Exercise Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer
Forget the expensive, get-up-and-go cleansing products…exercise is the real deal, when it comes to mitigating colon cancer risk.
An ambitious new study has added considerable weight to the claim that exercise can lower the risk for colon cancer. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Harvard University combined and analyzed several decades worth of data from past studies on how exercise affects colon cancer risk. They found that people who exercised the most were 24 percent less likely to develop the disease than those who exercised the least.
…They found that the protective effect of exercise held for all types of physical activity, whether that activity was recreational, such as jogging, biking or swimming, or job related, such as walking, lifting or digging.
“The beneficial effect of exercise holds across all sorts of activities,” says Wolin, also assistant professor of surgery. “And it holds for both men and women. There is an ever-growing body of evidence that the behavior choices we make affect our cancer risk. Physical activity is at the top of the list of ways that you can reduce your risk of colon cancer.”
Study abstract here: http://www.nature.com/bjc/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/6604917a.html