Basella alba
Also known as “Malabar Spinach”—a tropical vine eaten as a vegetable in Asia and Africa. A handful of cell-culture and rat experiments (performed by the same research group in Cameroon) demonstrated that Basellla extracts could increase testosterone production, but there is zero data in humans; nor any info on what constitutes an effective...
The “D” isomer of L-phenylalanine, an essential amino acid. D-phenylalanine has been used as an alternative treatment for pain relief, on the strength of its alleged ability to inhibit enkephalin breakdown. The supporting studies have been described as “weak and contradictory,” however, with negative results in humans and primates. It’s also claimed that d-phenylalanine increases brain phenethylamine...
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
CLA represents a family of linoleic acid isomers containing conjugated* double bonds. The two primary isomers in commercial supplements are c9, t11-CLA and t10, c12-CLA.** Supplemental CLA has a range of potential health effects – both positive and negative. CLA has antioxidant and anti-cancer activity, and may be beneficial for fat loss. It may also increase inflammation and insulin resistance. The type of effects seen may...
Cordia salicifolia
See Chá de Bugre.