51 Treats, Snacks and Foods You Won’t Believe Are Diet Legal!
*Updated March 1, 2017*

She’s happy! You will be too!
Dieting sucks.
We all know that.
But dieting today is a lot less painful than it was back in your granddaddy’s day. Yes, thanks to some real innovation from creative thinking food-geeks in white lab coats, dieting no longer means…
- Always having to give up your favorite foods.
- Eating plain boring fare morning ’til night.
- Never enjoying a sweet treat or salty snack.
So, to make life easier for you, and to introduce you to some of the many options “out there”, we took it upon ourselves to compile the BIG list of 51 diet legal foods.
And you won’t believe what’s on it – just about everything. From pork rinds to seaweed wraps, to ice cream and gelato to high protein breads and nitrate free jerky… but hey; I’ll let you check it out for yourself!
Here’s the “Quick and Dirty” on these “diet legal” foods:
- “Diet legal” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a substitute for healthy meals. It may only be acceptable as a “legal” treat.
- Some foods may be sweetened with non-digestible sugar alcohols (which may cause stomach upset for some).
- Specialty diet foods can sometimes command a premium price. Just FYI.
- Have we missed anything? Have you got a favorite? Let us know in the comments we’ll add it to the next list!
- Have you tried any of the products listed? We’d LOVE to hear your feedback. Scroll down to leave your comments!
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And Now… 51 Diet Legal Treats, Snacks and Foods!
Enough talking! Let’s get started on the list already!
1. FlapJacked’s Pancakes Mix

Now that’s a 6-pack I can get into!
Packing 20 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving, who’d have thought pancakes could be anything other than a cheat meal? Plenty of delicious flavors to choose from, too!
2. Walden Farms’ Zero Calorie Pancake Syrup
No point in having those delicious, high protein pancakes if you smother them in high-calorie syrup!
Walden Farms solves that problem with their calorie free pancake syrup!
Here’s the link to learn more!
3. FlapJacked’s Mighty Muffins

A 12-pack of Mighty Muffins!
I haven’t tried these yet, but hear they’re darned delicious. 20 grams of protein and only 220 calories per serving?
Where do I sign up? Right here!
4. Miracle Noodle’s Zero Calorie Rice
Really? Rice with no calories? How awesome is that!
Here’s where you can learn more!
P.S. Thanks to Sumi from ShailaFitness for the head’s up on this one!
5. Body Crunch
Yep… there’s a new way to “boost” your protein content.
New and delicious, I should say.
Body Crunch refers to “Gluten Free Protein Crunchies” that you sprinkle over yogurt, cereal, oatmeal or add to recipes to boost the protein content.
Looks good to me. Find out more on BodyBuilding.com!
6. MHP’s High Protein Pudding

Delicious served chilled!
Delicious, but best served chilled – just chuck into the refrigerator and hour or two before serving. Filling, too! You won’t believe it!
A nice treat and a really awesome and guilt-free way to inject 30 grams of protein into your diet. Around $3, they’re a bit pricey, but if you consider what you’d spend if you were on the go to grab a healthy snack (even a protein bar) their value becomes evident.
7. Bulk Egg Whites from Muscle Egg
Tired of cracking eggs, separating the whites and dumping the yolks down the drain?
There’s an easier way; buying egg whites in bulk. And when it comes to egg whites, no one does it like Muscle Egg.
Check it out at…
P.S. They even offer flavored egg whites (add ’em to your shakes!).
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8. Egg Beaters
Most dieters have tried these, one time or another. But did you know they have a number of delicious flavors? Try the sumptuous “Southwestern Style” flavor – it’s a favorite of Sumi’s, one of our authors.
9. Low Carb Pizza Crust from ThinSlim Foods
Pizza’s normally a “cheat” day food, right? Well, not anymore. With a delicious, low carb pizza crust, you can enjoy pizza much more often!
For best dieting results, top with low fat mozarella, cottage cheese (yes, really), ricotta or feta. These will spice up your taste buds while keeping the fat (and calorie) content down!
10. High Protein bread and Bagels from Formulated P28

