“Body by Bullshit”
Curious about what it’s like to follow Timothy Ferriss’ “4-Hour Body” program? Wonder no more! You can experience it through the eyes of Chris, Colleen, Ezra and Alex of “Read it and Weep,” as they struggle to follow “the rules” for an entire month. Their 4-Hour Body experience is chronicled at “Body by Bullshit,” and it’s certainly good for a giggle or three.
Best line evah:
If I were to make up an analogy about how it felt, I’d have to say that I’d made the mistake of hiring an OCD child who got a C+ in 7th grade science as my nutritionist. Then through a series of unlikely (but unfortunate) events, the nutritionist stages a coup for control of my life, succeeds, and installs himself as dictator of a bureaucracy whose only goal is to put red tape between me and my ability to feed myself.
Très amusant. 😀
February 15, 2011
“Body by Bullshit” – http://blog.ultimatefatburner.com/2011/0…