FDA Declares High Fructose Corn Syrup Can Be Labelled “Natural”
One more reason why you shouldn’t read anything into the word “natural” when it appears on a food label. “Upon careful review of the manufacturing process for High Fructose Corn Syrup, the FDA found that HFCS can be labeled natural,” stated Audrae Erickson, president, Corn Refiners Association. “HFCS contains no artificial or synthetic ingredients or color additives and meets FDA’s requirements for the use of the...
Durian-Flavored Cookies?
I live in the Pacific Northwest now…but needless to state, I won’t be going in search of these… On the plus side, though, I imagine it would be difficult to overeat them. 😉 (More about the durian...
Keeping a Food Diary Doubles Weight Loss
I’d be tempted to file this study in the “duuuuuhhhh” category, as keeping a food journal is something I’ve done for every fat loss diet I’ve ever been on since I was 14 years old…and it’s something both Paul and I have discussed before. But it bears repeating. And it’s good to see this sort of practical advice confirmed scientifically. With all the handy-dandy online tools and...
My Blood Test – Annotated
A while back I discussed the value of regular blood testing, so I thought I’d share my latest results – annotated, to give a brief summary of what each measurement (or set of measurements) means. A blood test is basically a snapshot of what’s going on “under the hood,” so to speak. It can’t tell you everything, of course, but it can offer a lot of insights. For example, if you’re feel tired...
The Worst Foods (and Drinks) in the US
“The 20 Worst Foods in America” and the “20 Unhealthiest Drinks in America” – courtesy of Men’s Health Magazine. I think my cholesterol and triglycerides shot up 30 – 40 points just reading about each food/beverage. We’re talking serious food porn here…bleurrrggghhh!!!
Why Am I Not Impressed…
…by this press release? A just-released review article in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension concludes that an increase in potassium coupled with a decrease in sodium may be the most important dietary choice, after weight loss, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The problem is, most Americans consume about half the recommended daily amount of potassium and double the recommended amount of sodium, putting them at...