Happy Birthday Step Aerobics!
It’s 20 years old! I almost never attend aerobics classes (I like to move to my own beat, not someone else’s), but these days, I’m 100% for anything that gets people moving on a regular basis. Step aerobics was one of the first popular alternatives to traditional aerobics, and – after all these years – it’s still hanging in...
Rice Krispies Boost Immunity?
Needless to state, I rarely stroll down the cereal aisle at the supermarket… it’s been years since I’ve eaten anything more processed than old fashioned rolled oats. Roald Dahl neatly summed up my opinion of most ready-to-eat breakfast cereals in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”… “Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It’s made of all those little curly wooden shavings you...
FDA Sued Over Qualified Health Claims
I’ll be curious to see how this one plays out… The Food and Drug Administration is being sued. (Not for the first time.) This time, it’s by supplement companies who don’t like the way the agency denies or waters down the “qualified health claims” they can put on their wares. …You can see why the companies don’t like the way the FDA alters the qualified claims they allow. One claim cited...
Phoning It In
I’ve read this article on obesity by NYT columnist David Leonhardt so you don’t have to. Here’s the short version: “There’s an obesity crisis and the government needs to do something about it.” No, really. That’s what it all boils down to. It’s one of the most vacuous analyses I’ve ever seen on the subject. First, he considers punitive measures against obese people for raising...
Shameless Self-Promotion
After several years of snarky comments from the resident teens about our gym habits, both of them have finally joined us in the gym. Ryan’s (19) been hitting the weights M/W/F and doing cardio Tu/Th. Nick (16) has settled for combined weight/cardio sessions on Tu/Th/Sat/Sun. While both of them have full memberships to our gym, Ryan’s been using the facilities at his community college over the summer (he’ll switch...
Diet and Exercise Reduce Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
As reported by the New York Times, this recent study indicates the effect of diet and exercise on the risk of Alzheimer’s disease are independent and additive. Elderly people who are physically active appear to be at lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, as are those who eat a heart-healthy Mediterranean style diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and low in red meat. Now, a new study has found that the effects of the two...