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I discovered I had a flat tire this morning.  Since I’m taking off for Boston early tomorrow morning, I was torn between “Did this have to happen today?” vs.  “Thank goodness this happened today!” reactions.  I headed (slowly) for the nearest tire center, which happened to be Les Schwab.  Fortunately, they weren’t too busy, so they were able to get right on it. So that’s not actually what...

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Oleic Acid Helps Curb Hunger

According to researchers at UC Irvine, dietary oleic acid (the main fatty acid in olive oil and avocados) triggers the production of a hormone, oleoylethanolamide, that helps regulate body weight and appetite. Fatty foods may not be the healthiest diet choice, but those rich in unsaturated fats – such as avocados, nuts and olive oil – have been found to play a pivotal role in sending this important message to your brain: stop eating,...

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The 2008 Ig Nobel Prizes

Ok, this has nothing to do with fat loss or fitness, really…but I thought it was kinda funny.  The Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Annals of Improbable Research, a tongue-in-cheek scientific society dedicated to highlighting amusing (and eccentric) research. Our goal is to make people laugh, then make them think. We also hope to spur people’s curiosity, and to raise the question: How do you decide what’s important...

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Dieters Gain More Weight During Pregnancy

Interesting new study from the University of North Carolina. This is of concern, not only because surplus weight means there’s more to lose afterwards, but also because it can increase the risk of complications. Even women who succeed in controlling their weight before pregnancy tend to gain too much weight while they’re carrying a child, say Anna Maria Siega-Riz, PhD, RD, and colleagues at the University of North Carolina...

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Helping Your Kids Learn to Love Vegetables

This is something I confront on my forums all the time: people who a) want to lose weight or improve their health; but b) eat little or no vegetables, or plant foods of any kind.  Some have simply fallen out of the habit; while others are clinging to childhood memories of gray-green, plain boiled yeeechh.  It’s the latter group that’s the hardest to budge, as they’re resolutely convinced that they just HATE veggies,...

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Energy Fiend

Energy drinks have come under a lot of fire recently…some of it – like the obsessive hand-wringing over Red Bull – is simply goofy, but some is perfectly legit. Red Bull itself doesn’t contain massive amounts of caffeine, but there are a number of drinks and “shooters” on the market now that pack quite a whallop. And – the reality is – lots of people (not just kids), don’t bother...

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