The Sordid Tale of Phenocal, Synetgy LLC and Some Guy Named Craig Schwartz
A few weeks ago, a guy named Craig Schwartz, who is “duly authorized” to act on the behalf of Synetgy LLC (the makers of Phenocal and a company of *cough* great ethical and moral standards, *cough*) sent a note to our web host (you can read the note here) alleging violation of Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”). The claim, of course, is totally bogus – a simple bullying tactic. Our web...
From the “Duh” Files: World Anti-Doping Agency Drops Deer Antler Velvet from Banned Supplements List
Yep, they’ve finally come to their senses: the World Anti-Doping Agency has realized that they were wrong about Deer Antler Velvet, and removed it from their list of banned supplements. For those people trying to sell deer antler velvet supplements (sprays, powders, etc), as a natural alternative to HGH (human growth hormone) therapy, it is a bitter, but necessary blow (Deer Antler Velvet contains IGF-1, which is related to...
Budweiser: It’s Like Making Love in a Canoe
Back when I was in college, I attended various parties where alcohol was served… and – more often than not – the alcohol was in the form of beer. Not surprisingly, the dominant brands of beer were Coors and Budweiser (college students tend to not have a lot of money or taste, unfortunately). I’m no teetotaler, but I didn’t even get mildly buzzed at these parties, since I strongly dislike both brands...
Seattle Requires Vending Machines on City Property to be Half-Healthy
I don’t hit vending machines for snacks very often, but I’ve done it on rare occasions – usually when I’m at some highway rest stop out in the middle of nowhere (and there’s a fair amount of “nowhere” in Eastern Washington), and need something to tide me over until I hit civilization again. This happens maybe once or twice a year. When it does, I nearly always choose a Snickers or a PayDay bar...
New York Times Op-Doc: “Calorie Detective”
Speaking of imprecise calorie counts… As filmmaker Casey Neistat discovered, the listed calorie counts on hand-made restaurant/ready-to-eat food items can be especially variable. He selected 5 food items that he might eat in an average day: a muffin, a pre-made tofu sandwich, a Starbucks Frappuccino, a Subway sandwich and a Chipotle burrito. Then he had them tested at the at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center and...
Wrongful Death Suit Filed Against USP Labs & GNC
USPLabs’ legal woes continue. The company recently settled a class action lawsuit for $2 million dollars. Now, its facing another suit, over the death of Michael L. Sparling, one of the two soldiers who died in 2011 while working out after consuming DMAA-containing supplements. According to the New York Times… “Now the parents of Michael L. Sparling, one of the soldiers who died, have filed a wrongful-death lawsuit...