Read Lipozene Testimonials, Comments & Feedback
Below you’ll find some unsolicited customer comments and testimonials on Lipozene and details about the results they obtained with the product. If you’d like to have your own comments on Lipozene featured here, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page. We’d love to hear your story, and so would our readers! Second, please recognize that there are many valid reasons why any product will or will not work for an...
Lipo Seduction 2250 Review & Information
The advert for Lipo Seduction 2250 (the “2250” part of the name refers to the total number of milligrams of active ingredients per serving) claims its unique blend of ingredients is designed to… “…be taken before those occasional “cheat meals”, LipoSeduction 2250 includes both a fat (chitosan) and carb blocker (phaseolus vulgaris) to prevent you from absorbing all those extra calories!” According to...
Review: Glucomannan For Weight Loss
Glucomannan is a simple fiber supplement. Clinical data shows it helps with hunger, cravings and weight loss – plus it’s cheap, and for that reason it’s worth a try in our books.
FiberThin: The Miracle Weight Loss Fiber Supplement?
The folks selling FiberThin would have you believe that they are providing some sort of miracle supplement. But what they’re really selling you is fiber. And you don’t need to spend big money to add it into your diet (ZetaCap, another fiber supplement, is outrageously advertised as “an alternative to gastric bypass surgery”). Don’t get me wrong, adequate fiber intake is a critical element of good health....
Fat Trapper Fat Blocker Review: Does Fat Trapper “Block” Fat?
According to one Web site I found selling Fat Trapper… “Fat Trapper™ bonds to fats and lipids, which are then discharged by the body. This bond is extremely strong and renders the fat non-absorbable by the digestive system, acting like a magnet and is 100% natural. Each capsule can stop fat from entering your blood stream. Excess fat is naturally eliminated undigested. Then your body can go to work on the fat stored by...
Diet Tech Review: Muscle Tech’s Response To My Review
Someone over at Iovate Health Sciences (that’s the name of the company MuscleTech operates under these days) didn’t feel I gave their Diet-Tech product a fair review, and they weren’t slow to say so. In the spirit of free and balanced discourse, I have posted their reponse to my review below. The only thing I would say in response to their comments would be… “What is the name of the peer-reviewed journal...