Benefits of Garlic & Garlic Supplements
Garlic: An Introduction Garlic is the common name for the flavorful, strongly scented bulbs of plants that belong to the lily family. Its widespread use in Mediterranean cooking contributes to the well-touted health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Garlic has a range of medicinal properties that have been known for thousands of years, and therefore offers many benefits — whether used raw or in supplement form. The ancient...
Oil Of Oregano: Information And Benefits
Oil of oregano is made by pressing the leaves of the herb oregano to extract the oil from it. Oregano is a highly aromatic member of the mint family. It is, of course, a staple of Mediterranean cooking, though the common spice found on most kitchen shelves is usually not the pure Mediterranean oregano that can be used therapeutically. Pure oregano is a very potent spice that was used medicinally in ancient Greece. When properly...
GrapeFruit Seed Extract Review & Information: Natural Antimicrobial Agent
Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a preparation derived from the seeds and pulp of grapefruit. It was originally developed by the German-born researcher Jacob Harich as an alternative to chemical means of preventing mold from growing on fruits and vegetables. Farmers also use grapefruit seed extract on their equipment to inhibit the growth of mold, and cosmetic companies use it as a natural preservative. GSE first appeared as a dietary...
Cranberry Health Benefits: Fight Urinary Tract Infections!
Cranberries are tiny red fruits that grow on evergreen shrubs throughout the northern hemisphere. Cranberry fruit is very high in the antioxidant vitamin C. It also contains a number of important phytochemicals and nutrients including other antioxidants, B-complex vitamins and minerals. Cranberries are best known as a treatment for urinary tract infections. Phytochemicals in cranberries known as proanthocyanadins prevent E.coli...