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The Ultimate Fitness Game

Taylor LeBaron is one smart kid. Taylor LeBaron is half the teen he used to be — and that’s a very good thing for both his health and self-esteem. An always-big boy who grew into a severely obese teen, the Georgia native dealt with schoolroom taunts and his own shrinking self-image even as he continued put on the pounds. Finally, LeBaron took control of his life by turning to the thing that helped make him fat in the first place:...

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From Industrial Chemical…to Supplement

Normally, I roll my eyes when I see anti-supplement articles printed in the mainstream media.  But I’m going to make an exception for this article in the Chicago Tribune by Trine Tsouderos. An industrial chemical developed to help separate heavy metals from polluted soil and mining drainage is being sold as a dietary supplement by a luminary in the world of alternative autism treatments. Called OSR#1, the supplement is described...

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US Obesity Rates Leveling Off

As the LA Times puts it: Americans may not be collectively doomed to die in their recliners after all, one hand in the chips bag, the other stretching for the remote. Obesity levels seem to be leveling off or slowing across most of the population, according to two new comprehensive studies of the nation’s heft. The assessments, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are a welcome respite from the seemingly endless...

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Brigitte Bans Bony Models

Germany’s most popular fashion magazine, Brigitte, began its new policy last week: no more professional models. Normally she teaches history at a Hamburg grammar school, but elaborately made up to look like Marlene Dietrich and wearing a €480 (£425) silk dress, Sybille Zschaber was yesterday all over the fashion pages of Germany’s most popular women’s magazine as it began its ban on professional models.  The...

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Anti-Fat Node Effect???

They’re really reaching here… Slimaluma May Fight Cellulite 1/11/2010 9:33:00 AM          BANGKOK, Thailand—According to an unpublished single-blind, intra-individual study conducted by Gencor Pacific, Slimaluma produced a significant anti-fat node effect more efficient than the placebo. A total of 20 female volunteers, aged between 20 and 53, with cellulite on their thighs, applied a white lotion (as Slimaluma, from...

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Couch Potatoes Get Planted Earlier

According to the American Heart Association, a new study links TV viewing – and prolonged sedentary behavior in general – with an increase in all cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease. DALLAS, Jan. 11, 2010 — Couch potatoes beware: every hour of television watched per day may increase the risk of dying earlier from cardiovascular disease, according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the...

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