Phoning It In
I’ve read this article on obesity by NYT columnist David Leonhardt so you don’t have to. Here’s the short version: “There’s an obesity crisis and the government needs to do something about it.” No, really. That’s what it all boils down to. It’s one of the most vacuous analyses I’ve ever seen on the subject. First, he considers punitive measures against obese people for raising...
So Close, and Yet So Far Away…
Ah, Martica, Martica, Martica… There are times when I think that maybe I pick on Martica Heaner a little too much: after all, she gives out lots of sensible advice, too. My problem with her, however, is that even the sensible stuff is conventional and unimaginative… She writes well enough, but her “Expert Advice” column sometimes reads like she’s just phoning it in. This is true for a lot of...
Sorry, But the FDA Isn’t THAT Stupid
The health/fitness supplement industry has an uneasy relationship with the FDA – to say the least. Thus, it was no surprise to see a link to this news item getting passed around, so people could have a laugh at the agency’s expense… Popular cereal is a drug, US food watchdog says WASHINGTON (AFP) – Popular US breakfast cereal Cheerios is a drug, at least if the claims made on the label by its manufacturer General...
Inexpert Advice
I happened to read Martica Heaner’s column, “Expert Advice” on this morning. It wasn’t bad at all… In fact, I thought her article, “Do Exercise and Nutrition Affect How Old You Look?“, was a pretty decent rundown on the effects of exercise (and secondarily, nutrition) on the aging process. Nonetheless, it reminded me of a line I recall from Babylon 5: “Unfortunately, while all...
Weight Loss Lip Gloss
Yeah, I know…it’s a real eye-roller. Nonetheless, people do fall for gimmicks like this, especially when the products are attractively packaged and the ad spiels are dressed up with sciency-sounding explanations about transdermal absorption of “clinically proven” ingredients. Thus, I was prepared to high-five an article in the L.A. Times: “A Little Lip Gloss, a Little Weight Loss” by Alexandra...
Everything I Loathe About Women’s Magazines…
…is captured in a slide show – “10 Reasons You’re Not Losing That Weight” – from “Women’s Health.” For starters, it was trite and poorly thought out… For example: Roadblock number 1: Always a go-getter, you work out at 6 a.m. This made no sense to me…I know plenty of very lean people who workout at the crack of dawn. Sure, there are a few precautions they take,...