The “Test” Test: Day 6
So far so good: John’s weight is down a bit…he weighed in this morning at 212 lbs. His libido is definitely UP. Further bulletins as events warrant…
The “Test” Test: Day 3
There’s nothing particularly interesting to report right now: John just started his new workout routine yesterday. The Hybrid routine he’s doing uses a basic lower/upper body split, that alternates between a heavy, core 5 x 5 or 6 x 6 phase, and a hypertrophy phase with higher volume and reps in the 8 – 12 range . The schedule looks like this: Lower body (quads/hams) 5 x 5 Upper body (chest/back) 5 x 5 Cardio...
I Love My Door Gym!
After all the squawking I’ve done about various exercise gimmicks, you’d think that I’m against inexpensive home fitness equipment. Nothing could be further from the truth! The trick is to get something that will give you some bang for your buck. Like a door gym, for example. I love doing chin-ups/pull-ups. I can easily recall a time when I couldn’t do them at all. Admittedly, I was in pretty good company:...
Spot Reduction is Still a Myth…
Every so often, I’ll field a question on one of the forums I moderate about the best exercises for – say – losing excess fat around the midsection or thighs…and I always respond the same way: “Spot reduction is a myth. The fat around your <insert body part here> belongs to your whole body, and exercising that area won’t do anything to shift it, except as part of a comprehensive...
The “Test” Test: Day 1
Today’s the first day of John’s IsaTest trial (read the backstory here). He had his blood drawn yesterday morning, although it will take about 10 days to get the test results. I’ll post the numbers as soon as we receive them. We did a body comp test on him this morning, using the skinfold guidelines and calculator on His weight and body composition have both been pretty steady: last month, he was 216...
What You Expect is (Sometimes) What You Get…
This is a joke… This, however, is not. Neither is this. The “Placebo Effect” is quite real, and needs to be taken into account whenever you see or hear testimonials for various supplements – even if they’re from people you know and otherwise trust. Certainly, recommendations should be taken into consideration, but you should never suspend your critical judgement: do a little research before you open your...