Finally, bread is back on the diet!
I dunno about you, but I freakin’ love bread and bagels.
And fresh baked bread?
Don’t get me started.
But it’s not exactly diet food, is it?
P28 to the rescue; these guys are the masters of high protein bread and you definitely should try some, even if it’s only as the occasional treat.
Grab a 4-pack (2 bags of bagels, 2 loaves of bread) for $23 here!
11. Krave’s Nitrate Free Beef and Turkey Jerky
Jerky doesn’t need an introduction. Multiple flavors. Yum.
Stock up here!
12.Nori Seaweed Wraps
You can roll your own sushi, or use this instead of a tortilla, sandwich bread or pita to wrap your sandwich, tuna – whatever – and the taste is awesome!
Lots of brands available online; iHerb sells numerous varieties – have a look for yourself!
13. Ostrim beef and Ostrich Snacks
Did you know ostrich is a really great high protein low fat food?
I’ve eaten a truckload of these and they’re darn tasty. And don’t worry… you can’t taste the ostrich! More details here!
14. Nitrate Free Chicken Jerky from Caveman Foods

3 awesome flavors!
When you’re tired of turkey and beef, why not try chicken? Nitrate free too, gotta love that!
15. High Protein Vegan And Gluten-Free Baking Mix!
No gluten. Vegan. High protein. If this floats your boat, this is the bomb. From Clutch BodyShop.
‘Nuff said.
Details can be found here!
16. High Protein Wraps
I’ve mentioned P28 earlier for their awesome high protein breads and bagels, but it’s also worth noting that they also do a great job of wraps, too!
17. Walden Farms Calorie Free Dressings
So good, you have to taste them to believe it! Lots of different variations and flavors to choose from. The vinagrette, I hear, is awesome.
18. Kay’s Naturals’ Protein Pretzel Sticks
12 grams proteins, 15 grams carbs. Not exactly a true diet food, but beats the you-know-what out of “regular” pretzels, huh?
19. Quest Nutrition Protein Chips

3 delicious flavors!
Cue Homer Simpson…
Mmmmmmm… potato chips.
Chips are standard “cheat” food in our house. High in fat and the worst sort of carbs, you can’t eat chips without feeling guilty – even on a cheat day.
Quest nutrition has changed that; their chips have 21 grams protein, 5 carbs and 2 fat.
Say whaaaaat?
20. Powdered Peanut Butter
Ahhh… peanut butter.
Along with cheese, it’s one of my biggest weaknesses.
Powdered PB provides the delicious taste, with a fraction of the calories. Mix with water to regular peanut butter consistency, and then use exactly like you’d use the “regular” stuff.
Here’s where you can get the down low on this!
21. Daryl’s Bars

Best. Bar. EVER! (Image courtesy of Reaumephoto.com)
Once you’ve eaten one of these, you won’t eat any other protein bar ever again.
I guarantee it. Seriously.
No junk, tons of protein and fiber. Best served chilled. Oats you can see. Based out of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Visit them at DarylsBars.com.
22. Walden Farms’ Calorie Free Caramel Dip
Also offered in marshmallow and chocolate flavors. Can you give me a “BOO-YAA?”
23. Glenny’s 100 calorie Brownies
Yessir. 100 calorie, mouth-wateringly delicious brownies. From Glennys.
Try ’em. You’ll love ’em.
24. Genisoy Zesty BBQ Soy Nuts
Tasty, and boasts 11 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, but calories add up quick because of the fat (6 grams per serving), so keep an eye on your serving sizes to keep your diet on track.
25. Walden Farms’ Fruit Spread

