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BPI Sports’ Rx6 Fat Burner Review: Strong Stuff!
Note: Rx6 has been discontinued. BPI’s Rx6™ boasts “6 in 1 fat loss technology” that offers “hours and hours of non-stop energy and fat burning.” Of course, if you’re a regular visitor to UltimateFatBurner.com, you’re aware that in the...
read moreReview: BPI Sports’ RoxyLean ECA Fat Burner
I almost choked on my morning coffee as I reviewed the advertising for BPI’s RoxyLean ECA fat burner… “RoxyLean ECA™ is an absolute blueprint of the ECA model. It is based on an exact ratio of stimulants, bronchial dilators, and blood thinning agents that not...
read moreBogus Testimonials: A Far Too Common Occurrence
Bogus testimonials. I’m sure you’ve seen them on any web site selling weight loss supplements. They usually go something like… “Wow, thanks so much for a great product. I’ve struggled with my weight for years, constantly flipping from one diet to...
read moreReview: Bob Harper’s Smart Weight Loss Fat Burner
Klick-ka-ching! Money, no doubt, is the #1 motivating factor for the release of Bob Harper’s Smart Weight Loss fat burner. Bob Harper, of course, is a personal trainer made popular by the T.V. show, “The Biggest Loser” (Jillian Michaels, another trainer from...
read moreBlack Market Report on Ephedrine: Buy Legal Ephedra/Ephedrine!
Since the onset of the ephedra / ephedrine ban in the U.S., the most commonly-asked question I have received from visitors to this site is… “Where can I find ephedrine or ephedra-based fat burners? How can I buy it legally? It was the only thing that ever worked for...
read moreBitter Melon (Momordica charantia) For Blood Sugar Control
Bitter melon (also known as “Momordica charantia”) is not surprisingly, exactly what it’s name suggests: a extremely bitter fruit common to tropical and subtropical climates. Although it has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes, preliminary...
read moreBiotest MD6 — A Potent Fat Burner?
Biotest’s MD6 is back! Originally, MD6 was a norephedrine based fat burner — until the FDA cracked down on norephedrine. Then it was reformulated as an ephedra-based fat burner — until the FDA cracked down on ephedra. Then, it was discontinued and replaced by...
read moreReview Of Fahrenheit, BioTest’s Fat Burner for Women!
Biotest has been making much ado about Fahrenheit, its fat burner “especially” formulated for women. A quick glance at the ingredients however, elicits a distinct feeling of “deja vu”. In fact, if you’re familiar with Biotest’s HotRox (Hot...
read moreBioSlim Fat Burner Review & Information
BioSlim sells “all natural” weight loss systems for adults, and, get this, for children. Product advertising claims BioSlim is ‘the most powerful, most healthful weight loss system ever created,” and that it is “hailed as a...
read moreBioQuest BetaStax Review: An Extreme Weight Loss Catalyst?
BioQuest’s BetaStax is a popular fat burner claiming to be a “Precision Multi-Pathway Extreme Weight-Loss Catalyst”, and boasts “the most exciting technology of its kind.” Really? Well, let’s have a look at the formula and find out. BetaStax...
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