garner the positive results in the numerous clinical studies (Thermo Dynamx is a lot closer).

And as for the other ingredients?

In the correct dosage, caffeine is a well known stimulant that has thermogenic properties — especially when combined with green tea.

Capsaicin may have a slight effect on elevating the metabolism — but only in extremely high doses — in excess of 3 grams! (Br J Nutr. 1999 Aug;82(2):115-23.)

The standardized extract of the bark of the African Yohimbe tree is yohimbine. This compound is often used as a natural aphrodisiac. It is also sold as a drug (in the U.S., a popular brand is Yohimex containing 5.4 milligram of yohimbine hydrochloride per tablet) and is used to treat impotency, dilate the pupil of the eye, and stimulate fat loss (studies indicating weight loss are promising but not revolutionary — see Isr J Med Sci. 1991 Oct;27(10):550-6).

Because it can cause unpredictable effects on blood pressure, Yohimbe should be approached with caution. According to the U.S. FDA…

“Yohimbe is a tree bark containing a variety of pharmacologically active chemicals. It is marketed in a number of products for body building and “enhanced male performance.” Serious adverse effects, including renal failure, seizures and death, have been reported to FDA with products containing yohimbe and are currently under investigation.

The major identified alkaloid in yohimbe is yohimbine, a chemical that causes vasodilation, thereby lowering blood pressure. Yohimbine is also a prescription drug in the United States. Side effects are well recognized and may include central nervous system stimulation that causes anxiety attacks.

At high doses, yohimbine is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. MAO inhibitors can cause serious adverse effects when taken concomitantly with tyramine-containing foods (e.g., liver, cheeses, red wine) or with over-the-counter (OTC) products containing phenylpropanolamine, such as nasal decongestants and diet aids. Individuals taking yohimbe should be warned to rigorously avoid these foods and OTC products because of the increased likelihood of adverse effects.

Yohimbe should also be avoided by individuals with hypotension (low blood pressure), diabetes, and heart, liver or kidney disease. Symptoms of overdosage include weakness and nervous stimulation followed by paralysis, fatigue, stomach disorders, and ultimately death.”

Bottom line on Thermocerin?

It’s not the world’s most powerful fat burner by any means. It does however, contain a few worthwhile ingredients that may prove helpful for weight loss (green and white tea, yohimbe, and caffeine). Unfortunately, these are present in very low doses and are unlikely to provide much in the way of benefits.

Keep in mind however, that even if Thermocerin is helpful in boosting your metabolism, it is unlikely to provide a very dramatic effect — one study showed people burned 100 extra calories a day when supplementing with green tea. If you’re over consuming calories therefore, Thermocerin will do nothing for you (no product will).

Thermocerin is also pretty expensive — $59 for a one month’s supply. Personally, I’d opt for a more potent product with a proven money-back guarantee — like MX-LS7 — reviewed here , or the aforementioned Thermo Dynamx, reviewed here!

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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