Dances With Fat: “Fashion Magazine Freakout”
Anyone who knows me knows that I can’t stand “women’s” magazines. The models are all Photoshopped and the health/fitness info ranges from fluff to BS. Which is why I loved this blog post, “Fashion Magazine Freakout,” by Ragen Chastain of “Dances With Fat.” It’s from a year ago, but this hardly matters… women’s mags certainly haven’t changed much in the last year....
The Healthy Skeptic on Herbal Sex Supps
Chris Woolston, “The Healthy Skeptic,” devotes this week’s column to herbal sex supps. Do they work? Let’s just say that the experts he consults are skeptical… Lue has studied the effects of horny goat weed on rats in his lab, and he’s familiar with the scientific literature on herbs for sexual enhancement. His take on whether any herbal libido products are worth a try: “I don’t...
Two “Hoodia” Supplements Banned in 10 California Counties
Not only did the manufacturer of the supps in question make unsupported claims for Hoodia in its products… it also neglected to include the Hoodia at all! According to a press release from the Santa Cruz County DA’s office: Prosecutors from Santa Cruz, Napa, Alameda, Marin, Monterey, Orange, Santa Clara, Shasta, Solano, and Sonoma County District Attorney’s Offices, reached a settlement with Florida-based defendants...
The Physician’s Committee For Irresponsible Advertising Strikes (Out) Again
I’m about as sympathetic to vegetarians and vegans as it’s possible for a committed omnivore to be – an assessment that I think the vegetarian/vegan athletes I’ve advised over the years would agree with. If folks want to give up meat/animal products for health, ethical and/or environmental considerations, more power to ’em. There are a lot of ways to eat healthily, and life is just too damn short to...
Mary Elizabeth Williams Speaks for Me
…concerning Paula Deen’s announcement that she has type 2 diabetes. Deen meets the criteria for a perfect storm of risk factors. She turns 65 on Thursday; she admitted last fall she smoked a pack and a half a day. She will also deep fry anything, and I mean anything: macaroni and cheese, stuffing, even butter itself. For years, she’s existed as the Keith Richards of cholesterol, seeming to survive solely on pork fat,...
Acai Scammers Fined $1.5 Million
Last year, I made note of a court order suspending sales of certain acai berry supplement products. The defendants were making over-the-top, unproven weight loss and “detox” claims, offering phony “free trials,” and – of course – adding unauthorized charges to customers’ credit cards. In other words, it was one of those acai berry scam operations we all know and loathe. At any rate, the case...