Supplement Ad Claim of the Month: “All Natural”
“All natural” – the phrase casts a soft-focus, warm, rosy glow over everything it’s applied to, doesn’t it? After all, this is “Mother Nature” we’re talking about here! If you can’t trust your mother, who can you trust? This equation of “natural” with “wholesome” contrasts rather sharply with some of the things I learned in graduate school. I vividly...
Take a Pill…
Paul sent me an e-mail yesterday that was both extremely funny…and sad. Apparently he has a cyberstalker whose most recent stunt involved posting a wiki “review” slamming – he sent me the link in his message. The review was a two-parter: the initial attack – which apparently was posted about a year ago – was on Paul alone. The author couldn’t let it end there,...
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
About a year ago, I was feeling a little restricted by the gym I was using, so I decided to check out the new Gold’s Gym in our neighborhood. Gold’s was housed in a biiiiig, two story building: all shiny and new, with lots of shiny new equipment too. I especially liked the free weight area, which was bigger and better equipped than the one I was using. I got a little annoyed, however, when the sales dude giving me the...
Why Do They Make So Much Crap?
Question: There are so many food products that are bad for us out there! Why do food processors make so much crap? Answer: Because they can. That was simple, wasn’t it? But that’s really what it boils down to: food is a consumer item, no different from cars, video games or clothing. And – just as it is in other consumer-driven industries – manufacturers both respond to, as well as create, demand. As always,...
Recipe of the Week: Asian Tuna Salad.
Why are so many people’s “healthy” diets, so gosh-darned dull? It’s one of those unfathomable laws of the universe, it seems. Every time I review a diet, it’s always the same: plain baked chicken/fish or dry canned-in-water tuna, plain steamed or raw vegetables, plain gummy oatmeal, maybe a piece of fruit or a protein shake. Zzzzzzzz… Yeah, they’re healthy foods and all, but soooooo...
The “Test” Test: Day 12
John weighed in this morning at 210 pounds – which has been a sort of “glass ceiling” for him over the last year or so. I suspect this is a little on the low side, as he did a pretty strenuous cardio session yesterday afternoon, but he was happy to see it, nonetheless. Some real progress has been made, though. We did a body comp test this morning, and it looks like his body fat percentage is down 0.5%. His chest,...