Protein Supplement Abuse???
I was perusing the food/ingredient news this morning, and did a double-take on this headline: “Study: athlete protein supplement abuse common.” Wow. Athletes just can’t catch a break from some people… now they’re “abusing” protein supps??? Sounds major! Certainly the lead author of the study seems to think so: “The role of proteins is particularly misunderstood,” Fréchette said,...
If It Sounds Too Good To Be True…
You know the rest of the saying, of course. What amazes me, however, is the number of people who apparently DON’T know it. ‘Take this recent FTC case, against the marketers of “Chinese Green Diet Tea” and the “Bio-Slim Patch,” for example. A federal district court has ordered the marketers of an herbal tea and a diet patch to pay nearly $2 million to the Federal Trade Commission for making...
CDC: 1 in 5 US Teenagers Have Abnormal Lipid Levels
According to data recently published by the US Centers for Disease Control, slightly over 20% of youths aged 12 – 19 had at least one abnormal blood lipid value (i.e., high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol and/or high serum triglycerides). According to a Washington Post summary: One out of every five U.S. teenagers has a cholesterol level that increases the risk of heart disease, federal health officials reported Thursday,...
Points for Imagination…
But I’d vastly prefer to spend an hour pumping some REAL weight in the gym, vs. doing “Taskercise™.” Working simple calisthenics into a housecleaning routine would burn some extra cals, I suppose, but life is just too short to be constantly focusing on “busywork” exercise.
VMG Global Guilty of Selling Steroid-Spiked Supps
The company actually got off pretty easily: a $500,000 fine vs. $5.6 million in revenue.
Men’s Health: 18 Supermarket Lies
Men’s Health has a pretty good slideshow on deceptively labeled food products. Some of the examples are no-brainers (“fat-free” jelly beans, lol), but it highlights the need to parse label claims carefully… There are far too many unhealthy foods masquerading as healthy ones in your local supermarket. Needless to state, the “information” on the front of the package doesn’t always provide an...