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ErgoLean Amp 2 Review: Weightloss And Energy?
ErgoLean’s Amp 2 is a pretty popular weight loss supplement (squeaking into 19th position on BodyBuilding.com’s Top 50 list of fat burners at the time of this writing), and therefore, worth a good long look. According to the advertising I saw, Amp contains…...
read moreReview: ErgoGenix ErgoBurn (Previously known as “Amp 2”)
ErgoGenix’s ErgoBurn fat burner and energy booster is not a new product. Nope, it’s a re-named, re-labeled and re-branded version of ErgoLean’s Amp 2 fat burner. From what I can tell, it’s identical to the original formula.* A single capsule serving...
read moreEphedrine / Ephedra: Potent Fat Burner, Or Dangerous Drug? Part IV
This is part IV of the ephedra / ephedrine article. If you missed Part I, just click here to review it! Part II is available here, and Part III can be found here! Is ephedrine (or an ephedra based product) something you’re interested in trying, and you’ve got a...
read moreEphedrine / Ephedra: Potent Fat Burner, Or Dangerous Drug? Part III
This is part III of the ephedra / ephedrine article. If you missed Part I, just click here to review it! Part II is available here! So ephedrine itself is only a small part of the problem here — it’s a lack of education and regulation. Properly controlled and...
read moreEphedrine / Ephedra: Potent Fat Burner, Or Dangerous Drug? Part II
This is part II of the ephedra / ephedrine article. If you missed part I, just click here to review it! Continuing on with the ephedrine problem… Ephedrine is sold far and wide by individuals who have no real idea of the possible dangers of this drug. I get about 4 spam...
read moreEphedrine / Ephedra: Potent Fat Burner, Or Dangerous Drug?
Ephedrine / ephedra is a popular, if somewhat controversial supplement that is used mainly in popular fatburners and over-the-counter decongestants and bronchodilators. Ephedrine is also one of the main raw ingredients for the formulation of the illegal “biker”...
read moreEphedrasil Fat Burner Review: Does Ephedrasil Work?
Ephedrasil is a fat burner sold primarily online (web site + eBay). The product advertising implies that Ephedrasil’s formula is so potent that it barely skirts prescription drug status. Witness such statements as… “Controversial weight loss phenomenon”...
read moreEphedra P57™ Fat Burner Review: Does Ephedra P57 Measure Up To The Hype?
The Ephedra P57™ fat burner combines two ingredients — ephedra and hoodia — a seemingly potent duo, if you believe the advertising material. If you’re wondering what the “P57” in the Ephedra P57™ is all about well… P57 is the name given to...
read moreLipo-6 Fat Burner Review: Does Lipo 6 Work?
Weight/fat loss supplements come and go – few stay on the market for a prolonged period of time, since reality rarely lives up to the hype. “Tried and true” formulations are rare, particularly in a market where novel ingredients and products are constantly...
read moreEphedra 5, Ephedra Viridis Review: The Only Legal Ephedra In America?
According to Viridis Laboratories, makers of Ephedra 5, their product allows you to… “Enjoy the smooth energy, the increased metabolism, and the proven weight loss of the only clinically proven, legal Ephedra supplement in the United States.” Uh-huh....
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