A 6-pack of calorie-free fruit spreads! Yeah baby!
Walden Farms make a ton of delicious calorie free offerings, so it’s no surprise they’ve made it onto our list again, this time with their fruit spreads.
26. Daryl’s Bee Fresh Chocolate Cereal
Cereal with 20 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber per serving? Sign me up!
27. Miracle Noodle’s Low Carb Angel Hair Pasta and Fettucini
More great low carb offerings from the folks at Miracle Noodle.
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28. Bare Fruit’s Crunchy Cinnamon Apple Chips
Here’s a novel idea; use apples for chips, instead of potaotos. Haven’t tried them yet, but feedback is overwhelmingly positive. Check them out here!
29. Carrington Farm’s Flax & Chia Seed Blend
Two awesome seeds together at last! Sprinkle over cereals, shakes, yogurt, salad, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, casseroles and so on to get the nutritional benefit from these awesome seeds!
30. Eden Foods Organic Popping Kernels
Popcorn, of course, is low-calorie, high in fiber, contains a ton of antioxidants and is darn good for you. It’s only when you start slathering it in butter and salting the dickens out of it that it turns into a dieting “no no.”
Try Eden’s organic popping kernels coupled with some low calorie topping recipes for an awesome, diet-legal snack.
31. Seapoint Farms, Dry Roasted Edamame

Get your fiber fix!
What a snack; Edamame beans offer up 14 grams protein, 8 grams of fiber and 10 grams of carbs per serving! Yeah baby! Sign me up!
32. Bob’s Low Carb Baking Mix
Low carb baking flour isn’t new… but having one that actually taste good is. By all accounts, Bob’s is the real deal. Check it out!
33. Nature’s Own Calorie Reduced Breads!
Sumi, from ShailaFitness suggested this one – she’s said their stuff is awesome. Chewy and awesome. See for yourself here!
34. Kim’s Magic Pop Snack

Highlighting 8 of 12 delcicious flavors!
Again, these also come highly recommended by the lovely Sumi Singh from Shailafitness.
What’s “Magic Pop?” you’re asking?
I wondered the same thing. From the horse’s mouth…
“Magic Pop is a freshly popped grain snack that is a wholesome blend of wheat, brown rice and corn made with today’s health-conscious consumers in mind. You’ll love Kim’s Magic Pop because of the airy, crispy texture and the delicious, filling flavor!”
Sounds good! Here’s where you can grab ’em!
35. Big Train Low Carb Blended Ice Mocha Mix

Low carb specialty coffees are back on the menu!
Sometimes when you’re dieting, it’s the little things you miss the most.
Like your specialty blended coffees, for instance.
They’re off-limits because of their bazillion calories.
Thanks to Big Train’s low carb blended ice mocha mix, you’re getting a “free pass” on that one, too! Mix with milk, water, or fire up the Keurig, blend your favorite coffee and add it to that.
They also make a caramel latte mix and numerous other flavors as well.
Rated 4.5 stars out of 5 on 50 customer reviews on Amazon.com.
36. GK Skinny Pasta

I can’t wait to try these!
GK Skinny Pasta offers protein-fortified low carb pastas.
Boasting a mere 110 calories per serving with 10 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 10 grams of carbs, this is one pasta I’ve just gotta try!
P.S. After seeing this article, the good folks from Skinny Pasta have offered to send me samples of all their products to try, so look for further comments soon!
Learn more at LovePastaAgain.com.
37. Jell-O Sugar Free Instant Pudding
Ah, good old Jell-O. Trust them to make a delicious, sugar free instant pudding. It’s available online, and wherever you buy your groceries.
Pick up a couple of boxes next time you’re out grocery shopping!
38. Lowrey’s Microwave Pork Rinds

2 grams of fat, 9 grams of protein! Boo-Yaa!
Yeah. Pork rinds. Hard to believe, isn’t it? These tasty little buggers, however, offer up a mere 2 grams of fat per 60 calorie serving! And 9 grams of protein! My question is…
Do they sell them by the shipping container?
39. Mr. Freeze No Sugar Added Freezies
Freezies are essential fare on a nice blazing hot summer’s day. But essentially, they’re sugar and water and while not overburdened with calories, they’re not the most diet friendly of foods. The sugar free version solves this problem.
Grab ’em at your local grocery store or online!
40. Cool Whey’s Protein Ice Cream

