Fast Food
Ok, this is frivolous, but I couldn’t resist. From Popular Science:
Why would a man construct a dining-room table that can cruise down a racetrack at 130 miles an hour and shoot flames into the air? Sheer competitiveness. A record for the world’s fastest furniture existed—92 mph on a sofa—and Perry Watkins wanted to beat it.
…The resulting vehicle, dubbed Fast Food, smoked the record, clocking an average speed of 113.8 miles per hour. But it was the trimmings that really wowed onlookers. Watkins bolted real dishware to the table, as well as a variety of authentic-looking foods, including gravy made of fiberglass resin. The helmeted diner is actually a mannequin.
Watkins is the real man behind the wheel, with his head barely visible underneath a plastic chicken on a platter. The chicken is quasi-functional: Before kicking in, the nitrous system purges excess air through a tube leading to the fake fowl. “A six-foot plume of white smoke comes out of the chicken’s backside,” Watkins says. He figures that’s probably a world record too.
Gotta hand the guy points for being inventive, lol.
(h/t Slashfood)
March 11, 2011
Fast Food –…
March 12, 2011
Wow. He sure has a lot more time, money and ingenuity than I do. LOL
March 13, 2011
Me too!
It’s a bit silly, I suppose, although on balance, it certainly beats staring at the toob. I could think of worse (and certainly less amusing) hobbies.