eXfuze Review Part I: Some Background
Ok, let’s take a closer look at the eXfuze line of antioxidant drinks, as I promised in an earlier post. Due to time constraints, I’m going to string this out over several posts, so that I can cover everything in depth… there are some points I’ll be making that pertain to more than just the eXfuze products, so bear with me. Before digging into the nitty-gritty, let’s “set the stage,” so to...
I Love the Smell of Plagiarism in the Morning!
Update (1/13/10): I have been assured by someone close to the company that the documents in question will be removed from public view. I was doing some digging today on maqui – the latest and greatest “superfruit,” doncha know. Lots of people are searching for info, so Paul tagged me to write a review. As an aside, I should have it done in another day or so. But that’s not the point of this post…...
Très Amusant
I have to admit, I got a horse laugh out of this review in the New York Times, of the latest diet blockbuster: “The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman.” How can you not love a description like this? Here’s a better analogy: “The 4-Hour Body” reads as if The New England Journal of Medicine had been hijacked by the editors of the SkyMall catalog. Some of this junk might...
BBC: “French Fight Flab With Cooking Lessons”
Via “Weighty Matters,” here’s a weight loss idea that’s near and dear to my heart. According to the BBC… A leading public hospital in Paris is teaching patients being treated for obesity how to cook. And instead of being put on a diet, they are told it’s OK to sit down to a three-course meal – especially with family or friends. “Enjoying food, variety in food, the culture of food are the...
Taking Claims With a Grain of (Bacon) Salt
I’d like to introduce you to three rather… unique food products: 1. “Monkey Milk” 2. “Bacon Baby Infant Formula” 3. Canned Unicorn Meat Now, in case you haven’t guessed by now (#3 is an especially obvious clue), all three products were fakes – they never existed outside of the imaginations of the merry pranksters who invented and publicized them. Nonetheless, they attracted the attention...
Four Loko Being Recycled as Auto Fuel
For some reason, this seems exactly right… RICHMOND, Va. – Truckloads of Four Loko and other alcohol-laced energy drinks are being recycled into ethanol and other products after federal authorities told manufacturers the beverages were dangerous and caused users to become “wide-awake drunk.” Wholesalers from Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland and other East Coast states started sending cases of the high-alcohol,...