Sh*t That Drives Me Crazy! (Good-Bye Critical Thinking)
If there’s one thing that drives me nearly batsh*t crazy, it’s that so often, critical thinking skills seemed to be washed away into the gutter as soon as the topic of “Big Pharma” comes up. There’s a sudden, knee-jerk, conspiracy theory spasm that seems to paralyze some people’s brains. For instance… Advocates of complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) regularly cite “Big...
4 Ways to Stay Motivated at the Gym!
It’s fast becoming an age-old scenario… An individual (let’s call him Mr. Smith)has been recommended by his doctor to lose some weight for health reasons. With quiet resignation, Mr. Smith adopts a sensible diet plan in conjunction with a smart exercise regime. A trip to the local gym is made and a membership is purchased (or perhaps a piece of exercise equipment is bought to facilitate the ease of working out at...
Do Sugary Drinks Kill?
A story… Back when we still lived in Ohio, I used to shop at a regional grocery store chain, “Meijer.” Meijer stores were one of those convenient, full service grocery/department store hybrids, so quite handy when I needed to – say – pick up some printer cartridges and something for dinner. The local Meijer store also had its own soda fountain – you could buy a ginormous plastic cup at the checkout...
Too Funny…
While sipping my a.m. coffee, I stumbled on over an article from The League of Ordinary Gentlemen, about a blogger who thinks he’s invented the perfect alternative to food. Yes… you read that right. An alternative to food. SRSLY. The author of the “League” article, Russell Saunders, is a pediatrician, so he knows a thing or two about human physiology, nutritional needs, blood tests and… medical food...
The “Great” Outdoors? You Betcha…
The following is taken from a great CalorieLab article called… “They don’t call the outdoors “great” for nothing.” Who can argue with that? While a gym membership certainly has benefits – as it will allow you to perform specialized exercises – the great outdoors is a fantastic place to be “active”… which is what exercising is really all about… One of the problems with using gyms,...
“Whole Grain” Doesn’t Necessarily Mean “High Fiber”
One of the recommendations contained in the newest (2010) “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” is to consume “at least half of all grains as whole grains.” You’d think that following such a recommendation would be pretty easy, no? Dump the “balloon bread” and other white flour products in favor of their 100% whole wheat counterparts; switch from white rice to brown; ditch the Rice Krispies...