The Alpha Male Challenge – Week 9
And th-th-th-thaaaat’s all, folks! This week wasn’t too different from last week – except a little less grueling. There was only one “Punisher” set and 2 drop sets in the three workouts. This was fine with me, however… not sure I could have hacked anything more intense. It was a good program, but I’m glad it’s over – the volume of the Level A workouts was pretty high, and...
I’m Not Raising My Hand for Chocolate Milk
This LA Times article describes what happens when your kids are raised to prefer sweetened foods. Reporting from Chicago – The dairy industry recently rolled out an expensive media campaign in praise of chocolate milk, a classic school lunch drink that’s under assault for its sugar content. As trade groups spend upward of $1 million to defend the drink, three fifth-graders have come to its rescue. A year after the school...
Spanx For Dudes?
Introducing the RipTFusion, “the revolutionary torso enhancing undershirt.” And no, I don’t believe in Spanx for wimmin, either. What’s the point in pretending to have a better body than you really do? If you need “body shaping” undergarments to look good in clothes, then it’s time to hit the gym.
Men’s Health on Acai: “Pulp Fiction”
We haven’t visited Ye Olde Superfruit controversies in a while, so I thought I’d link to this recent Men’s Health article on acai by Bryan Smith. The upshot, say experts, is that no one fruit or berry, no matter what its ORAC score, fires an antioxidant silver bullet. “What I tell people is that you need to eat all these types of compounds, in all different colors,” says Navindra P. Seeram, Ph. D., who...
Using a Pedometer is a Step in the Right Direction
“The MisFits” – Vicky Hallett and Lenny Bernstein – have a nice article in the Washington Post on the value of pedometers. As small as they are, they can nonetheless have a big impact on the results of a walking program. …buying a pedometer is not the first — or second, or third — piece of advice you typically receive when you turn to someone and say: “I really need to get in shape, but...
The Alpha Male Challenge – Week 8
One… more… week… to… go… Gonna make it to the finish line, but I can tell I’m ready for a training break. I know the feeling: when I come back home after a workout, and feel drained emotionally as well as physically, it’s time. The workouts themselves are going well, but lately, it’s been hard to reach for that extra “ooomph” needed to power out those last 1 – 2 reps...