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CreVax Review: 35 lbs. Of Weight Loss In A Month?
With their claims of rapid weight loss—35 lbs. per month—CreVax retailers apparently have no problem pushing the “reality” envelope when it comes to promoting their product. Because despite claims of being the only Swiss-formulated, all-natural, 7-ingredient blend...
read moreCravex Review: Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss?
Cravex offers natural appetite suppression and clinically proven weight loss in one nice, attractively packaged product. At least that’s what the advertising claims. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot — its a carb controller too! Of course, inquiring minds want to know…...
read moreCortiStress Fat Burner Review: Does CortiStress Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat?
CortiStress is one of several products (see also Relacore and CortiSlim) claiming to reduce “stubborn belly fat” caused by the combination of a stressful lifestyle and an overabundance of the stress hormone cortisol. Of course, CortiStress offers other...
read moreScience-Based Cortislim Review: Stress Related Weight Loss
Cortislim, if you haven’t heard, is a new fat burner on the block. It features several ingredients typical to common ephedra-free fat burners, but its main focus is not “fat burning” as we have come to know it. Nope, it “apparently” works by...
read moreCortiCarb 3000™ Fat Burner Review: Block Carbs, Lower Stress & Boost Metabolism?
Brought to you by the makers of Cortidrene, CortiCarb 3000™is designed to boost metabolism, lower stress levels, and block the absorption of carbohydrates. Although not labeled as such, CortiCarb 3000 contains a series of ingredients that fall naturally into segments… 1....
read moreControlled Labs’ REDuction PM Review: Night Time Fat Burner?
Note: the standalone version of REDuction PM has been reformulated and is currently being marketed as “REDuction PM Shot” – in pre-measured powder packets. REDuction PM is a “sleep and slim” weight loss product; it’s designed to be taken...
read moreControlled Lab’s REDuction Review: Fat Incineration Matrix?
Controlled Labs’ REDuction is a fat burner that boasts both an AM and PM formula. According to the advertising… “The AM formula contains ingredients to not only control cravings, but also improve energy, mood, and focus during the day. The PM formula keeps...
read moreClinitrim-5 Fat Burner Review: Does Clinitrim Boast 5 Clinically Proven Ingredients?
Clinitrim-5 is a fat burner based on 5 clinically proven ingredients, all of which have been “scientifically scrutinized by double blind, placebo controlled studies.” As you’ve seen in other reviews, and as Elissa points out in this blog post, the words...
read moreClinicallix Fat Burner Review And Information
The makers of Clinicallix claim their product is effective because it is based on the science of 3 “scientifically proven” compounds. Some of the claims?… Boasts a “clinically” tested formula (untrue, no published scientific studies have been...
read moreClenbuterol Review & Information: Is Clenbuterol A Powerful Fat Burner?
Although Clenbuterol is not approved for use in the United States, it is widely used in many parts of the world. Not as a fat burner though, but as a bronchdilator — a type of drug used by asthmatics to reduce their symptoms. As a member of the class of drug known as...
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