Science to Discover Why Ozzy Osbourne is Still Alive
Ok, this isn’t exactly about weight/fat loss or exercise per se, but every so often, some oddity will end up on my radar screen… and I thought this bit of news about Ozzy Osbourne was très amusant. Genetics to solve why Ozzy Osbourne is still alive Jack Grimston THE mystery of why Ozzy Osbourne is still alive after decades of drug and alcohol abuse may finally be solved. The 61-year-old former Black Sabbath lead singer —...
Do You Sit a Lot?
It might not be so great for your health, even if you exercise regularly. Canadian researchers are part of a pioneer field of study looking at the effects that sitting has on the body. At a lab in Ottawa, scientists are observing children as they watch TV, monitoring their pressure and oxygen consumption. The scientists want to see how sedentary time, such as sitting all day at school and then channel surfing at night, harms...
I’m Ashamed For Jillian Michaels
As well as ANYONE who watches her show or buys her products. She may not be the worst person in the world, but after watching this, there’s a place for her on my list. The woman in the video almost appears to be a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. This is NOT entertainment – nor is it necessary to help people lose fat or get into shape. There is absolutely NO excuse for treating anyone like this – ever. Michaels is a...
“Sugar-Free” May Not Mean “Low Calorie” Either
As noted by this article in the LA Times: But consumers who reach for sugarless or reduced-sugar versions of their favorite treats in the hopes of consuming fewer calories and shedding a few pounds should read product labels carefully, says Mary Ann Johnson, professor of foods and nutrition at the University of Georgia in Athens and a spokeswoman for the American Society for Nutrition. “Just because you take the sugar out of...
“Organic” Does Not Mean Low Calorie
CNN reports on a new study, published in the psychology journal “Judgement and Decisionmaking”… Popular culture has promoted strong associations between the concepts of “organic” and “healthy,” leading some consumers to believe that organic foods have fewer calories than their non-organic counterparts, the study said. This may also lead people to make choices about foods that are...
Jennifer Playz Dum
Sigh. I’d like to think that – as a regular Washington Post columnist – Jennifer La Rue Huget has a somewhat-greater-than-room-temperature IQ, but after reading today’s column, I’m not so sure, anymore. If things worked the way we thought they should, K. Dun Gifford would still be alive. Gifford, a longtime advocate of healthful eating and particularly of the Mediterranean diet, died on May 9 at age 71....