Review: Bill Phillips' Body for Life Diet - Diet Reviews

Review: Bill Phillips’ Body for Life Diet

Bill Phillips’ Body for Life program is one of the most popular diets on the market today, and for good reason…

Supporters of the Body for Life diet say that it emphasizes a variety of mouth-watering, nutritious foods, while stressing the need for weight lifting and aerobic exercise on a daily basis. It’s hard to go wrong following this advice. Keep in mind however, this program is not so much a diet as a way of life.

And that’s the way it should be.

Also available is an exercise journal designed to accompany the book, Body for Life. The journal includes daily nutrition and exercise charts, a place for dieters to record their progress, along with “Body for Life” success stories.

Phillips calls the journal a “documentary of each and every participant’s success in completing the Challenge and creating their own body of work — a healthy, strong physique, a clear and empowered mind, and exciting, fulfilled positive emotions.”

Phillips’ Body for Life has certainly been successful. It was on the New York Times bestseller list three years after its publication, with more than three million copies sold.

Fans of the program say that the guidelines for measuring portions of food are easier to use than those found in many other popular diet programs. The diet also keeps you satisfied and energetic since you typically consume six small meals a day – except for a free day when you can eat anything you want (eating small meals balances blood sugar levels, and reduces cravings).

Those who’ve found success with the program say that, while at first the free day may be a temptation to overindulgence, it eventually becomes a day like most others in terms of food consumption.

In Phillips’ own words: “I certainly don’t think there’s anything special about my DNA. I think it’s a myth that you have to have a certain type of genetics to get in shape.”

His “Eating for Life” plan is based on four elements: the right foods, in the right amounts, in the right combinations, and the right times. Phillips claims that, by following his formula, you can “feed your body in a balanced, healthy, satisfying and effective way.” He promises dieters more energy, strength, and reduced bodyfat.

A sample diet would include a ham omelet with whole wheat toasts for breakfast; an apple and cheese for mid-meal; taco-seasoned ground beef with onions and tomatoes for lunch; a strawberry-banana nutrition shake for mid-meal; peppered steak with vegetables for dinner; and a fortified fudgecicle for dessert.

The program is a 12-week program with time sensitive goals. This can be seen as a disadvantage, since successful weight loss needs to be an on-going matter rather than a limited engagement.

Phillips also uses dietary supplements and nutritional shakes in his program – a turn-off for those who do not like to spend extra money on weight loss concoctions. No surprise here, Bill’s long-time involvement with supplement giant EAS is well-documented.

Those who rate diets say that Phillips’ version tends to be better than most because of its focus on exercise. In fact, exercise is the one element that appears to be most crucial in long-term weight loss.

Phillips, however, de-emphasizes cardiovascular exercise, and for good reason — building muscle is the most effect exercise for weight loss. Not only do you burn calories while you exercise, your new-found muscle increases your metabolic requirements. Weight training can elevate the metabolism for up to 48 hours post workout — a benefit not provided by cardio.

Bottom line?

It’s a good, solid program. It covers all the fundamentals — stick to the guidelines, and I’ve no doubt you’ll succeed. But you’ll fork out quite a few extra dollars for shakes and supplements.

Author: Paul

Paul Crane is the founder of His passions include supplements, working out, motorcycles, guitars... and of course, his German Shepherd dogs.

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