Rosario Dawson: “I Got Compliments For Looking Emaciated”
Yep – this site is primarily focused on weight loss. But weight loss, in and of itself, is not always “good.” Being lean and fit is one thing… trying to force your body to be unnaturally skinny is quite another. Yet for women, it’s the latter, rather than the former, that’s celebrated on magazine covers and other media. As such, it’s good to see pushback from stars like Rosario Dawson…...
“5 Weight Loss Tips for Cynical Bastards”
Suffice it to say, I don’t read “Cracked” for information… it’s strictly for laffs. But lo and behold, a January article, “5 Weight Loss Tips for Cynical Bastards” is actually pretty darned informative. In fact, I’d rate it higher than most mass market weight loss articles. This isn’t to say that it’s not funny… it is (I practically fell off my chair laughing at the...
French Diet Doctors Duke it Out in Court
Popular diet books = $$$, after all. The inventor of the popular Dukan Diet is defending his weight loss plan in a Paris courtroom, suing for libel against claims the diet is dangerous. Dr. Pierre Dukan, the French creator of the high-protein and oat-bran diet, is suing another bestselling diet author, rival Jean-Michel Cohen. Cohen told French health magazine “Meilleure Sante” that Dukan’s low-carb diet is...
Exercise and RMR
Trainer James Fell spells out the good – and bad – news in the LA Times. Though its origins are uncertain, any number of fitness magazines have made the “50 calories per pound of muscle” statement. Popular weight-loss gurus have jumped on the muscle-building-as-panacea-for-fat-loss bandwagon as well. Dr. Mehmet Oz said in a 2007 presentation to the National Cosmetology Assn., “Muscle burns about 50 times...
Smoking and Appetite Suppression
It’s no secret that some people – young women in particular – take up smoking to facilitate weight control. It’s also no secret that tobacco companies have worked long and hard to create the impression that smoking will help keep you svelte. As it turns out, there may be more than just marketing involved. According to a recent paper published in the European Journal of Public Health, tobacco companies actually...
Should You Talk to Your Friend About His/Her Weight?
This author of this Chicago Tribune article, “Broaching a Weighty Subject,” thinks so. But I don’t. Especially when it’s done like this… With a few key strokes and the click of a mouse, you can anonymously tell a loved one that he or she might want to consider losing some weight, and hey, you know just the place to help. Structure House, a North Carolina-based weight-management facility, offers an online...