Protein ice cream! Who’d have thought?
Billed as “North America’s First Protein Ice Cream”, this is too good to be true! Yes…
Cool Whey’s ice cream sports a whopping 23 grams of protein per serving! And no added sugar! It’s ice cream you don’t have to feel guilty about!
Learn more at the official web site, or purchase online!
41. Lilly’s Homestyle Low Carb Macaroons
Guilt free macaroons. Does anything more really need to be said? Grab ’em online!
42. Krunchy Melts Sugar-Free Meringues
30 calories for 10 sugar-free meringues? Deal. Stock up here!
43. WildWood Aioli Zesty Garlic Mayo Alternative
According to the retailers, Wildwood Aioli is a delicious spread with all the richness and flavour of mayonnaise, but without the usual eggs, refined sugars, and preservatives. Haven’t tried it, but product feedback appears positive.
44. Quantum’s Gelato

Awesome, tasty, high protein treat!
You might find it hard to believe but this product packs 20 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber per serving.
In gelato, mind you. It’s a wonderful world we live in, no?
Learn more here, and purchase online from The Low Carb Grocery.
45. Bella Vita Low Carb Pasta Sauce
I’ve included a couple of diet-friendly pasta options on this list, so it only makes sense that I hunt down a low carb pasta sauce to go with it. Only 4 net carbs per serving, and loads of raving reviews!
P.S. Hunts also makes a no sugar added pasta sauce; check your local grocery store!
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46. ThinSlim Foods Hamburger Buns
Check this out; 100 calories per bun, two net carbs (and 14 frickin’ grams of fiber! Holy crap!), 4 grams of fat and 14 grams of protein. If you’re sick and tired of eating hamburgers without the buns, these are an awesome treat! Yeah baby!
To learn more, click here!
47. Just the Cheese Crunchy Jalepeno Snack
Awesome snack food for all you low carb dieters. Only one carb per serving. More cheese please!
48. Beanitos Gluten-Free Bean Chips
One serving contains 11 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein. Keep an eye on the serving size, ’cause it’s it’s too easy to eat too many!
49. Prototoast High Fibre High Protein Toast

Fiber, fiber, fiber.
28 grams of fiber in a single serving! Holy crap! Plus 10 grams of protein, too! Unbelieveable!
Get your toast back, click here!
50. CarbRite Brownie Mix with Chocolate Chips
CarbRite makes low carb protein bars, and they also make a pretty popular brownie mix, so you can crank out your own diet friendly brownies hot from the oven.
51. Dannon Oikos Greek Nonfat Yogurt Plain
Let’s face it… yogurt usually sucks as a diet food. Sure, those tiny serving cups may contain next to no calories, but they’re pretty much entirely comprised of sugar.
Not good.
This product is one of the best options available for dieters; 0 fat, a mere 6 grams of sugars, and 15 grams of protein. It’s widely available in grocery stores, or check out the official web site online.
What Are Your Favorite Diet-Friendly Foods?

How’d we do?
Whaddya think?
Did we hit the mark with our list? Or did we leave out a favorite of yours?
If there’s anything we missed, please scroll down and let us know in the comments!
It would really help us out!
Oh, can we ask you to share? That would be awesome! Thanks! 🙂
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November 10, 2015
I found 15 calorie pancake maple syrup at both Walmart and Netrition. I combine one of these with 0 calorie pancake sugar free syrup again at Netrition. Ebay and Netrition and other sites carry all kinds of sugar free syrups from French Vanilla to S’mores to liquid sweetener and just about every flavor you can think of. I make a hot chocolate using these syrups and 100% cacao powder (all grocery stores) and 1 or 2 tsp of a low calorie hot chocolate powder.
I love marshmallows and will count out 10-15 minis in a cup of my hot chocolate but would love to find a Splenda or Stevia or other sugar free artificial sweetener mini marshmallow!!!!
November 11, 2015
Thanks for sharing Laura!