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Ice Scream

I’m proud of my food tech training and background.  Nonetheless, there are times when the food industry makes me want to scream. Like today, after reading this industry article… Ice-cream as a vehicle for delivering probiotic strains has ‘great potential’, giving a health boost without affecting the sensory profile of ice-cream, say Brazilian scientists. But the products must be backed up by the science and accompanied by...

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From the Mailbag: Thoughts on NO-Xplode

Paul forwarded a reader comment to me yesterday, and I thought the subject was worth exploring in depth: I’m curious to know your opinion on the negative effects of Rutaecarpine? There are a lot of reliable (!?) anecdotal reports of liver enzyme issues. A quick search finds multiple studies, including human, of this compound inhibiting liver  microsomes. Rutaecarpine is in products like BSN No Xplode (which many of the anecdotal...

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The Scarlett Letter

Scarlett Johansson tells it like it is: Since dedicating myself to getting into “superhero shape,” several articles regarding my weight have been brought to my attention. Claims have been made that I’ve been on a strict workout routine regulated by co-stars, whipped into shape by trainers I’ve never met, eating sprouted grains I can’t pronounce and ultimately losing 14 pounds off my 5’3″...

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Study: Placebos Don’t Cause Side Effects in Patients Receiving Conventional Cancer Treatment

Actually, the study is about the use of homeopathic “medicines” alongside conventional cancer treatments, but same difference. WASHINGTON—A new Cochrane review did not find serious side effects relating to the use of homeopathic medicine in patients having orthodox cancer care. “Furthermore, there was no indication that the homeopathic medicine interfered with conventional cancer care,” said lead author Sosie Kassab, M.D.,...

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Toothless Measures

I’ve discussed regulatory issues briefly before, although I might as well put my own feelings out here, for the record: I am firmly against regulatory measures that would pull supplement compounds off the market until they can pass through some sort of draconian, bureaucratic testing/review process to prove they’re 1,000,000.995% safe and wholesome. I am, however, perfectly amenable to holding manufacturers/retailers...

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The Doctor Will Sue You Now

This is the title of a chapter missing from Ben Goldacre’s new book, “Bad Science.”  Why is it missing?  I’ll let the author tell the story: This is the “missing chapter” about vitamin pill salesman Matthias Rath. Sadly I was unable to write about him at the time that book was initially published, as he was suing my ass in the High Court. The chapter is now available in the new paperback edition, and I’ve...

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