elissa - The UltimateFatBurner Blog - Page 98 of 136

Inexpert Advice

I happened to read Martica Heaner’s column, “Expert Advice” on MSN.com this morning.  It wasn’t bad at all… In fact, I thought her article, “Do Exercise and Nutrition Affect How Old You Look?“, was a pretty decent rundown on the effects of exercise (and secondarily, nutrition) on the aging process. Nonetheless, it reminded me of a line I recall from Babylon 5: “Unfortunately, while all...

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Bony or Beautiful?

OMFG. I’m amazed that anyone would even ask that question.  The woman belongs in a hospital, not a beauty pageant.

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1,000 Calories a Day is Torture

Literally… In an effort to rationalize the use of dietary manipulation on detainees, Bush administration officials turned to Slim Fast and Jenny Craig. In a footnote to a May 10, 2005, memorandum from the Office of Legal Council, the Bush attorney general’s office argued that restricting the caloric intake of terrorist suspects to 1000 calories a day was medically safe because people in the United States were dieting along...

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Riled Over Rilose

Yesterday, a member of the “Bodybuilding Revealed” forum asked a question about Rilose… specifically, whether it was “worth the money” or not. At this point, a lot of you might be wondering: what the heck is Rilose?  So before I go on, let me explain… For the non-lifting public: it’s typical for serious lifters to suck down some fast-digesting carbs and protein before/during/after workouts, as...

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Weight Loss Lip Gloss

Yeah, I know…it’s a real eye-roller.  Nonetheless, people do fall for gimmicks like this, especially when the products are attractively packaged and the ad spiels are dressed up with sciency-sounding explanations about transdermal absorption of “clinically proven” ingredients. Thus, I was prepared to high-five an article in the L.A. Times: “A Little Lip Gloss, a Little Weight Loss” by Alexandra...

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“Clown Car” Supplements

I’m currently wrapping up a review on Muscle Asylum Project’s “Freak Fix Muscle Whey.”  For those of you who don’t already know, MAP is owned by Iovate Health Sciences – the parent company of Muscletech.  Now MAP is a separate label, but it’s really a distinction without a difference. The way the MAP stuff is designed and marketed, it might as well BE Muscletech. Now, Muscletech’s stuff...

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