Say No to Really Stupid Gym Ads
Yes, I know it’s tongue-in-cheek, but I find the new Gold’s Gym ad campaign, “Say No to Cankles” to be really annoying.
REALLY annoying.
Why? Because far too many women are hyper-conscious about their bodies already. There’s no shortage of media attention to breasts, hips, tummies, derrieres, thighs, and (thanks to Michelle Obama) even arms. Inventing even more “aesthetic afflictions” to be embarrassed about is advertising FAIL.
Give it a rest guys…while it’s not as blatantly offensive as Bacardi’s “Get An Ugly Girlfriend” ad campaign, it’s not funny – it’s just dumb.
July 8, 2009
Now at least I know what “cankles” are.
Heaven forbid I that ever catch this hideous disease