Say No to Really Stupid Gym Ads
Yes, I know it’s tongue-in-cheek, but I find the new Gold’s Gym ad campaign, “Say No to Cankles” to be really annoying. REALLY annoying. Why? Because far too many women are hyper-conscious about their bodies already. There’s no shortage of media attention to breasts, hips, tummies, derrieres, thighs, and (thanks to Michelle Obama) even arms. Inventing even more “aesthetic afflictions” to...
Oops, They Did it Again…
Hell will freeze over before I shed any tears for Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. The company and its execs just don’t seem to “get” that producing questionable supplements, making deceptive claims and committing outright felonies might not be the best way to run a business. The latest problem? Supps adulterated with prescription drugs. [Posted 06/19/2009] FDA and Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals notified patients and healthcare...
“I Love it When They Take the Time to Learn a Little About Us First”
That’s what Paul wrote on the e-mail he forwarded to me this morning. He was being sarcastic, of course, but I could hardly blame him. Here’s the message he received: I would like to introduce, and your valued customers, to Cellulean, the most effective Active Cellulite Solution on the market. I believe Cellulean is a perfect complimentary product to be utilized with all your weight loss and fat...
Study: Modifiable Lifestyle Factors Responsible for a Lot of Unnecessary Deaths
That’s basically the conclusion of a new report from researchers affiliated with the Harvard School of Public Health. The goal of the study was to come up with estimated mortality risks from 12 modifiable health/lifestyle/dietary factors: high blood glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and blood pressure; overweight–obesity; high dietary trans fatty acids and salt; low dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3...
The End of NyQuil as We Know It?
That’s the title of this Wall Street Journal Blog post – and it sure puts some perspective on all the howling about the dangers of “unregulated supplements.” Now, a panel of outside experts convened by the agency is meeting to discuss ways to reduce the risk of overdose associated with acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. The FDA’s briefing memo says the numbers aren’t entirely clear, but cites one...
Apple Cider Vinegar Redux
When I was a kid, apple cider vinegar was one of those “good for what ails you” nostrums touted in the “alternative health” media – and it’s still kicking around. Not surprisingly, it was also pushed as a weight loss aid: I still remember the “kelp, lecithin, B6 and cider vinegar” diet quite vividly… in fact, that one is still kicking around too. Diets and diet supps are like...