FDA Issues Warnings for 20 “Natural” Diet Pills
The FDA just released a series of warnings about 20 “natural” weight loss supplements found to contain sibutramine. Sibutramine is – or rather, was – a prescription weight loss drug (it was withdrawn from the market last year). The supps in question are: “Slender Slim 11,” “Advanced Slim 5,” “A-Slim 100% Natural Slimming Capsule,” “Dream Body Slimming Capsule,” “Ja Dera 100% Natural Weight Loss Supplement,”...
For Your Amusement…
Via Eater.com, comes this amusing pic of an Burger King billboard that got “edited” by an enterprising graffiti artist (click to embiggen): Have a great weekend!
James S. Fell Has Internet E-Book Scams Pegged… Almost.
James S. Fell, the author of the “In-Your-Face Fitness” feature in the L.A. Times, has a great column this week: “Friend Through Thick and Thin?” With tongue firmly in cheek, he dissects a stereotypical ad for a weight loss/fitness e-book sold on the internet… and he zeroes in on the “red flags” that any prospective purchaser should be aware of. A sample: You told me you knew the...
Not for the easily offended, but hilarious, nonetheless! (h/t to Rick C. for the link!)
Gamers Hit the Gym
I got a smile out of this CNN article about “Fitocracy” – a new site (currently in beta) started by two gamers-turned-fitness enthusiasts: Brian Wang and Richard Talens. The reason? I’ve got one of these at home: my son, Ryan. Now 21, he’s been my steady training partner since April. Right now, “Minecraft” (aka “Mindcrack”) is the game du jour, but he plays a wide variety of both...
Hope is Not a Plan
When it comes to the looming health/obesity crisis, the UK isn’t very far behind the US. Last year, Professor Anthony Barnett, clinical director for diabetes at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, called the situation “terrifying,” due to the enormous strain obesity-related disorders are placing on NHS resources. There have been numerous calls for government action, so last week the government responded…...