Quit Harping on the Scale, Jennifer!
I get health and fitness e-mail updates from the Washington Post, so I can’t help but be aware of columnist Jennifer LaRue Huget’s “Me Minus 10” quest to lose 10 pounds. She’s using her column for motivation, which is cool, in a way. Nothing like having a nation-wide audience to help you stay accountable. She’s apparently following Brian Wansink’s advice, and starting with small, do-able...
Life Imitates Art: Powerthirst Edition
I’m currently working on a review of Hemo-Rage – Nutrex’s contribution to the pre-workout supplement market. To be honest, I couldn’t help comparing this: Nutrex takes pre-workout supplementation to another level. Beyond extreme, beyond hardcore. From the UNDERGROUND we bring you HEMO-RAGE Black one of the meanest, strongest and cruelest pre-workout detonator this planet has ever seen. We went down to the...
McCain Withdraws Support for Dietary Supplement Safety Act
I’m in throes of wrapping up a major project, so – while I was aware of the Dietary Supplement Safety Act (natch!) – I missed blogging about it (I wanted to read the text first, but couldn’t spare the time). But it looks like Senator McCain just made this a moot point. A Senate staffer confirmed that Sen. John McCain no longer supports a bill he introduced to significantly tighten regulatory requirements for...
“Generation Snack”
This NYT summary of a recent study doesn’t paint a very pretty picture of kids’ snacking habits: A sweeping study of 31,337 children and adolescents released on Tuesday tracked snacking and meal trends from 1977 through 2006 using data from four national surveys. On average, children reach for cookies, chips and other treats about three times a day, consuming nearly 600 daily calories from snacks. That’s an increase of 168...
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
As I’m sure y’all know, there are a number of bogus supplement “review” sites on the internet. Of course, they’re really supp ads in disguise. Brands that the site owners get commissions for are “reviewed” positively, natch, while competing products are slammed. In fact, this “bait-and-switch” is so common, I’m not surprised to see various characters assume...
Pop-Tarts Are Better Than Brownies???
The New York City Dept. of Education apparently thinks so. According to the NYT: By the time the Panel for Educational Policy was ready to vote on bake sales during its monthly meeting on Wednesday night, it was after 11:30. By then, just one mother, Elizabeth Puccini, was waiting to speak out against the new policy, which bans most bake sales but allows students to sell premade items including Pop-Tarts and Doritos. Apparently this...