elissa - The UltimateFatBurner Blog - Page 130 of 136

Time in a Bottle

I have to rendezvous with my husband in a few hours, and have a bunch of things to do before then.  I should be in the shower – not hunched over the keyboard.  But it’s all Paul’s fault: he got me going on this. What set me off was his previous post: “Mangosteen, Noni, Goji, Zrii Juice…What’s Next?”  In the text, Paul linked to an expose on Goji juice, produced by the Canadian Broadcasting...

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Stacking the Deck

As a former university researcher, I’m quite familiar with how studies are conducted…I’ve been involved in a few of ’em myself.   So naturally, when I evaluate supplement claims, one of the first places I look is in the peer-reviewed, published literature.  A claim is more likely to be true, if it’s been independently tested, and the results assessed by other experts in the field. Unfortunately, even the...

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The Six Most Terrifying Foods in the World

This was funny: http://www.cracked.com/article_14979_6-most-terrifying-foods-in-world.html  (head’s up: the language is a little rough…). Despite the humor though, the descriptions are generally pretty accurate.  I’ve read about Casu Marzu (a.k.a. Casu Frazigu), for example, in Dr. Massimo Francesco Marcone’s book, “In Bad Taste?”  As he writes: “Torre unwrapped two separate containers,...

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Acid-Base Balance: Myths and Realities

If you Google terms like “alkaline diet” or “alkalizing foods” – you’ll come up with page after page of some of the loopiest stuff imaginable.  One site proclaims that an “acidic, anaerobic” body encourages the growth of “fungus, mold, bacteria and viruses.”  Another provides a laundry list of non-specific symptoms of “acidification” and suggests that stimulants...

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Powerthirst I/II

I do a lot of bodybuilding supplement reviews.  And I gotta admit, at times, all the over-the-top descriptions of “shirt-ripping pumps,” “skyrocketing increases in testosterone” and “explosive muscle growth,” can get a little old. Which is why this stuff cracks me up…they’re parodies, of course, but uncomfortably close to some ads I’ve seen....

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Not-So-Great Expectations…

When I do a body comp assessment, I use calipers and the 7-site calculator over at exrx.net.  It’s a handy little tool, and saves a lot of number crunching.  Did one on John this morning, as a part of the IsaTest test. I have the calculator page bookmarked, but Internet Explorer was acting up this morning, so I switched to Firefox, and navigated to the page via the menus instead.  While scanning the “fitness testing”...

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