James Fell on Cellulite
James S. Fell is a certified strength and conditioning coach who writes a semi-regular column, “In-Your-Face Fitness” for the L. A. Times. His current column covers a topic I’ve discussed before: cellulite. It’s a good rundown on what happens to it when you lose weight, and discusses the latest therapies (such as they are).
Both my research and that of real scientists suggest that diet and exercise leading to weight loss can (but not always) reduce the appearance of cellulite, either a little or a lot. This sounds like one of those things where genetics comes into play.
What about other methods?
…Of course, there are all kinds of heavily marketed options, such as creams, injecting carbon dioxide (yes, people do this), acid, herbs and other seemingly magic potions, but the aforementioned Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology paper states that “most treatments lack substantial proof of efficacy.”
In other words, those things are probably serpent lubrication.
Yup – that conclusion pretty much tallies with my own investigations. I get asked about cellulite from time-to-time, and I always double-check to see if there’s anything new. And there usually is, but solid proof is invariably lacking.
At any rate, if you’ve got cellulite, and were thinking of spending $$$ on yet another cream, supplement or treatment, you might want to give Fell’s column a look before you buy. He could save you some money.